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Fun times at Farreach, would you use this, what would you change?


The local Baron requests your help to retrieve a group of 48 young church members who broke an Amber Zone blockade at Farreach. They are trying to stop inter-tribal war that has been going on for a decade using religion and platitudes of peace.
The tribes are TL3 using melee weapons, easily manufactured projectile weapons, and imported smuggled weapons. The subterranean towns across the world are all involved. The port is maintained by the Zhodani and is heavily defended. It can supply basic starship needs of consumables, but no repair capabilities are available. The fighting is five groups of Vargr, humans, and Zhodani who colonized the system from many different Vargr worlds. One group looks similar to shepherds, another like poodles and the other resemble boxers. Hunan and Zhodani have also colonized this planet. A Chirper settlement in 3 towns have been destroyed. The war is a war of ethnic cleansing causing the planetary population to drop from 200,000 down to 40,000, a loss of 80 percent.
The system is located near the Vargr, Zhodani, and Imperial border. News reports from independent news sources claim that teams of agitators from different governments are responsible for the length of the fighting. They supply weapons, munitions, and nasty propaganda to all sides. The news services would pay to get solid proof of any fiddling with the system, government, civilian or otherwise.
The world is Farreach 1402, Jewell Subsector, in the Spinward Marches. UWP was A200575-B. It is now effectively C200400-7 and steadily dropping.
The ships
A subsidized merchant, the” Merciful Hope”, has been chartered by the Baron and outfitted with 50 extra cold sleep modules, a small medical bay, and jump drives upgraded to jump 2 with extra fuel tanks to support jump 2. It has two dual turrets each containing a pulse laser and sandcaster. The ship is located in the Regina subsector at Yres 1802. Most of its crew was dead from radiation poisoning during a Vargr raid at Yres. The kids used an old standard 600-Dton subsidized liner they highjacked that they renamed “Interstellar Peace”.
the pay scale is
12,000 Cr per uninjured kid
4,000 Cr per injured kid
500 Cr per kids’ body
10 MCr Recovery of the “Interstellar Peace” to Regina.

Referee only.
Outside instigation
Weapons and ammunition have been supplied by GSbAG, Instellarms LIC, Ling-Standard Products, the Zhodani consulate, and various Vargr pirate gangs. The Vargr are in it for profit, the others to step in and “save” the people by imposing peace on the warring groups so they can exploit them ruthlessly. Several news reporters have transmitted false reports to continue the hatred the fighting is based on. The Zhodani customs officials at the port automatically scan all newcomers looking for evil intent and to stop weapons and munitions shipments. The Zhodani maintains 3 Shiva Class Patrol Frigates in orbit to catch smugglers and stop raiders. Relief shipments are welcome, but carefully inspected. The food of several shipments from the Vargr have been found poisoned. A shipment of advanced combat rifles was found rigged to detonate while in use. Other examples of sabotage have been found. News organizations will pay for any solid proof and more for detailed information of who is doing the sabotaged shipments.
World Economy
Mining operations and hydroponic farms are two of the few labor types still in operation. The ores are smelted near the mines and traded for arms. The farms are the only food source of the people. Many of the farms and a few of the smelters have been destroyed. Food is becoming scarce. The minerals still being mined per month are 5D6 tons of Silver, 100 D6 tons of Iron, 400 Dtons tons of Copper, 1D6 tons of Lanthanum, 1D6-3 tons of Gold, 10 Dtons nitrogen and 100 Dtons of Carbon. The farms provide around 1000 calories per day for inhabitants. Rationing by farm coops is in effect. Merchants trade food, meds, and nonweapon equipment for whatever minerals they can get at fire sale prices.
The kids
The kids to be saved on the planet are between the ages of 10 and 30. Their leaders are 30 years old and ready to let their entire group be martyred on the alter of peace. The kids chant “Universal Peace or Death!” The kids are spreading out as soon as they arrive to try and reach as many of the warring fighters as possible. They have been infected with a Cholera like disease transmitted by moisture touch. That means anyone can be infected by touching a surface touched by a sick kid within 48 hours. All of the 48 kids have been infected. The disease affects anyone infected by 1D6-4 points loss each day from endurance, dexterity and strength for each day infected. The disease was engineered to not only be immune to Panaceas but an injection of panacea will cause anaphylactic shock leading to death within 1D6-2 days. The only way to stop the anaphylactic shock is regular massive infusions of 4 gallons of water until the serum in injected in that person. Both of the kid’s leaders are each carrying data chips detailing the disease. They will destroy the data chips if they believe they are about to be captured. With the data chip and experienced medical workers, the disease can be mitigated. It will take 3D6-highest Medical skill in days to create enough serum to cure the disease. The kids will arrive 1D7 days before the group. Their infection started after their last jump to Farreach before grounding at the post. They will become infectious in 4 days. The locals will harm the kids at a rate of 1D6-3 per day. Of those harmed, they will die from wounds at a rate of 1D6-2 days. If they reach advanced medical care before dying, they can be kept alive. The disease will still be transmitted by their blood for 48 hours. Without the disease serum, the group will not live to collect the reward.
The three chirper towns destroyed were not actually destroyed and were actually Droyne who used face domes and psionics to give the impression that their towns were obliterated leaving nothing of use not heavily irradiated. No one wants to deal with radioactive junk! Their manufacturing and mining are proceeding as normal as is their production of Droyne jump capable ships. Only Droyne characters trained with psionics can discover the deception.
You have about 40,000 people spread out in subterranean towns over the entire world surface. Their production Tech Level is 3. How are they reaching each other to fight? As it is a Zhodani world, why have the Zhodani not stamped out the fighting, given the limited numbers involved? How are the kids supposed to reach all of the subterranean towns involved in the fighting, given that this is a vacuum world?

A calorie consumption of 1,000 calories per day is not sufficient for any form of meaningful work, especially at Tech Level 3, where most of the effort will be muscle power.

Lastly, the world is within the borders of the Zhodani Empire. Violation of that border is not something to be lightly engaged in by any local Baron.
You have about 40,000 people spread out in subterranean towns over the entire world surface. Their production Tech Level is 3. How are they reaching each other to fight? As it is a Zhodani world, why have the Zhodani not stamped out the fighting, given the limited numbers involved? How are the kids supposed to reach all of the subterranean towns involved in the fighting, given that this is a vacuum world?

A calorie consumption of 1,000 calories per day is not sufficient for any form of meaningful work, especially at Tech Level 3, where most of the effort will be muscle power.

Lastly, the world is within the borders of the Zhodani Empire. Violation of that border is not something to be lightly engaged in by any local Baron.

