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Full auto 50 cal rifle

Blue Ghost

SOC-14 5K
Apparently the Hungarian GM6 Lynx is a "full" (read that as semi-) auto "sniper" rifle that can be fired in a very slow full automatic mode. I've not seen this anywhere in any game, and only stumbled across it earlier today when looking for more vids on body armor.

I'm not an expert on guns, and not really into weapons other than for game purposes, and as such this strikes me as being a rather interesting addition to this game.

Anyone with any thoughts?
There's footage on YouTube of what appears to be a US Soldier lying on his stomach with the thing holding the trigger, and the weapon firing one round after another, albeit slowly. Other footage shows the firers pulling the trigger for each shot, but pulling the trigger in relatively quick succession for each shot. It's like something akin to firing off several rounds from an assault rifle in semi-automatic mode. It's pretty interesting stuff.

I don't know, I'm no expert on weapons so maybe I'm not interpreting the footage correctly, but even if it is semiauto mode it looks like an interesting weapon to have on the battlefield.
Apparently the Hungarian GM6 Lynx is a "full" (read that as semi-) auto "sniper" rifle that can be fired in a very slow full automatic mode.
Yea, it's not any of these.

It's a bull pup semi-auto .50 cal anti-material rifle. That is, it's designed to shoot at trucks and jeeps.

It's also not a "sniper" rifle, as it's not really a precision rifle. All rifles strive for some level of precision, some rifles more than others. And this isn't one of them. A scope does not a "sniper" rifle make. Specifically, bull pup designs tend to have rather bad triggers, which is a key component to marksmanship. But when your target is a jeep, it's less important.

We already have something like this in Traveller. In Book 4, it's the Light Assault Gun, only it weight less.
As I recall, Light Assault Gun on full automatic would need battle dress.
Light Assault Gun (LAG): Essentially a heavy rifle, the LAG fires a 20 mm, 30 gram bullet at velocities of 400 to 500 meters per second. A magazine containing 5 rounds is inserted Into the underside of the weapon, ahead of the trigger guard. Reloadlng takes one combat round. during which the firer is treated as evading. One round is fired per pull of the trigger. Ammunltion includes HE, flechette, and 20/9 mm discarding sabot rounds.

50 cal is 12.5mm.

The Lahti is, essentially, a LAG.
, but here's another;
So, yea, couple of key points here that make this unique.

The first is the recoil action. having the entire action recoil lets the weight of the barrel and the springs absorb much of he recoil force. Still kicks like a mule, it's just a weaker mule.

The mass of the rifle is farther back, with the support of the pistol and foregrip. As you can see as they try to maneuver through the tactical courses, you can actually swing this rifle without it taking you with it. The Barrett (the most well know of the .50 cal semi-auto rifles) is only about 5lbs more at 30lbs than this, but it's very long in contrast. It also doesn't have the recoil compensation that this does (which is why it's typically shot from the prone position).

That said, I would not want to carry that rifle. It's nice it can be more readily carried at the ready position, but I sure wouldn't want to be the one doing it.
Well, it was something I had never heard of and came across yesterday, so I thought I'd share it. I think one of the gun gurus on YT stated that it was used for something other than sniping but still battlefield related. It strikes me as being something that players might want to use in their sessions.
  • LAG = 30 gram projectile @ 400 to 500 m/s = 2400 to 3750 joules
  • .50 BMG Ammo = 12.7 x 99 mm NATO = 42 to 52 gram projectile @ 900 m/s = 18,000 to 20,000 joules
  • Lahti = 20 x 133 mm = 120 gram projectile @ 900 m/s = 47,000 joules
Some energy comparisons.
My history could be off, but I think at the time Mercenary was written, Light Assault Gun was twenty millimetres, and the Barrett was a gleam in the designer's eye.

The point of an anti materiel rifle is to be a spoilsport, besides the obvious sniper application, but a mobile one; I'm not quite sure what role the light assault gun fulfills, that wouldn't more easily be resolved by a rocket propelled grenade.
I think at one time it was against the Geneva Convention to use a .50cal as an anti-personal weapon. It was a anti materiel or anti-aircraft weapon only.
I'm not quite sure what role the light assault gun fulfills, that wouldn't more easily be resolved by a rocket propelled grenade.
Bullets are lighter/cheaper than RAM grenades, and you can get a higher rate of fire for better suppression characteristics.
That and precision -- direct fire rather than indirect -- (which is also logistics -- fewer kg of ammo needed per kill).

Now, add terminal guidance to those RAM grenades and the math changes. . .
The anti materiel rifle can be utilized for suppression, which in comparison is much easier to schlep around than the Light Assault Gun.

I don't think any of our militaries have one, with the preference apparently being modern bazookas.
I remember seeing a video of this beast by Ian "Gun Jesus" McCullum. He was grateful to be shooting the .50 BMG version than Russian 12.7 x 108mm. The recoil was more of a above than a kick, but still a very hard shove.