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CT Only: Great Rift Jumper (Kiraouw) - Aslan starship class

Spinward Flow

SOC-14 1K
Great Rift Jumper (Kiraouw)
Ship Type: AP (Merchant-A, Provincial)
TL=11 (LBB5.80) (AM:1 Aslan)

Tonnage (custom hull): 320 tons (Imperial base-10) / 500 tons (Trokh base-8)
Configuration: 2 (Streamlined, 35.2 MCr)
Fuel Scoops (MCr 0.32)
Armor: 0

Jump-2 (9.6 tons, MCr 38.4, Capacitor storage: 3.2 tons = 115.2 EP maximum)
Maneuver-2 (16 tons, MCr 11.2, Agility: 2 requires 6.4 EP)
Power Plant-3 (28.8 tons, MCr 86.4, EP: 9.6, Surplus EP: +0.2 @ Agility 2)

Fuel Purification Plant: 7 tons (MCr 0.034, 200 ton capacity) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
Fuel: 75.2 tons (2 parsecs = 64 tons) (4 weeks operations = 9.6 tons, up to 12 weeks powered down)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (a wide variety of tank tonnages can be used) (LBB5.80, p27) (LBB A5, p14)

Dual Turret: Missile, Sandcaster (1 ton, MCr 1, EP: 0)
Dual Turret: Plamsa Gun, Pulse Laser (2 tons, MCr 2, EP: 2)
Batteries: 1 Missile (code: 1), 1 Plasma Gun (code: 2), 1 Pulse Laser (code: 1), 1 Sandcaster (code: 3)

Bridge (20 tons, MCr 1.6)
Computer: 3 (Code: 3, 3 ton, MCr 18, TL: 9, EP: 1)
Staterooms: 5 single occupancy (20 tons, MCr 2.5)
Aslan crew skills required (minimums):
  • male Captain (pilot/gunner): Pilot-2, Gunnery-2 (missile), chief gunner, highest social level male
  • male Gunner (gunner): Gunnery-2 (energy, laser)
  • female Navigator (navigator/engineer): Navigation-2, Engineering-2, chief engineer
  • female Technician (engineer/medic): Engineering-2, Medical-2
  • female Purser (purser): Admin-1 or Broker-1 or Trader-1, executive officer
Cargo: 136 tons (Imperial base-10) / 210 tons (Trokh base-8)
Collapsible Fuel Tank: 136 ton capacity (1.36 tons, MCr 0.068) (LBB A5, p13-14)
Waste Space: 0.04 tons

Great Rift Jumper   AP-3222331-030000-12001-0   MCr 157.3776   320 tons
    batteries bearing           1     11  1                      TL=11.
    batteries                   1     11  1                Crew=5. FPP.
Passengers=0. Cargo=136. Collapsible=136. Fuel=75.2. EP=9.6. Agility=2.
Jump-1, Maneuver-1 @ up to +160 tons (480 tons total)
Jump-0, Maneuver-1 @ up to +480 tons (800 tons total)

Interplanetary Travel (distance, acceleration, time) (link)

Single production
  • Total Cost: MCr 196.722
  • 20% Down Payment: MCr 39.3444
  • Architect Fees: MCr 1.96722
  • Construction Time: 58 weeks (Imperial) / 270 eakhau (Aslan days) (LBB A5, p33)
  • Annual Overhaul: Cr 196,722 (LBB2.81, p8)
Volume production
  • Total Cost: MCr 157.3776
  • 20% Down Payment: MCr 31.47552
  • Construction Time: 46 weeks (Imperial) / 216 eakhau (Aslan days) (LBB A5, p33)
  • Annual Overhaul: Cr 157,378 (LBB2.81, p8)

  • Life Support: Cr 10,000 per 2 weeks (Imperial) / Cr 10,715 per 10 eakhau (Aslan days) (LBB2.81, p7-8)
  • Crew Salaries (minimum skills): Cr 12,313 per 2 weeks (Imperial) / Cr 13,193 per 10 eakhau (Aslan days) (LBB2.81, p8, 11, 16, 23)
  • Berthing Costs: Cr 100 for 6 days (Imperial) / 4 eakhau (Aslan days) plus Cr 100 per additional day/Cr 150 per additional eakhau (LBB2.81, p8)
  • Surface to Orbit Shuttle Costs: Cr 10 per cargo ton, Cr 20 to 120 per passenger (LBB2.81, p9)
  • Fuel: Cr 500 per ton (refined), Cr100 per ton (unrefined), Cr 0 (skimmed) (LBB2.81, p7)

