Looks like I have the Poni and Raza. He re-used the Batoche name for a Solomani lander when he did a huge GURPS Traveller project.
Not sure what would be in the Military vehicles file, so it is hard to search for.
The old Hypercard file for Mercenary might be a challenge to use.
Poni Passenger Bus (TL 6)
CraftID: Poni Passenger Bus, TL 6, 15145 Cr
Hull: 11/27, Disp=12, Config=4USL, Armour=1B,
Unloaded=9.658 tonnes, Loaded=14.871 tonnes
Power: 1/2, ImprovedInternalCombustion=0.5 MW, Dur=10 hours
Locomotion: 1/2, Wheels, P/W=34, Road=97 km/h,
Off-road=29.1 km/h
Communications: Radio=Distant x 1
Sensors: Headlights x 2
Controls: Controls=EnhancedMechanical x 2,
Accomodations: Crew=1 (driver), Seats=Adequate x 49
Other: Fuel=0.3125 kL, Cargo=4.9 kL, ObjSize=Small,
Most moderate population worlds, and virtually all high population worlds, have a need for a mass transit system. On worlds with extensive wheeled transport, mass transit and private vehicles share the roads.
Mass transit vehicles are designed to carry large numbers of people efficiently between transit terminals. While various forms of train are more efficient for extremely large numbers of passengers, wheeled buses are more flexible, and also more efficient for relatively small numbers.
The Poni is a long distance bus, intended to operate at speeds averaging 100 km/h. It can carry 48 passengers, each of whom is allowed 100 litres of luggage.
Poni II Passenger Bus (TL 7)
CraftID: Poni II Passenger Bus, TL 7, 16417 Cr
Hull: 11/27, Disp=12, Config=4USL, Armour=1B,
Unloaded=7.9 tonnes, Loaded=14.5 tonnes
Power: 1/2, GasTurbine=0.5 MW, Dur=12 hours
Locomotion: 1/2, Wheels, P/W=34, Road=123 km/h,
Off-road=36.9 km/h
Communications: Radio=Distant x 1
Sensors: Headlights x 2
Controls: Controls=Electronic x 2, Environ=BasicEnviron
Accomodations: Crew=1 (driver), Seats=Adequate x 49
Other: Fuel=0.4 kL, Cargo=6.2 kL, ObjSize=Small,
The Poni II is an improved version of the original Poni. A gas turbine power plant allowes each passenger up to 150 litres, while drivers appreciate the ergonomics of the vehicleUs electronic controls.
(c) Rob Prior, 1991.
Raza Ground Car (TL 10)
CraftID: Raza Ground Car, TL 10, 4611 Cr
Hull: 2/5, Disp=2, Config=4USL, Armour=1E,
Unloaded=1.158 tonnes, Loaded=2.758 tonnes
Power: 1/2, FuelCells=0.09 MW, Dur=100 hours
Locomotion: 1/2, Wheels, P/W=33, Road=151 km/h,
Off-road=45.3 km/h
Communications: Radio=VeryDistant x 1
Sensors: Headlights x 2
Controls: Controls=DynamicLinked x 1, Environ=BasicEnviron
Accomodations: Crew=1 (driver), Seats=Roomy x 4
Other: Fuel=0.04 kL, Cargo=1.6 kL, ObjSize=Small,
As technology in the Shattered Imperium slowly declines, wheeled transport is making a come-back. Off-world supplies of spare parts are drying up, and mechanical replacements are easier to manufacture locally than gravitic ones. Propulsion failures are also less serious in a ground vehicle.
On many worlds, ground transportation was never superceded by gravitics. Some cultures are distrustful of new inventions, some are unwilling to discard expensive investments in ground transportation infrastructures, still others do not want the social changes common grav transportation brings. These worlds continued to use wheeled vehicles. The Raza is typical of these high-tech ground cars. Small, cheap, and reliable, it carries six people in comfort, has room for 1.6 kilolitres of cargo, and can run for a hundred hours between refuelings.
Raza II Ground Car (TL 13)
CraftID: Raza II Ground Car, TL 13, 4576 Cr
Hull: 2/5, Disp=2, Config=4USL, Armour=1F,
Unloaded=1.102 tonnes, Loaded=2.702 tonnes
Power: 1/2, FuelCells=0.135 MW, Dur=100 hours
Locomotion: 1/2, Wheels, P/W=50, Road=198 km/h,
Off-road=59.4 km/h
Communications: Radio=VeryDistant x 1
Sensors: Headlights x 2
Controls: Controls=DynamicLinked x 1, Environ=BasicEnviron
Accomodations: Crew=1 (driver), Seats=Roomy x 4
Other: Fuel=0.04 kL, Cargo=1.6 kL, ObjSize=Small,
The Raza II is an improved version of the common Raza. A superdense unibody frame and high-efficiency hydrogen fuel cell have reduced the ground car's cost, increasing its popularity still further.
(c) Rob Prior, 1991.