So.. I'm busy being a happy camper with my solo traveller and roll up an encounter with Hmm... Fugitives ... 5 (Uh oh) with guns (dangit). The characters are currently on standby for the Imperial Navy, doing a transport and wait run from Celepina to the Naval bases at Nutema, L'oeul d'Dieu, Aramis and Natoko. The cargo was 4*25 ton modules, 1 to each base, and 8 Navy techs to set them up. The crew is on their own for a couple of weeks at each stop while the techs do.. something? Supposedly low priority, but the Navy is paying charter rates on a 600 dton protected merchant to get the job done, and they have a Fiery class escort... On a whim I decide to roll encounters in advance for leaving Nutema and arriving at Vinorian. I roll and get... corsairs for both (WTF?) Suddenly this fugitive encounter takes on a new light. I decide to map out the encounter, and I'm just drawing a street on some graph paper when it suddenly dawns on me... I've drawn to car wars scale! I go rummaging through the closet and lo and behold, I'm right, the counters fit on my map perfectly. Sweet! Assuming the crew survive I need to figure out just what the Navy is up to and why corsairs will show up in a system with a Naval base. Not to mention what the ships involved are. the Hero's have a 600 dton armed and armored merchant, along with the aforementioned 400 dton Fiery. I was thinking a Nishemani corsair and a Merc Cruiser at Vinorian and a couple of Type S scouts lurking at Nutema that jump ahead of the heros. Both planets are in the stellar jump shadow so the jump points are gonna be lonely...