Some info for the German Traveller fans:
Traveller fans from the Fundus Ludi forum have written two short intro-
ductory adventures for Mongoose Traveller, Commando Raid (2 parts)
and Blockade Runners.
Both can be downloaded from the download section of the 13 Mann Ver-
lag, the German publisher of Traveller:
There are also a number of expanded event tables for the core rulebook
careers, and more material is "under construction".
By the way, more Traveller stuff and a small community of Traveller fans
can be found at the Fundus Ludi forum:
Traveller fans from the Fundus Ludi forum have written two short intro-
ductory adventures for Mongoose Traveller, Commando Raid (2 parts)
and Blockade Runners.
Both can be downloaded from the download section of the 13 Mann Ver-
lag, the German publisher of Traveller:
There are also a number of expanded event tables for the core rulebook
careers, and more material is "under construction".
By the way, more Traveller stuff and a small community of Traveller fans
can be found at the Fundus Ludi forum: