• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


Interesting. The rimward border has some interesting sites. Amderstun and Malorn look fun. I'm not sure why Holowun is fully populated when its neighbors are so unexplored.

Because I wanted a sector to set my game - much like you I wanted it away from the Imperium and mostly left alone for the last three thousand years.
EDIT: Also, if you have the Hardcover-T5 BBB, on the inside cover there is a map of Charted Space. Some major polities, societies and groups are noted on this map by symbols. If you look closely, in the Theta Borealis Sector, there is a spiral-symbol that is noted as "The Enigma of Theta Borealis". I have no idea what that means.

Hah, I never noticed that one. Intriguing...