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Good CT eBay Deals

On most forums, the etiquette is to not post auction links unless you are the one selling, so that you don't "give away" finds that others are bidding on. Of course, that varies from forum to forum - some don't even permit promoting your own auctions.

But anyway...

Here's one that I hope someone in the community wins, even if it's not me.


Draft for FASA's unpublished Far Traveller #3, by Dale Kemper.

Dale has sold copies of other manuscripts in the past (e.g. the unpublished Far Frontiers supplement, but I haven't seen this one.
On most forums, the etiquette is to not post auction links unless you are the one selling, so that you don't "give away" finds that others are bidding on. Of course, that varies from forum to forum - some don't even permit promoting your own auctions.

Never been the rule here. In fact, more often than not, it's "I saw this..." rather than "I'm selling this..." and it's just as useful, perhaps a bit more so.