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GTD--Recent Events


SOC-14 1K
The major event that backdrops recent events in the Gateway Domain, Ley Sector, is the removal of Archduke Nells by Emperor Gavin, and his replacement with an unknown, Erechs.

As I read this, I felt that was a pretty gutsy move for an Emperor. A little cheer of "Yes!" went off in the back of my mind.

Then, as I continued reading on, I found that Nells was listed as Sector Duke for the Ley Sector, and I went, "Oops, must have been a missed typo." Then I found text descriptions later about how Nells was still Ley Sector Duke, so I realized that no, the original listing I'd read wasn't wrong.

Now, setting aside the question of how an Archduke could be a Duke at the same time, I find I must rework my judgement of Gavin's actions based on this.

Since this is long before the enaction of Strephon's reforms on Archducal power, the current era is (or at least, I think the current era is) one of highly limited Archducal power and authority. I can vaguely assume that as Archduke Nells was "running the sector down" through a coalition of power he'd built via his personal network of connections among the Nobility and Megacorporate Officers who all felt his plan would benefit them in the long run. Of course, since he appeared to be Sector Duke, as well, that would provide an additional, and much stronger, explanation for how the deleterious conditions on the sector were imposed, because the Sector Ducal position is one of huge power, so this is substantial additional confirmation of how Nells would have the means to impose his negative will upon the whole Sector.

Then, Emperor Gavin, furious with diminishing revenue and increasing criminal activities in the area, went out there and removed Nells as Archduke (a position I cannot see as helping Nells nearly as much as possessing the much more powerful Sector Duke Title), but left him as Sector Duke.

Archduke Erechs, of course, excercised his will by moving the Domain Capital to a new world. But since most administration does not flow through the Domain Capital, I can't see a how that would have hurt Nells, left sitting pretty at the extremely important Sector Capital.

It appears, to one with my yet limited understading of the situation, that Gavin gave Erechs the big finger, and left Nells (who controls the entire Sector Budget) in a position to sandbag Erechs (who has very limited wealth at his disposal in comparison to a Sector Duke) something big time.

Can someone toss me a bone of a thought to undersand why Nells isn't going to be able to politically and economically continue on with his original plan, regardless of what Erechs or Gavin wants? If Nells is interested in revenge, he has plenty of resources to have Erechs "taken care of" while simultaneously shielding himself from discovery. As for fear of being sacked again, why would Nells fear any such thing? The Emperor was just there, and didn't take the step of removing Nells as Sector Duke, and honestly, if Gavin wanted the area to recover, that would have been the thing to do, leaving Nells swinging in the much less powerful Archduke position.

Or, I guess, I just don't understand. :confused:
My understanding of the situation is that Erechs' position is above and more powerful than Nells'.

Gateway Domain, for the Imperium, is basically limited to Ley Sector. There are a few Imperial worlds in Glimmerdrift Sector, but those at the rimward end are administered from a neighboring Domain. So basically, Ley Sector is the Gateway Domain. So Erechs is running the sector, and Nells is little more than a figurehead. He has little to do, and little power with which to do it. Especially since Erechs moved the domain capitol to the other end of the sector. Annapabar (spl) has become the de facto sector capitol. Most of the Imperial bureaucracy has moved there.

Nells was not popular with most people in the sector. Erechs is. Popular opinion prevents Nells from openly moving against Erechs.
Is there a background story on how the Archduke Title of Gateway retained full original Archducal powers when those powers were stripped from every other Archducal Title?
Greetings and salutations,

When were the archducal powers stripped from the archdukes? If this is an event that happened after 993 Imperial, then the archdukes have not been rendered powerless... yet.

As far as Nells is concerned, the book (Gateway to Destiny, pg. 73) says that Former Archduke Marshal Nells has considerable influence, second only to Archduke Erechs.

Some of the other tidbits I learned about the former Archduke include:
- he is looking to avenge his disgrace and loss of status which he believes Erechs is part of the reason.

- he is a senior member of the Loyal Sector Guard, but how much power he holds in it still remains to be determined (by FFE and/or Referees).

