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Got a question...

Magnus von Thornwood

Super Moderator
So after years of begging, pleading and otherwise trying to get my meatspace friends to take a chance and play Traveller again, I am once again a real live Referee.

We are playing T5 in an ATU I have generated for them and have quite by accident created what they called a "treasure box". In this case the box in question is an Old Empires Navy Depot on a world just inside the borders of the Permatic Imperium but that has not yet been brought under the Empire's control. The situation is that one of the PCs, Count Interhaus has his County just next door to this world and just found out that a world (actually an asteroid belt) one parsec outside the Red Line (which denotes the space and worlds that the Imperium claims but might not actually hold) is using political prisoners and other slaves to try and get into the Depot. The system in question is a TL-E, Non-Charismatic Dictatorship.

The Depot is from the Fifth Empire which was known to have achieved grand technological heights such as not seen in the present time, figure about TL-21 (yeah, too lazy to work out the Hexadecimal, sorry). It is known that the Dictator has been suffering an increase in slave deaths and INI believes this might indicate that they have cracked the first layer of defenses and might be working on the second layer. Don't know yet if this is true, or just that things are just getting really bad for the slaves as they have actually made no progress at all and are being killed as examples and such.

What I am wondering is what kind of defenses would you suggest that would keep our villain, the Dictator, busy trying to crack it for some years now? Also what goodies might be inside, you know for when the box is finally opened? (Which I am trying to keep from happening for a couple of game years, or basically till the war starts with the coreward Parthian Remnants.) Another bit of info which the players are not quite aware of is that the Fifth Empire was fighting "the Great Enemy" (okay they know that much), what they don't know is that the Great Enemy was a Kardashev Type-II Civilization. :devil:

Actually, if you have other suggestions for this Adventure, please don't feel limited to just the Depot.

Comments, critiques, suggestions?

For those interested here is the actual bait...ummm, I mean Adventure hook, or Rumor:

RUMOR 11: From an Institute Patron or INI File-X-I604. Abonai Belt (FS 0624) A0006B9-E. This belt is ruled by a Non-Charismatic Dictatorship backed with high interstellar level technologies. The ruler uses this high tech level and high law level "to maintain public order". Often "Safety" is touted as the reason for the draconian measures, which is a very serious thing when most of you live in the only habitable location…IN SPACE. Space being brutally unforgiving and killing quickly most residents comply. If asked about the extreme security measures of the Dictator when they could move to another location, such as planetoid, the average citizen will state "Well, it is Class A though, so it's not like your slumming it with the Belters. Here you have nice things." And they will then go on and on about the conveniences of the port and the nice things they believe they would have to give up if they left.

Imperial Navy Intelligence is quietly looking for Travellers to check out a system known only by its Hex designation 0724 and named "Colony A". If the Travellers take on the task they will be briefed with the information above. Then they will be briefed with the following: Colony A is actually a penal camp used by the ruler of Abonai Belt in attempts to crack an Old Empires Navy Depot. However the extreme technology difference is frustrating their attacks on its defenses. Every one in the Belt has heard the rumors that being sent there is a death sentence. No one actually knows what kills the prisoners and no one is to keen to find out except for maybe the rebels. Rumors abound but not one sophont in the Belt seems actually knows what goes on there nor they can prove what they espouse.

As a side Adventure, the Travellers can help the rebels get the irrevocable proof of the dictator's lies and brutality. More importantly, proof of what actually is going on there that is killing prisoners at increasing rates. Helping the rebels would gain the characters much favor in Court. The downfall of the dictator would allow the Imperium a excuse to install a Governor-General. In addition it could possibly result a Traveller News Service story about the participants.

Or the Travellers could set the rebels up by claiming to help and then turning them over to the secret police, who will most assuredly reward the characters handsomely for alerting them to the rebel cell and its intentions. The dictator understands what the success of the rebels' mission would do to their rule. It isn't like they are all that popular to begin with. Proof that they are spending people's loved ones to die trying to crack an Old Empires vault is not going to go down well. The Traveller's can expect a warm welcome in this port for some time.
Killer robots, gun emplacements, vacuum areas, posion gas, acids, coherent superdense walls, zero-g areas, ultrav grav areas (100G+).