Mail Delivery: Cr 5,000 revenue per ton per delivery (LBB2.81, p9), limit 5 tons (Imperial), 4 tons (Aslan Hierate) or 8 tons (Great Rift)
  • Interstellar Cargo Transport: Cr 1000 per ton (LBB2.81, p8-9)
  • Interplanetary Charters: Cr 1 per hour (Imperial) per ton of ship (Cr 320 per hour), minimum 12 hours (Imperial)/Cr 1.5 per tekhaao (Aslan hours) per ton of ship (Cr 480 per tekhaao), minimum 8 tekhaao (LBB2.81, p9)
  • Interstellar Charters (2 weeks (Imperial) / 9.3 eakhau (Aslan days)): Cr 900 per ton of cargo, Cr 900 per low passage berth, Cr 9000 per high passage berth (Imperial) (LBB2.81, p9), Cr 7200 per middle passage berth (Aslan) (CT AM:1, p31)

  • Imperial subsidies reduce gross revenue receipts by 50% for passengers, cargo and mail (LBB2.81, p7)
  • Aslan corporation or clan financing make other arrangements (AM:1, p33)
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Standard Fuel/Cargo configuration limits (range dependent)

1 parsec, J1 = 136 tons internal cargo (clean)
1 parsec, J1 = 136 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo

2 parsecs, J2 = 136 tons internal cargo (clean)
2 parsecs, J1+1 = 32 tons collapsible fuel, 104 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo
2 parsecs, J1+1 = 32 ton drop tank (dropped), 136 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo
2 parsecs, J1+1 = 32 ton drop tank (retained), 136 tons internal cargo, 128 tons external cargo

3 parsecs, J2+1 = 32 tons collapsible fuel, 104 tons internal cargo (clean)
3 parsecs, J2+1 = 32 ton drop tank (dropped), 136 tons internal cargo
3 parsecs, J1+1+1 = 80 tons collapsible fuel, 56 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo
3 parsecs, J1+1+1 = 48 tons drop tank (dropped), 32 tons collapsible fuel, 104 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo
3 parsecs, J1+1+1 = 80 tons drop tank (retained), 136 tons internal cargo, 80 tons external cargo

4 parsecs, J2+2 = 64 tons collapsible fuel, 72 tons internal cargo (clean)
4 parsecs, J2+2 = 64 ton drop tank (dropped), 136 tons internal cargo
4 parsecs, J1+1+1+1 = 132 tons collapsible fuel, 4 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo
4 parsecs, J1+1+1+1 = 48 ton drop tank (dropped), 84 tons collapsible fuel, 52 tons internal cargo, 160 tons external cargo
4 parsecs, J1+1+1+1 = 128 ton drop tank (retained), 4 tons collapsible fuel, 132 tons internal cargo, 32 tons external cargo

5 parsecs, J2+2+1 = 96 tons collapsible fuel, 40 tons internal cargo (clean)
5 parsecs, J2+2+1 = 64 ton drop tank (dropped), 32 tons collapsible fuel, 104 tons internal cargo
5 parsecs, J1+1+1+1+1 = 48 ton drop tank (retained), 132 tons collapsible fuel, 4 tons internal cargo, 112 tons external cargo
5 parsecs, J1+1+1+1+1 = 160 ton drop tank (retained), 20 tons collapsible fuel, 116 tons internal cargo

6 parsecs, J2+2+2 = 128 tons collapsible fuel, 8 tons internal cargo (clean)
6 parsecs, J2+2+2 = 64 ton drop tank (dropped), 72 tons collapsible fuel, 64 tons internal cargo

7 parsecs, J2+2+2+1 = 64 ton drop tank (dropped), 100 tons collapsible fuel, 36 tons internal cargo

8 parsecs, J2+2+2+2 = 64 ton drop tank (dropped), 132 tons collapsible fuel, 4 tons internal cargo
Known to Imperials as the Great Rift Jumper, and to Aslan in their native Trokh as the Kiraouw, this class of starship has been in almost continuous production by multiple shipyards in the Riftspan Reaches sector for approximately as long as the Third Imperium has been in existence, with construction continuing up through the present year of 1105 on the Imperial calendar. The capabilities of these starships are simply too well suited to the extreme challenges of astrogation and endurance needed in the Great Rift such that it is hard to imagine the class ever falling out of favor. The TL=11 construction of this starship class also means that a wide variety of type A and B starports can provide spare parts, annual maintenance and repairs with relative ease, making operational logistics support a much simpler matter under potentially austere technological conditions. This broader manufacturing support and supply base enables even less wealthy Aslan clans (huiha), prides (ahriy), families (ekho) and corporations (all run by females) to own and operate this class of starship.