- although the Old Guard abandoned him when he was removed as archduke (due to his failure to deliver the monopolies they wanted), he still holds much favor with them.

- IIRC, Nells is the first Luriani to lose the title since it was established in 97.

Now for my two credits...
- Nells wants the position of Archduke restored to him. I think he is carefully plotting how to make that happen through some form of subterfuge. I sure he wants to embarrass Erechs as much as possible. The upside for Nells is if Erechs is removed from the Archducal position by Emperor Gavin, Erechs forfeits his life.

- Since Nells is a senior member of the Loyal Sector Guard, LSG for short, he can twist what they hear to his favor. Since a majority of his huscaries are members of the LSG, he has an instant army and navy that could possibly rival the Imperium in the Ley Sector while the Solomani Rim War is being fought. Hmm, this sounds like the beginning of a civil war in the Gateway Domain. If this is expanded upon by FFE, give me my propers, some money, and contact me for other stuff about this idea.

- Nells is still personalbly wealthy. He could hire mercenaries and corsairs (through third parties that have no true clue who hired them) to cause disruptions to Imperial trade and commerce. Heck, even the purposely failed assassination attempt would play havoc throughout the Ley Sector.

- Depending on Nells personal wealth, he could hire shipyards outside the influence of the Imperium to build military ships for him for a coup. Better yet, he could strike a deal with SolSec and they could supply him with ships and weapons. How much is up to the referee.

- the Imperium has enemies in the Gateway Domain and Nells can use that to his advantage(s). One of the first places he can start his disruption is at the new construction on Annapabar, especially the new downport being built.

- he can cause incidents that provoke the LSG into a more or less military role. Too bad they are an illegal organization with the majority support of the Ley Sector population.
Yes, I see the embers of a civil war are lit and growing in strength. Too bad the LSG will not know the truth as to why they are at war with the Imperium.

- Oh look. Some of the Sydites are carrying grudges about that whole Sydymic War that happened from 640 to 675.

- Lookie there! Some of the Luriani are rising against the Imperium because they believe the Archducal position should have remained in the hands of a Luriani and they want it back.

*points RainofSteel in a direction*
"Remember, the right direction is an individual's matter of perspective."

"Yes, evil has a name, but everyone is afraid to speak it because no one knows how close it is."
- Marquis Deadlock, 188-2004
Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:
Greetings and salutations,

When were the archducal powers stripped from the archdukes? If this is an event that happened after 993 Imperial, then the archdukes have not been rendered powerless... yet.
Basic canon.

Supplement 11: Library Data (N-Z): Page 7, Top Paragraph:

"Currently the domains have little practical significance. The Imperial Navy no longer includes the domains as a level in its bureaucracy. The domains collect no taxes. Legislation and enforcement are the prerogative of the Imperium, or the sectors."

If an Archduke's governmental level collects no taxes, then it has no meaningful influence.

This "lessening" of powers started after the Civil War (see the previous paragraph on Page 6), Gateway takes place 300 years later.

It even goes on to list what is left to the Archdukes.

"The archdukes, however, retain some powers. Each archduke has the power to create knights and baronets (subject only to the disapproval of the Emperor). Archdukes maintain their hereditary lands and incomes. Further, the archdukes serve as surrogates for the Emperor, entertaining and receiving Imperial nobles at functions that the Emperor cannot attend due to distance."

As can be seen, the Archdukes, after the Civil War, are reduced to figurehead positions.

This was one of the main plot points of the entire MegaTraveller rebellion plot line. Strephon enacts reforms to give the archdukes back some of their original powers, he is heavily criticized for setting up potential rivals, but he does it anyway. And look what happened, Dulinor shatters the Imperium.

When it comes to income and access to money, a Sector Duke has about a million times more resources than an Archduke, literally. And vastly more authority. The archduke literally cannot issue any orders of any kind to a sector duke.

Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:
As far as Nells is concerned, the book (Gateway to Destiny, pg. 73) says that Former Archduke Marshal Nells has considerable influence, second only to Archduke Erechs.
That's what I'm trying to figure out, how it is that Erech's has *any* influence. So far, it's been suggested that the Archduke Title of the Gateway domain retained its original pre-Civil War powers. That would be a legitimate explanation, but futher begs the quesion of why the other Archdukes didn't go into armed rebellion when they realized that only *they* were being tossed out.

Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:
Some of the other tidbits I learned about the former Archduke include:
- he is looking to avenge his disgrace and loss of status which he believes Erechs is part of the reason.
And the resources from the tiniest corner of Nell's back pocket will be enough to accomplish that revenge, because even that will outstrip the resources available to an archduke.

Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:


- Nells is still personalbly wealthy.


As Sector Duke, he is vastly, vastly more wealthy than Erechs.
Your excellencies, the Marquis RainofSteel, Deadlock, & the estimable Paraquat Johnson...

RE: The Gateway Domain Archduke Marcus Aaron Erechs vs Ley Sector Duke Nells plot device

I saw this inequity of revenue and power, and thought, now wait a minute... TRUE- it appears Sector Duke Nells has all the cards in his hand...But wait! Does he???

Imperial Navy---majority off fighting in Solomani Rim War! The rest is strained to protect borders from piracy, and possible K'Kree aggression.

Imperial Organizations of Power/ the bureaucracy--Moved all the "faceless Bureaucrts" to Annabapar! Hmmm. "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer," the ancient proverb says!

a] The MTC: Ministry of Trade & Commerce, "responsible for resolving trade disputes, and ensuring the quality of goods throughout the Imperium"-pp33. Among its personnel are starport brokers. Though most brokers are Freelancers*. As the owner of MAE Lines, LIC. The ARchduke is already familiar with these folks...by having them in his backyard Capital, he has oversight on the apparatus governing the flow of interstellar goods and services within the Domain. Nells does not!

b]The Diplomatic Service: Responsible for resolving disputes/ keep the peace that could lead to brushfire wars, within/ and outside the Imperial borders. "Personnel include minor nobility* and commoners of talent"-pp 33.
With them hedquartered at Annabapar, Erechs has their "firebrigade" brushfire squads ready to go at his beck and call. So If Nells has third parties cause trouble--Erechs has the tools and people to difuse it..

c]The ICO/IMperial. Colonial Office: oversees new colonies, and investments in new worlds. Erech's plans for re vitalizing the economy of the Domain with such new investments in new worlds falls smack dab into this apparatus of the Imperial Domain Government. Nells has nothing to match it...

d] The Imperial Ministry of Justice: IMoJ covers those crimes of non local affairs, as dictated by worlds with shared agreements, and extraditions. As such, it serves the whole Imperium, and those Imperial Client states.
While Nells has his cronies and knows folks of illegal or gray areas, Erechs has the IMoJ Domain head, Sector head, and 16 subsector chief Marshals working for the good of the people. As the Emperor displaced nells, IMoJ was a neutral party.

Now if Sector Duke Nells makes trouble of an illegal nature vs Erechs, thru the suggested aforementioned third parties, IMoJ will be looking into it, ore likely than not. If he tries some legal loophole sandbagging,Erechs can use IMoJ to un-obfuscate the affair on "obstruction of justice" premises.

e] The IISS: The X-mail syste and its flow of information. The Exploration Branch. the Survey branch. And the Headquarters Bureau that ties all this Intelligence together in cohesive form. Control of information= Power. Nells is Navy...Erech's the self-made man...easy bets who IISS sides with! then there are those "Detached Scouts" who roam about--again, freelance*

f]The Nobility: Which as Archduke he may create with Emperor's blessing, Knights and baronets [generally with no fiefs]--"most of these non-assigned nobles are travellers and adventuers doing/ acting in the best interests of the Imperium*". pp 34
--Thus Erechs can create an undercurrent of nobles against the entrenched interests of Nells.

IM-Gateway-TU, Erechs has done the following-
Created a Special Cabinet Post held by a retired Imperial Marine Brigadier General, a Knight and SEH holder, and member of the Order of the Emperor's Guard [OEG]. Under the Archduke's auspices, he has assembled a Shadow organization made up of IMoJ Marshals & agents, detached Scouts, and several minor knights recently created, including a few former notable underworld Imperial criminals "turned to the cause" to go after some of these threats that lie "beyond the law."
IM-Gateway-TU, this group is called by its detractors, "The Archduke's Private Army"...