But seriously a white globe with energy weapons behind it. They can shoot out, you can't shoot in.

Ah, beautiful.

I think I might have to use all of the above, they seem so right. Well, all except the killer robots because if nothing else they would have a butt load of back pay coming when someone appropriate did finally open it. (Because in MATU robots are Citizens at certain levels of intelligence, which if you are using them to guard your Depot they would have to have.)
I strongly suggest you get hold of Harry Harrison's short story "The Mothballed Spaceship".

Harry Harrison's writes some very good stuff. The Mothballed Spaceship sounds very familar but I can't place it. What book did you find it in?
Okay, a little late, but one McGuffin that I sprang on my group in order to jump them from MegaT to New Era:

Read Verner Vinge's "Bobble" stories: The Peace War (1984) and Marooned in Realtime. Gave them a device which was accidentally triggered, put them into a time freeze bubble set for 100 years. When it turned off, seemingly a moment in time for them, put them 100 years into the future. The cafe where they had been is rubble, and they have the impression that it all happened instantaneousely.

Oh, hi, BTW
Thank you all.

Sorry to be so late responding, I didn't realize that you all had written more ideas down here. Usually I get an email but it didn't ping me for some reason, otherwise I would have responded sooner.

For those those who have suggestions for books to read, thank you. It will be a while before I get a chance to get a hold of them to read, being broke and all. But I will check them out as soon as I can.

Shield, good idea, nice and stupid robots. It keeps the Charter and even better gives the players a chance against them, since they will be about animal intelligence.

MacTrom, hello to you too. As for the Bobbles, oh yeah I read them, and that is an nasty idea. Not sure if I am going to do that to them right away, they just started. But it is something to think about for later, or if they get in too far. :devil:

Again, thank you all for the feedback.

I'd suggest you make it a scavanger hunt. Make the ships all thoroughly picked over with lots of missing parts (they were used for spares on a regular basis). To get some system to work the players are going to have to paw through all the other ships looking for parts, hoping they can find a good working one etc.
One system up and running only 9999 to go.....
Ah, it will be alright.

Seriously, they have an AM PP in their ship already and some IN officers to run it, so that is one thing they would be okay with. In the OTU on the other hand it could lead to hilarious fun. :D
Another fun one could be that the people who mothballed these ships were not particularly careful or thorough in doing it. Some spaces are in total vacuum, others are radioactive now. Worse, some still have atmosphere and now there are "science experiments" growing on every surface..... There is no end to what the players might discover.

"You seem to have caught some disease from that mold in the compartment. You are going to DIE! I on the other hand am going to be famous!....

That is both amusing and sort of harsh. I think I might just have to use that too.

Thanks again all for the comments, I am enjoying them highly.
Another bit of info which the players are not quite aware of is that the Fifth Empire was fighting "the Great Enemy" (okay they know that much), what they don't know is that the Great Enemy was a Kardashev Type-II Civilization. :devil:

What TL was the Great Enemy in comparison to the Fifth Empire? Did the Great Enemy destroy the Fifth Empire?

Right off of the top of my head, it'd seem that a Karadashev Type-II civ would probably have a higher TL than the Fifth Empire. The Fifth Empire sounds like it had greater resources, but the Great Enemy isn't going to get that name by being a local menace.

I think the weapons in the vault would be related to the nature of the Great Enemy. Nobody fights wars they can't win, and nobody wants to waste resources pointlessly against the enemy. If the Great Enemy is a higher TL in some areas, the Fifth Empire would get desperate to find some method to equalize the battlefield. Mass produced items might be one way if the Great Enemy can't field the same number of forces.

By TL21, the Fifth Empire would certainly have the technology to mess with people's minds from afar. Especially as it sounds like this dictator fellow probably isn't spending much to equip his slaves with protective devices, even relatively simple (for TL21) methods to keep intruders out might work - heck, the slaves might be dying from systems designed to keep things like rats and cockroaches out.

