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Future-Modern Floor Plans?


SOC-14 1K
Does anyone know of any place that provides or even sells modern or futuristic floor plans that are used for RPGs?

So far, I only found one source... which I quickly purchased from RPGNow. It's the Modern Floor Plans Volume 1. It's perfect for my traveller campaign... since now I have floor plans for hi-rise Hotel/Hotel Restaurant/Large Corporate Office

However.... I want to see more!!! I'd love to see if there are floor plans for modern places like a modern casino, a modern mansion (so modern that it may even have an elevator), futuristic science laboratory, floor plans for a futuristic starport, and maybe even floor plan that is used for the TAS Hostel.

And no... I dont really have time to buy CC2Pro and spend hundreds of hours painstakingly sketching out my own floor plans of some gigantic 30-story starport hotel. ;)

I'd rather just download existing ones out on the Internet. Or maybe buy some affordable PDFs of D20 Modern/Future floor plans. If anyone comes across any of these on the net... please give me a link!
Originally posted by Maladominus:
Does anyone know of any place that provides or even sells modern or futuristic floor plans that are used for RPGs?
I'd love to see if there are floor plans for modern places like a modern mansion (so modern that it may even have an elevator
Check this link for possible Mansion Plans

There's 4 of them and they look good and kinda futuristic... elevators even ;)
Greetings and salutations,

Nice floorplan. Now I do not have to draw one for a Cyberpunk adventure on a university campus (real or imagined).

Thank you

These are "dream homes" - large, well designed and executed homes that people in the top few percent of the population in the US could buy, and the rest can drool over (and a lucky few win them).

There are floor plans and photos for a number of these. The floor plans are not in the 1.5m squares of Traveller, but that's what GMs are for!
I would look at the following resources:
These are very retro-future-istic designs in all sorts of sizes.
These are mostly contemporary home designs, but the occasional cool plan may pop up.
Has some nice commercial plans available for download.
This is a page with links to other pages, not all of which I can testify for, but not horrid.
This site also has some side view plans for large buildings.
This is a large convention center that could double as a weird underground factory or something akin to that.
Has a multi use campus plan

Ultimately you will need to find plans that work for you. I did a Google search of “Floor Plans –home – house” to rule out home plans, which are lousy on the net.