Nells has LSG...the APA has no standing armies or units..but it is no less effective serving justice up and bringing those who abuse the Imperium's laws to heel. Nells has the $$$ and folks who'll do him favors..but Erech's successes make those wane in numbers every month that goes by and the economy improves..

YMMV of course in my interpretation of the backdrop information...this was my take & my solution.
Greetings and salutations Marquis General Liam Devlin,

- From Marquis General Liam Devlin:
a] The MTC: Ministry of Trade & Commerce, "responsible for resolving trade disputes, and ensuring the quality of goods throughout the Imperium"-pp33. Among its personnel are starport brokers. Though most brokers are Freelancers*. As the owner of MAE Lines, LIC. The ARchduke is already familiar with these folks...by having them in his backyard Capital, he has oversight on the apparatus governing the flow of interstellar goods and services within the Domain. Nells does not!

Unfortunately, Archduke Erechs no longer has ownership in MAE Lines, LIC. He sold his shares to his Vargr partner in the megacorporation. However, they do maintain close ties and strain constantly not to show favor to each other. They prefer that everything remains on an even keel when it comes to business arrangements.

If a physical confrontation did erupt between the duje and archduke, i see the following forces being brought into it:
- The archduke could rally the Imperial Navy, several nobles, and some of the megacorporations that have been prospering since his appointment.
- The duke could rally portions of the Loyal Sector Guard, some nobles, some of the corporations that prospered greatly when he was archduke, some of the Luriani (especially those that feel that a Luriani should be archduke).
-The Diplomatic Service and The Imperial Ministry of Justice will let them slap each other for a couple of days (while they investigate the incident), then bring their full might upon both of them. If they cannot settle the dispute, the emperor is not going to be happy about assigning a new archduke to the Gateway Domain.
Marquis Deadlock Wrote:
- The archduke could rally the Imperial Navy, several nobles, and some of the megacorporations that have been prospering since his appointment.
Except that the Archduke can't rally a military force he has no authority over, and the Sector Duke, who does have authority over it, can pretty much make that military force do whatever he likes (the limits the Sector Duke faces, like not starting wars without outside nations, or crossing sector boundaries, will hardly apply here).
This sounds like the kind of situation where notional chains of command begin to break down. In that case it is quite possible that at least some elements of the Imperial Navy might rally to the Archduke over the Sector Duke.

Who the Admiral commanding the Sector fleet supports could be a major factor.
I suppose, if the Sector Admiral obeyed the orders of the Archduke, then the Archduke might have authority over the Sector Fleets.

However, given that the whole idea behind stripping the Archdukes of their powers to prevent the eventual rise of rivals to the Emperor's position, I'd imagine (and yes, I'm imagining this out of thin air), that each Sector Admiral's general orders from the High Command/Emperor (probably a part of long term standing orders repeated over and over to each successive Sector Admiral) would involve a specific order not to obey any orders from the Archduke.

The consequences of not giving the Sector Admirals such a standing order would have completely undermined the entire project of stripping the powers of the Archdukes, and would have created an impossible situation for the Sector Admirals, Sector Dukes, and Archdukes, with none really knowing for sure who was giving who orders legally. I feel it would have caused substantial damage to the Imperium as a whole.

Which is not to say that this couldn't have happened, but I feel the OTU 1110 was not in such a situation, and so the run-up to this state can't have included such organizational chaos.

Well, just my opinion . . .
Isn't the situation here one where the Sector Duke (former Archduke) is out of favour with the Emperor?

In that case, siding with the new Archduke might be a good career move, especially if the Sector Duke is pushing the limits of his authority.

After all, if the Sector Duke loses that position too, a loyal Admiral of appropriately noble birth might be in line to fill the position.
Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:
Greetings and salutations Marquis General Liam Devlin,

Your Excellency, Marquis Deadlock, may this find you in the proper time, and space! [Shiny Side up!]