Defenses might include things that just microwave your brain until it overheats and dies, a brilliant strobe that goes off irregularly that is bright enough to cause permanent blindness, EM devices that can wipe a person's memories clean permanently, and so on.

More insidiously, if the Fifth Empire really wanted to keep people out, instead of wiping people's brains, perhaps they have the subtlety and technology to actually selectively rewrite certain parts of the brain. They don't need to rewrite an entire personality (though that'd be fun too), but they can just induce certain common psychoses in workers, ones designed to cause maximum terror (homicidal perversions like murder-cannibalism). Perhaps the defenses are solid-state in nature (like circuitry and protectors traced out by "wet" nanotechs in sold stone), and are actually powered by the intruders themselves (like thermal differential in a cool tunnel from warm bodies, or powered by the friction of people walking down a passage). The devices don't need much power, they're work over the course of days or weeks and utilize theoretical breakthroughs that usually occur around TL18 or TL19; if someone explained how the devices worked, someone could rig up something at TL15, but you'd need to understand the principles behind the devices and nobody in the present day does beyond those secrets were kept very dark and closely in the Fifth Empire.
Holy Smacks!

Wow, epicenter, that is raunchy and fanarking awesome!

Man the ideas you all are slinging here are getting better and more insidious by the post. This is golden stuff here, boys and girls.

As for the TL of the Great Enemy, well right now it is Plot. :devil: Thinking about it right this moment, I would throw out something like TL-27 or so, not quite to the Type-III civilization TL-30+, but still to be reckoned with even at TL-21. Probably a range running from a base of TL-25 to a high end of TL-27 or 28.

Also, i am thinking right now that the Fifth Empire did make a peace with them, but since their HQ is located in some remote portion of the Galaxy (probably the Milky Way, but perhaps Andromeda just to make things interesting) it has been a long journey back, which will explain the ~2500 year absence of the immortal Emperor and his inner circle.

I'd alter that last suggestion just slightly. What if the ships were controlled by thought? That is the crew controlling the ship have to be psyonic. This poses two real problems for an Imperial set of players:

1. Psyonics are illegal, feared and, generally unavailable.

2. What if the Zhodani find out about this depot?
That would very, very bad...

I'd alter that last suggestion just slightly. What if the ships were controlled by thought? That is the crew controlling the ship have to be psyonic. This poses two real problems for an Imperial set of players:

1. Psyonics are illegal, feared and, generally unavailable.

2. What if the Zhodani find out about this depot?
Well, that is also an interesting idea, but this an Alternate Traveller Universe and the Empires of Man have been using psionics since the days of the First Terran Federation. It is how you use psionics that may cause a player problems.

So, if the Zhodani find this Depot, well then that means the barrier between universes has been penetrated. Good thing is that it is probably going take them a while to get back to their own universe. Hell, their great adventure in my universe, well I was thinking would perhaps help them move toward peace with the Imperium, but most probably will result in some very long and serious rehabilitation sessions for them. :devil:
an idea nicked form the Doom movie:

nano doors: normally a empty corridor, when the right stimulus is applied, the nanties in the air solidifies into a bonded superdense like material. the effect on a person of the air in thier lungs turning into Bonded Superdense is. needless to say, not pleasant, nor is the crushing effect as the nanites move to expel you form the wall and deposit your remians on the outside of the wall.

other ideas include simple, honest to god unbreakable walls (proof agianst everything, up to and including contact fusion warheads), voice activated machines coded to the Tounge of the Fifth Empire (which is lost in history). and other such classics

another idea just popped into my head: teleporters though otherwise inpentrable barriers. maybe based on a outgrowth of jump drive techology: a very short ranged, short duration "hop" into J-space (say about 30 seconds or so). moving you foward to another tele-pad on the other side of the wall.

of coruse, the effects of exposure to J space on an unshielded person are well known to be fatal.........
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