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Gateway PDF

I just bought T20 and would like to get the GAteway sourcebook... but not for the sector, just for K'kree and (hopefully) a Droyne race template. I guess I was too late to get the PDF, but I am not interested in the printed version. Is there anyway to still get the PDF?
Not that I am aware of at this time though

Except as specified as Product Identity (see below and section 1e of the OGL) or Trademarks (see below and section 1f of the OGL), the following material is considered Open Game Content under section 1d of the OGL:

• Chapter 2 - All Racial Traits, Personality, Physical Description, Adventurers and Special Feats entries are considered OGC.
• Chapter 6 - All material in the Cold Fuzion adventure marked in the Arial Narrow font

It is the express intent of QLI that all classes, feats, skills, and other rules that are derivative of the d20 SRD and other Open Game Content be released and added to the existing body of Open Game Content for free use under the principals and requirements of the Open Game License. Those sections that are solely derived from the original Traveller canon works, such as the vehicle and starship design, or the world building rules remain closed content and are not considered Open Game Content.

In addition to the items specified under section 1e of the Open Game License, the following terms and titles are also reserved as Product Identity. A copy of the Open Game License can be found below:

Pharmacom, Vargr, Sydite, Imperial Trade Cluster, Saramid, Bangor City, SuSAG, Shamuus, Ley Sector, Gateway Domain, Diamond-Prince, Third Imperium
So if I read it correctly the race templates and such are open content. Just not easily available. (i.e. no one's typed them up online as far as In know yet)


[EDIT] I'd quoted from the first version of the Gateway PDF...final final version is different.
My point is that I feel like I am going to pay a lot of cash for something I won't use much of. But two things really bother me in this instance:

1. There was a PDF version that was more affordable to me, but now that is gone so I have to get the dead tree version.

2. They included races in this book that are standard in games (such as K'Kree) instead of in the expensive main book. Why: to force me to buy the expensive book I have little other use for. My campaign is in Spinward Marches in the year 488.

Looking at the RPG.net review I see the matrial I am likely to use:

==>17 pages on the major and minor races
==>15 pages on “life and adventuring”, e.g. how the starports work, how the military are organized, trading patterns, organised crime, and a set of adventure hooks.

Hmmm. Thirty bucks for 32 pages I will use. Most of which should have been in the main book (minus sector specific races). That leaves a good 200 pages of "I could care less" material.

Please make the PDF available because I will not buy the printed version. There is much I will pay for: Traveler's Aide Supplements, the proposed subscription area on this web site, etc. But this is unfair.
Well, I for one do not expect you to have much use for the K`Kree in the Spinward Marches.

Putting Alien Races in the books for the sectors where they are most common makes sense to me.

And if you desperately need information on the Alien Races, I can recommend the old CT Alien Modules highly, afaik they will also be reprinted soon.

I won`t buy the book (even though I would gladly do so), because the shipping costs to Europe are much too expensive.
What about the Droyne then? Why are they not in the main book?

BTW: The old aliens books will not help me- I have the GURPS Traveeler stuff. I need the racial info.

BTW part 2: K'Kree are a major race... they can be found in the Marches. Minor races should be in the sector books.

Droyne Racial Traits
All Stats 1D8+5, modified for caste except EDU and SOC.

Droyne with a STR of 8+ can fly short distances in some conditions.

When flying, Droyne can attack with bony spurs on their hind limbs. This is treated as a Brawling attack and inflicts 1d6 damage.

Droyne Base speed is 8 meters.

Most Droyne are Small creatures.

Droyne with a STR or CON of 14 or greater are Medium Sized creatures.

Droyne have a high potential for psionics.

Droyne may take the special feats of Operate Device and Droyne Flight.

Droyne are rather fragile. When attacked with melee weapons wielded by creatures of Medium size or greater, Droyne suffer double damage after armor has been taken into account.

Automatic Languages: Oynprith.

Droyne Special Feat: Droyne Flight
Any Droyne with sufficient strength can fly short distances using its own small wings, but only Droyne with this feat can operate a mechanical wing set. This enables them to fly further or in higher gravity. The feat can be taken in place of any feat the Droyne would normally take, though normally only warriors, leaders and sports make use of mechanical wings.

Droyne Special Feat: Operate Device
Some Droyne have the ability to operate mysterious devices owned by their Oytrip. These seem to be psionically activated and represent a technology that is far above the normal Droyne level. Such devices are valued as religious objects, and are at once revered and feared. Any Droyne can take the Operate Device feat in place of any of the feats it would normally take. The feat must be taken for every individual device the Droyne wishes to operate.

Droyne Special Feat: Droyne Psionics
Droyne have a high aptitude for Psionics and a number of special abilities available to trained adepts. This will be developed fully in a future publication. For purposes of Droyne NPCs encountered in the game, this feat can be used to simulate the fact that Droyne society accepts psionics and offers training to many individuals.

Any Droyne Drone, Technician, Leader or Sport may take this feat instead of any other it may be qualified for. A Droyne with the Psionics feat has been trained as a psionic adept at an early age. Determine Psionic Strength on 4d6, dropping the lowest die. This gives a higher average psionic strength than for humans. Determine the spheres available to a Droyne normally.


K’Kree Racial Traits
-1 STR, +2 CON
K’Kree Base speed is 12 meters.
Special Feat: Tolerate G’naak
Special Feat: Vehicle Crew
Automatic feat: Long-winded.
Automatic languages: K’Kree, Galanglic

Special Feat: Tolerate G’naak
K’Kree consider all meat-eating (omnivorous and carnivorous) species to be G’naak (Vermin). K’Kree are repulsed and even moved to violence in the presence of such species. They can tell if an individual has consumed meat recently by his body odor. A K’Kree who possesses this special feat (which can be taken by any K’Kree in place of any other feat he would normally be able to take) allows the K’Kree to temporarily overcome his revulsion and have meaningful interactions with G’naak creatures. He will still be revolted, but will not automatically react badly. Characters who have taken precautions like going onto a vegetarian diet for a few days will find that K’Kree with this feat react a little better to them.

Special Feat: Vehicle Crew
A normal K’Kree forced into a confined space such as a tank, ATV, or small spacecraft would be quickly rendered helpless by acute claustrophobia. Those selected to crew vehicles and spacecraft possess this feat (which is taken in place of any that the K’Kree could normally take). They are somewhat insane and are treated with caution in K’Kree society, but they are necessary. K’Kree with this feat can function in a vehicle so long as there are at least 4 occupants. To be in the presence of less than 3 of his own kind is a desperately lonely situation for a K’Kree; he will be unable to function rationally and may panic uncontrollably.

Does that help?


That was the coolest thing I have ever seen. Thank you very much. Now I can get on with the game. I am going to order me a couple of more Traveller's Aide Books from RPGNow!
I need to do some stretching exercises so I can properly kick myself for selling the Alien Moduals. I do miss them so.

I am having a hard time waiting for the dead tree version of Gateway to show up in my FLGS.
Originally posted by hunter:
Call it a free preview ;)

Well, I wasn't going to get it, but I appreciated your free preview so much I ordered the book anyway. The Sydymic Outworlds Cluster is very well done, so that bodes well for the final project.

Thanks again

Thanks for that - and for confirming that being nice and giving stuff away really IS a viable marketplace attitude thing....

Yes the Gateway with pictures is very nice (note to self - get broadband not dial up modem:)

The outworlds is nice as way and free even better, although to be honest I would have bounght it anyway.