Built as the proverbial "go everywhere, do everything" starship capable of taking on almost any civilian task role from belter to envoy courier to scientific research duties in addition to light paramilitary support, supply and surveying roles, the one thing the ship class is built for from the landing claws on up is the interstellar range and reach needed to transit across the vast distances between stars in the Great Rift. With the use of L-Hyd drop tanks available at most type A and B starports, even transits of even 7 parsecs one way (in four consecutive jumps) with a modest cargo load are possible without needing to refuel en route, making some of the remotest Aslan dominated systems in the Great Rift at least accessible (if not necessarily affordable or economically profitable to visit).

An Aslan design built using a 500 ton (in Trokh base-8) or 320 ton (in Imperial base-10 standard) hull size, everything about these ships is intended to be multipurpose and fulfill multiple possible roles and missions over their useful operational life, with the potential to refurbish and reconfigure capabilities based on need and purpose. The ship class features Jump-2, Maneuver-2 and Power Plant-3 drives, capable of delivering a constant 2G Agility (sufficient for VTOL on even big worlds with higher than standard gravity) while also fully powering weapons and the ship's onboard model/3 computer with a small surplus of reserve power to spare. The bridge contains work stations for all 5 crew so as to accommodate all crew aboard in the event of an abandon ship situation. The bridge is detachable and can be used as a crew lifeboat in an emergency.

Fuel scoops are integrated into the flattened cone shaping of the ship's hull, along with a fuel purification plant which is an absolute necessity in the Great Rift where misjumps due to use of unrefined fuel are more likely to cause starships to go missing (permanently) with no hope for survival. Consequently, use of unrefined fuel to jump with is a more serious hazard to both ship and crew than might be considered acceptable in other regions of Charted Space. Internal fuel tankage is 75.2 tons, sufficient for 2 parsecs of jump range, with a collapsible fuel tank of 136 tons capacity fitted for use in the 136 tons (Imperial base-10) / 210 tons (Trokh base-8) internal cargo hold as a jump range extender. L-Hyd drop tank fittings are also included as standard, although a wide variety of drop tank sizes (from 32-160 tons) are needed depending on where (and how) the captain intends to reach the ship's destination (and with what external cargo loaded). The massive 136 ton internal cargo bay is a double deck into which 16+1 standard 8 ton cargo containers can be loaded in a port/starboard roll-on/roll-off fashion through ventral cargo bay doors that open on both sides for ramp access in a gravity well. Cargo is loaded at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the starship into the 24m long by 12m wide by 6m high main bay, with an additional single deck slot 3m long by 12m wide and 3m high space at one end of the main bay which is often used as a reconfigurable space for a mail vault (very common) and/or other consumable supplies needed on particularly long endurance missions.

In a clean configuration, with no external loading, a transit along the entire J-5 Trans-Rift Hierate Route can be made in as few as 22 jumps (137.5 to 160.4 days Imperial / 91.7 to 107 eakhau (Aslan days) spent in jumpspace, not including normal space operations). Owing to the time and distances involved, such transits along the entirety of the J-5 Trans-Rift Hierate Route coreward/rimward are rarely undertaken on mere Jump-2 capable starships in modern times, but the capacity and capability to do so remains in this older design used prior to the advancement to TL=12 and Jump-3 capable starships. Additionally, the J-6 transit to Trailing through the Verge Connector into Imperial space can also be accomplished with these starships, albeit with a very limited cargo capacity due to the enormous fuel fraction required to make such a long journey across deep space. There is however sufficient cargo capacity to house 2 staterooms for a male Noble Envoy and his attending female Steward from the envoy's own family. pride or clan during the journey from spinward Aslan Hierate controlled space to and/or from Imperial controlled space in the trailing Verge sector across Great Rift.

Cargo can also be mounted externally, allowing the starship to act as either a maneuver tug within a star system or as a jump tug for hauling cargo across interstellar distances. Use of this external loading option does reduce drive performance and efficiency, however, but can be invaluable for the transport of significant mass quantities of goods over interplanetary and interstellar distances in support of military, paramilitary and commercial needs as they arise.
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Standard armament is a pair of mixed dual turrets on two hardpoints (a third hardpoint could have been added but was omitted in the original design) located on the longtitudinal axis along the ship's dorsal ridge. This arrangement allows both turrets to be boresighted dead ahead forward if necessary along the ship's centerline.

The aft dorsal dual turret holds a missile/sandcaster combination which is usually remotely controlled by the the captain/pilot from his workstation on the bridge. These two weapons are more of a "fire and forget" type which have a reduced workload that allows the captain/pilot to focus more on evasion and defense in ship-to-ship combat situations. The missile launcher can be loaded with a variety of probes (in addition to the standard HE warhead combat loads) which can be useful in anything from exploration scouting to scientific surveys to prospecting roles. Clan Space Forces can, and have at times been known to, optionally arm these ships with nuclear warhead missiles in the event of declared clan wars and/or open hostilities with non-Aslan powers, although this is rarely done outside of declared wars.