I did include the UWP from LBB Sup 3 stating TL B and SJ Games Behind the claw at TL 9. The tech levels would allow transport between the cities by tube, but restrict industrial production priorities to only the most critical items. Those items would be necessities to keep air flowing and some of the machines working to provide for defense and limited offense. I have served in areas of our world with failing governments and remembered what was happening. People in power make decisions of what to keep working and what to scavenge. These are harsh places where things not nailed down will disappear and items bolted down will stay put until the first person with a wrench comes along. if you put up a fence, the fence will be gone. if you try using a solid steel bank door, someone is going to have a fancy new front door. Morality changes when the life of your family is at stake. People live with new morals and what is considered an outsider is not considered a citizen so they become the new outlaws.
You are correct that 1000 calories a day will not allow a person doing manual labor to maintain a consistent weight. It will allow a person to do lighter work while dropping all excess weight. Starvation will set in after a while. The Nazis during WWII did experiment on just how many calories it would take to get the most out of slave labor before they died. The Somalis were called skinnies for a reason by foreign troops. Due to their low-calorie diet, they were anorexic as a whole, with a few working for the warlords looking very round and well fed.
The residents of Farreach are living in tunnels and caves, subject to genocidal raids at any time, being feed by damaged hydroponic farms would be lacking overall in calories. Any town looking well fed would be inviting a deadly raid. After 10 years and losing 80% of their population, things like trust, perception, morality, and commerce would change from the norm. When agitated from the outside by groups with purposes of their own having nothing to do with their welfare, peoples trust and morals will change. Any merchant trading in importing grain for minerals will be welcome and get hospitable treatment. A merchant trying to import luxury goods will get taken for everything they can get. Gun runners must have some solid contacts on planet to make a profit as they smuggle weapons and ammunition in. A mix of small arms, ammunition, and grain food will make for a profitable mineral load going out. The grain food will also be decent cover for customs searches.
The Zhodani will be trying to keep the violence down by any means they can. This is a non-producing world on the border with non Zhodani killing off other non Zhodani. They have dedicated 3 Shiva Class Patrol Frigates for customs duty to keep weapons out. The starport is Zhodani controlled falling from class A to Class C because of very limited local support. Patrols in the local startown would be used to keep local violence under control. A few thought police, thought sanitation, and local policing trying to keep the world-wide violence down. They have found advance notice on raids, smuggling operations and extermination attempts have stopped the free fall of the population numbers. Without the Zhodani support, this planet would be an ideal pirate base for multiple pirate gangs.
Are the natives tribes fighting over food resources, then?
Any cannibalism? Hunting and fishing?
Native wildlife edible by humans?
Zhodani thought police

If everyone is scanned for intent at the Starport then they will be captured there and then end of trip.

You are absolutely correct, if the team tried to enter at the Zhodani port, the mission would end there unless they were extremely good with the fast talk, in the Zhodani language.
Think what you would do if you were in charge of a rescue/kidnap crew getting the kids out. Piss poor planning is not an excuse, it is failure.
What different fail points would you have to deal with and how would you make it past those points? You know it is Zhodani controlled, so how do you deal with that.
You should anticipate customs patrols, Thought Police, a vacuum surface, Tunnel travel, roving gangs of armed cannibals that know the area much better than you.
Landing on the surface away from the port is an option, but where?
Find a refugee from Farreach to use as a guide?
What equipment will help locate the kids, keep you alive, sneak past the Zhodani in and out.
What about trying to highjack the kids ship for that reward. What would you need?
What kind of group would be successful? What sets of skills? Weapons, Body Armor, Vacc-suits?
How about an exit plan? You have two ships to get out, with as many of the kids as possible.
How to handle the disease when the team finds out about it? Do you put out a rumor or a contact who knows of it willing to go along with the team?
This adventure is designed to get your group to be able to preplan and equip effectively, then see how well they think on their feet when new information comes crashing down on their best laid plans. It is not a one-night game. It is to let the players have something to brag about 20 years later.
For inspiration, Think of the civil war in the Balkans and Bosnia, the government breakdown in Somalia and Rwanda. The outside governmental fiddling with Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Throw in a deadly pandemic and anything else to turn the game into a horrific meatgrinder.
The players could be anything to a crew of retired Imperial Marines each with full Battle Dress and FGMP15s with an average of 20 skill points to a just a few characters just met up in a bar averaging 4 skill points each. Which group do you think would have a better chance of success? You know your gaming group! Make it memorable and interesting. The characters need to remember the Chinese and Viking curses “May you live in interesting times!” and “May you die a useless old man in bed!”
You are absolutely correct, if the team tried to enter at the Zhodani port, the mission would end there unless they were extremely good with the fast talk, in the Zhodani language.

No, if they read it in your mind only a low IQ type would believe what you are saying is the truth if it differed from your thoughts. Also the ship will be spotted as it exits jump so going direct to the planet surface will get you attacked by the patrol ships which will take out the ship you have the PCs using.

Think what you would do if you were in charge of a rescue/kidnap crew getting the kids out. Piss poor planning is not an excuse, it is failure.