- From Marquis General Liam Devlin:
a] The MTC: Ministry of Trade & Commerce, "responsible for resolving trade disputes, and ensuring the quality of goods throughout the Imperium"-pp33. Among its personnel are starport brokers. Though most brokers are Freelancers*. As the owner of MAE Lines, LIC. The ARchduke is already familiar with these folks...by having them in his backyard Capital, he has oversight on the apparatus governing the flow of interstellar goods and services within the Domain. Nells does not!

Unfortunately, Archduke Erechs no longer has ownership in MAE Lines, LIC. He sold his shares to his Vargr partner in the megacorporation. However, they do maintain close ties and strain constantly not to show favor to each other. They prefer that everything remains on an even keel when it comes to business arrangements.
---Hmm. That maybe a polite and Publicly scripted image, scrupulously adhered to by all parties, as Nell's axe-grinders, water bearers, spear catchers, and other adherents will no doubt have certain UNSCRUPULOUS members of the Sector's Media/Press ever digging for collusion and calumny there, like the dung beetles they so richly resemble.[at Least IM-Gateway-TU! wicked grin]
It is even better news that the Man in Emperor Gavin's favor, Archduke Marcus Aaron Erechs has PUBLICLY severed his ownership ties, yet your excellency thou didst not refute my point [a kind smile]. The Archduke still KNOWS the "ins and outs" of the MTC, and having moved the apparatus of his government to Annabapar, they too follow under this move, thus, under his watchful eyes, of which, I am but one humble and loyal servant, as art thou.

Duke sir Admiral Nell's best chances for revenge are hampered militarily by the Solomani Rim War, thus the concerns of others of said coup by Naval forces is moot, until the war ends. If Nells is too foolhardy, he maybe the first Luriani Admiral to be asked to fall on his sword by an Emperor since the Vilani 1st Imperial Conquest, IMHO [And IM-Gateway-TU].

SHould such intrigues & machinations involving "third parties" attempting undermine Imperial trade and ruin economic initiatives begun during his Grace's tenure--please remember excellency if any lead back to Nell's doorstep this is tantamount to charges of High Treason in time of War, as My most excellent Sector Imperial Starburst Chief Marshal [IMTU, the Sector equivalent to the IMoJ District Attorney] Ruuthe Vaalinkhiira tells me.

respectfully your Humble, obedient, and law abiding servant to the Imperium, and the Domain of Gateway,

Marquis/ General Liam Devlin, [ret. Imperial Army],
Dept D4-C, Govt. Complex ISC,
Suite 1087,
Capital City, 01990
Annabapar/Diamond Prince/Ley.
Your Excellencies the Marquis Rainofsteel, Deadlock, & the estimable Marquis Praquat Johnson--

I pray thee thine attention a moment more...

An example of said movement vs Nells cronies/ intrigues under His Grace's APA [Taken from MTU-Gencon 2003/ Cold fuzion Adventure].

Wherein a certain Pharmacom, LIC run world [Hansen's World], breadbasket for a lucrative pharmaceutical product yielded villainy most foul [Interstellar drug smuggling/ trafficking/ interstellar slavery, Multiple counts of embezzlement and Imperial tax evasion, and the rising star of a new set of heroes for the Domain saving 60,000 Imperial sentients from a madman's drug induced pyscho-paranoia, the leading one Knighted, and later married to the leading Lady of the bunch, the groups Ship's DR, and a surgeon on Udesdashiin [IC-IMTU, after adventure].