The forward dorsal dual turret holds a plasma gun/pulse laser combination which is remotely controlled by another gunner from his respective workstation on the bridge. The pulse laser is fitted with a multipurpose beam modulator allowing it to be used as anything from a precision drilling mining laser at extremely short ranges to a coded pulse target designator, laser rangefinder/communicator and even a laser guide star for atmospheric turbulence corrections to scientific surveys when operated at lower power settings suitable for various types of utility work. At full power, the pulse laser is quite capable of inflicting damage on other vessels and can be used in the anti-missile role. The plasma gun is also likewise multipurpose in that it can be used as a makeshift signaling device and/or star shell gun for providing illumination (and warning) shots, while also being capable of a form of general demolitions work without needing to rely upon consumable (and therefore potentially expensive) demolitions charges, in addition to the standard ship-to-ship combat roles of anti-missile and direct fire. Of course, specialized demolitions tasks will still require the skilled employment of carefully placed demolitions charges to achieve desired results.

A crew of five Aslan is standard on these ships, consisting of a male captain who acts as the ship's patriarch and as a pilot/chief gunner, a second male gunner, a female navigator/chief engineer, a female engineer/medic and a female purser who acts as the second in command under the captain. The male crew members are typically ihatei although this is not always the case, with some males merely waiting for their inheritance of land to be formally transferred to them. All five crew members have individual staterooms as personal quarters on the crew deck above the cargo hold between the bridge (forward) and the engineering section (aft). The captain can bring aboard up to 2 of his wives as crew members, while the gunner can bring at most 1 of his wives as crew members. It is not required that the female Aslan on these ships be married to the males (before, during or after serving aboard together), although it for mates to serve together as crew. It is relatively common for the Purser to remain unmarried if she is on the corporate management career path (as many of the best Pursers often are). Crews can all be members of the same family (ekho) or pride (ahriy), but this need not always be the case, and some crews are even multi-clan (huiha).

All things considered, life aboard these ships can be considered to be better than average for most Aslan and Humaniti crewed starships of similar displacement and construction, although all crew members do need to work hard in their assigned crew roles (life aboard isn't luxurious for crews). Copies of the class can also be obtained from Imperial shipyards (with minor detail changes that human crews find more comfortable/familiar) which have duplicated the overall performance profile in a similiar enough to be mutually compatible form factor. The primary use for these Imperial ships is to gain access to the New Islands and Old Islands subsectors in the Reft sector without needing to resort to use of deep space fuel caches or the services available at Chandler Station or Riftspan Station to complete the 7 parsec transit into the Islands Cluster. Shipyards in other locations along the Imperial border of the Lesser Rift to trailing may also keep their version of the class in continuous low volume production to supply attrition replacements for starships of the class that age out of inventories over time.

The dominant Aslan corporation in the Riftspan Reaches sector is the Ku Su'ihk controlled by the Aroaye'i clan and their (now in Imperial 1105) vassal, the remnants of the Wahtoi clan that the Aroaye'i clan have taken into service for protection from the Fteweyeakh clan. The Ku Su'ikh corporation still maintains and operates a flotilla of ships of this class in the Aokiylair and Ryuhleiea subsectors where it is economically viable (and profitable) to do so, although many of them are owned and operated by a multitude of other corporate subsidiaries, locals and a variety of other interests. So the Ku Su'ikh do not have a monopoly on control or interest in this class of starship after construction.

Occasionally, more "prestigious" and artistically venerable versions of the starship design will be ordered as a unique "one off" construction for select Aslan clients. In such circumstances, use the single ship construction and architect fees pricing for these unique ships and then multiply those costs by 1-6x (2D divided by 2) to represent the rarity and uniqueness of the artistry and aesthetics markup costs involved in their construction. Needless to say, annual overhaul maintenance fee costs rise commensurately with the increase in construction prices, representing the extra costs involved in maintaining such unique works of art in full working order. Such higher end vessels can sometimes be found in use as patriarchal yachts for heads of clans/prides/families, as well as transports for high ranking noble envoys and even business ships for top ranking corporate females who need to make a memorable impression on potential clients and rivals alike. Traditional Aslan Baroque is merely one of a multitude of styling options available for these uniquely built starships in which artistry trumps consciousness of price (which is primarily a female concern anyway, among Aslan).

Riftspan Reaches + Verge sectors navigation in the Great Rift (Imperial 1105) (CotI forums link)