Right but inadequate gear is a shooting offence. If I were running the NPCs the PCs would need a much better ship as going through customs won't work.
No, if they read it in your mind only a low IQ type would believe what you are saying is the truth if it differed from your thoughts. Also the ship will be spotted as it exits jump so going direct to the planet surface will get you attacked by the patrol ships which will take out the ship you have the PCs using.

Right but inadequate gear is a shooting offence. If I were running the NPCs the PCs would need a much better ship as going through customs won't work.

The limiting factor there is what type of ship would an Imperial Baron have at hand with time being a factor. Do you want the Duke at Regina getting involved with crossing interstellar borders going to a Zhodani planet by Imperial citizens?
Some things you don't want to be published until the situation is handled with a minimum of fallout and political splatter. You could send in a heavy cruiser squadron for the rescue mission, but would that trigger a new Frontier war?
Asking for help from the Zhodani would have a slow response and could give a no answer too late to do anything. Would the US government allow Russian peacekeepers in to help control riots in American cities because the protestors are Socialists? It's as similar example as I could think of without getting into politics that do not belong on the boards.
Trying to get an 800 Dtons Merc Cruiser past customs would really be a nightmare. If time was not a factor, using a Zhodani bulk merchant ship might be a better choice, if you had one. Adding a pre mission high jacking of a Zhodani bulk merchant would definitely be more interesting, but the time pressures and jump distances would be a killer.

Keep coming with the questions.
Anyone figure out how to track the kids yet?
What mix of characters would you suggest?
Loving the questions.
If anyone uses this for an adventure for their group, I would love to hear how they handled it.
The limiting factor there is what type of ship would an Imperial Baron have at hand with time being a factor. Do you want the Duke at Regina getting involved with crossing interstellar borders going to a Zhodani planet by Imperial citizens?

That's the Baron's problem to solve. As a PC I wouldn't care what the Duke did (as long as it wasn't done to me). Why would I go a on suicide mission just because a Baron can't figure out how to borrow a ship sufficient for the job?

Welcome to hiring Mercs. :;):
Given the situation as described, and the extreme difficulty of locating any of the badly misguided individuals involved, I would simply pass on the job, and find something with a higher likelihood of success.

They made their decision, they have to live, or more accurately die, with the results.
You might be surprised at the number of citizens that require evacuation from hazardous areas. The percent that actually resist evacuation would also be surprising. Many of these missions were seen on CNN,, but not all. Some require a quiet exit with a small highly training military team with everything intentionally kept out of all news. When things happen on the secret missions, your relatives will get a decoration with your name on it and an explanation that the casket must stay closed and locked.
This must have been going on for some time to reduce the population from 200K to 40K at TL 3.

That's just simply a lot of work, and the masses wouldn't sit still very long to be slaughtered, and the weapons aren't mechanized enough to make it efficient. And at TL3, most everyone is "living off the land" already to a point.
A subsidized merchant, the” Merciful Hope”, has been chartered by the Baron and outfitted with 50 extra cold sleep modules, a small medical bay, and jump drives upgraded to jump 2 with extra fuel tanks to support jump 2.

There is no direct rout for a J-2 ship from Yres to Farreach. Per the Travellermap the quickest route requires 15 jumps looping through Vilis and Cronor subsectors. This is a journey of at least four months. Presumably the baron wants things handled as soon as possible. A J-3 ship can get from Yres to Farreach in just two jumps, and a J-4 ship in only one.

I think that in less dense areas of space J-3 merchants would not be uncommon, even if not one of the standard designs.
Is this mission supposed to be for a typical tramp freighter / adventurer crew?
A Mercenary ticket?
A pseudo-official "quiet op"?

If my group did not have and cannot get gear and planner(s) to have a reasonable chance of success - including partial success: bring back the bodies or the other transport - then I would not offer this as a credible adventure hook.

But this does sound like it can be adapted into a Hard Times adventure.