Taking the cue from clues within the gateway sourcebook, and further adventures of this band of trubleshooters draws the eyes and gunsights of Nells cronies, adherents, and others in the above post as mentioned.
In fact, realizing that Nells could THROW money at his favorite media talking heads in the Newsvids, a New member was added to the APA, a certain freelance reporter, in order that certain truths become revealed to the public in the mainstream media..
This added to my campaign the question what does a PC whose life and wife is being slandered by his Boss's Boss's enemies do? In the case of several minor villains, including a jealous brother in law of said PC wife, were "persuaded" to recant. A High profile Civil Law [Subsector] firm was employed by said Knight, and certain outlets of the media were utilized by this freelance reporter to the benefit that the paparazzi who took the story, and the Holo gossip channel suffered an immediate fining for falsifying information, betraying the 4th estate's public trust, a loss in subscriptions.
The Loansharks who'd blackmailed the brother in law for the "scoop" had all of his markers paid off, save one, who had the curious misfortune of a grav car thruster failure and accelerated into his house fatally. Foul play was discounted as that series of General Products, LIC Grav-modules were under an Imperium wide Megacorp recall at the time for faulty response time in the avionics/ and collision safeguard protocols.
The Gossip Media Firm settled out of court to avoid further losses in revenue and ratings, to the tune of 100 Mcr. After Taxes, that left them 18Mcr, which was wisely invested in the then announced soon to arrive triplets college accounts [6Mcr each].

Out of Character: This was but a foretaste of the intrigues and leve of skullduggery aimed at discrediting His Grace, and those knighted ennobled by him. Direct linkage of course to Nells will never e proven...
Nells, while one the Emperor's "out" list, is not an idiot, IMTU. He may have feathered his nest handily while Archduke..and cetainly his portfolio in 990 is impressive.
But as the New Archduke dismantles old entrenched cronyism, nepotism, and nigh near monopolies of Vilani Stagnation [no offense to the 1st Imperium intended, ahem!] and uses meritocracy and the free market to settle out and invigorate the Domain's economy, So to do those whose vested interests counter this make their moves...
And at the third or fourth tier of things below His grace, MTU-Gateway runs, some murder, mayhem, merchanting, a few explored new opportunities and worlds ofwonder, with a dash of corruption exposed, faced and fought on several levels, legally, and, For the betterment of all dwelling in the Domain
Thank you sirs, for your attention. As always, YMMV...[Grins].
I remain,
respectfully your Humble, obedient, and law abiding servant to the Imperium, and the Domain of Gateway,

Marquis/ General Liam Devlin, [ret. Imperial Army],
Dept D4-C, Govt. Complex ISC,
Suite 1087,
Capital City, 01990
Annabapar/Diamond Prince/Ley.
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Since this is long before the enaction of Strephon's reforms on Archducal power, the current era is (or at least, I think the current era is) one of highly limited Archducal power and authority.
Could this transition of power be that "something" that sparks the eventual reforms in the roles of Dukes and Archdukes that takes place by Strephon's hand a century or so later?

Just a thought,
Originally posted by Flynn:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Since this is long before the enaction of Strephon's reforms on Archducal power, the current era is (or at least, I think the current era is) one of highly limited Archducal power and authority.
Could this transition of power be that "something" that sparks the eventual reforms in the roles of Dukes and Archdukes that takes place by Strephon's hand a century or so later?

Just a thought,
</font>[/QUOTE]Of course it could.

But "this transition" is something that happened 624+. GTD is 993, or 369 years later.

Now, I don't *know* that the stripping of power was completed by then, really, I don't. Just that it was completed by 1110 or so.

However, I have to wonder at a situation where several specific somethings hadn't been done after 369 years that were done after 486 years. Comparitively, it's not really that much more time. I would think any project would be done by a couple of centuries by 993, but that's just me.

I've been asking anyone present (the authors . . . maybe) to weigh in on what was really going on with the stripping of powers from the Archdukes from 624 to 1110. If we can get a canon timeline of the dismantling of the powers of those Titles, then maybe it can all be better understood.

But, in any event, my personal answer (to myself) for the moment, is:

In the 993 Gateway Domain, I'm just making it so the Archduke never had anything to do with the situation, and is an entirely separate person and family. It's as written in canon, their family has no power remaining (important power, anyway). Nells was Sector Duke all along, and the real noble in the area with power, with some minor Titles beyond Sector Duke. Nells was stripped of his Sector Duke Title by Emperor Gavin, and the Title was Invested in Erechs. Nells remains in possession of his minor Titles, and leads a large coalation of nobility seriously offended by Gavin's actions, and seriously offended by "commoner" Erech's possession of an ancient noble Title of great prestige. Many of these nobles support Nells in a return to power (and a return to their collectively economic monopolization schemes). Erechs has the Sector Duke Title now, and all the money (personal stipend and 96 TCr Sector Budget) and official authority over the IN and IB to go with it. Oh, and the Emperor's obvious approval.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:


---Hmm. That maybe a polite and Publicly scripted image, scrupulously adhered to by all parties, as Nell's axe-grinders, water bearers, spear catchers, and other adherents will no doubt have certain UNSCRUPULOUS members of the Sector's Media/Press ever digging for collusion and calumny there, like the dung beetles they so richly resemble.[at Least IM-Gateway-TU! wicked grin]
It is even better news that the Man in Emperor Gavin's favor, Archduke Marcus Aaron Erechs has PUBLICLY severed his ownership ties, yet your excellency thou didst not refute my point [a kind smile]. The Archduke still KNOWS the "ins and outs" of the MTC, and having moved the apparatus of his government to Annabapar, they too follow under this move, thus, under his watchful eyes, of which, I am but one humble and loyal servant, as art thou.

Duke sir Admiral Nell's best chances for revenge are hampered militarily by the Solomani Rim War, thus the concerns of others of said coup by Naval forces is moot, until the war ends. If Nells is too foolhardy, he maybe the first Luriani Admiral to be asked to fall on his sword by an Emperor since the Vilani 1st Imperial Conquest, IMHO [And IM-Gateway-TU].

SHould such intrigues & machinations involving "third parties" attempting undermine Imperial trade and ruin economic initiatives begun during his Grace's tenure--please remember excellency if any lead back to Nell's doorstep this is tantamount to charges of High Treason in time of War, as My most excellent Sector Imperial Starburst Chief Marshal [IMTU, the Sector equivalent to the IMoJ District Attorney] Ruuthe Vaalinkhiira tells me.

respectfully your Humble, obedient, and law abiding servant to the Imperium, and the Domain of Gateway,

Marquis/ General Liam Devlin, [ret. Imperial Army],
Dept D4-C, Govt. Complex ISC,
Suite 1087,
Capital City, 01990
Annabapar/Diamond Prince/Ley.
General, sir!

This recruit soldier takes the following position, sir!

Edit: The above is tongue-in-cheek . . .

That Nells is sitting pretty as Sector Duke, and need do nothing as "revenge", because he hasn't lost anything that matters. The Archducal position is powerless, can't order the IN or IB to do anything, and has no meaninful role in the Sector Government. The moving of the Domain Capital just removed the detritus of a level of the Imperial Government that ceased to function centuries before, and is probably a relief to Nells, a clearing out of an old attic. Archduke Erechs, without any funds beyond his own (the Domain and Archduke raise no taxes), will have to fund the move entirely on his own, and its a good thing the Domain Offices are all non-functional and barely staffed, because to move an actual functioning Domain Office (from the pre-Civil War era) 10-11 J-3 jumps (70 days for one trip, what an amount of time for people doing jobs to be sitting idle!) would cost hundreds of billions (especially in new facilities acquisition and economic loss due to disruption in communications); the cost would be greater for J-2, and J-1 would be impossible. Nells, with hire/fire authority, effectively, over the entire IN/IB personnel in the Sector (except for a few members of powerful allied noble families), can keep the vast majority in line. And of those powerful allied noble families and their relatives, all immune to being fired? Well, they support Nells.

Erechs, upon arrival at Annabapar, would have started issuing orders to create the Imperial Trade Cluster, and the IB would have stared at him and politely informed him that some Imperial Edict issued back in the 7th Century (or possibly 8th Centurty at the latest) forbade him from issuing such orders, and couldn't he please go back home and entertain some foreign dignitaries for the Emperor?

Or rather, that is what I'd believe the situation to be based on what is written about the Archduke's Title and the Domain level of Imperial Government.

Now, if we can get what is already written on these matters revised, officially . . .

But also, I appear to be the only one taking this position, so it's unlikely to need revision.
I am eagerly awaiting my delivery of GTD from my FGLS out Calgary ways...

But, in the meantime how does it relate with the Lords of Thunder module?