Except as specified as Product Identity (see below and section 1e of the OGL) or Trademarks (see below and section 1f of the OGL), the following material is considered Open Game Content under section 1d of the OGL:
• Chapter 2 - All Racial Traits, Personality, Physical Description, Adventurers and Special Feats entries are considered OGC.
• Chapter 6 - All material in the Cold Fuzion adventure marked in the Arial Narrow font
It is the express intent of QLI that all classes, feats, skills, and other rules that are derivative of the d20 SRD and other Open Game Content be released and added to the existing body of Open Game Content for free use under the principals and requirements of the Open Game License. Those sections that are solely derived from the original Traveller canon works, such as the vehicle and starship design, or the world building rules remain closed content and are not considered Open Game Content.
In addition to the items specified under section 1e of the Open Game License, the following terms and titles are also reserved as Product Identity. A copy of the Open Game License can be found below:
Pharmacom, Vargr, Sydite, Imperial Trade Cluster, Saramid, Bangor City, SuSAG, Shamuus, Ley Sector, Gateway Domain, Diamond-Prince, Third Imperium