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Gunsel Class A Orbital Starport

Class A Orbital Starport SH-Y701464-300000-80808-4
1,000,000 tons, TL-12
342,216.425 Mcr
hull cost 100,000 Mcr

Crew: 4,645
Passengers: 24,000
Emergency Low Berths = 4,000, 100 Mcr

20,000 ton cargo bay Alpha,
20,000 ton cargo bay Beta
10,000 ton cargo bay Gamma

200 tons 50x Grav Sleds, 30 Mcr
50 tons 50x Forklift, 5 Mcr

20,000 tons Maneuver Drive (1), 30,000 Mcr
40,000 tons Fuel Tanks (4 of them, 10,000 tons each)
120,000 tons Powerplant (4), 360,000 Mcr
40,000 tons Starport Control (Bridge, Ticketing, Baggage Claim, & Customs Inspection), 100 Mcr

energy points: 40,000

Main Computer (Master)
6fib 14 tons, 15/35 capacity, 5 ep, 83 Mcr

Main Computer Network
6 fib(f) x20, 280 tons, 15/35 capacity each, 100 ep, 1,660 Mcr

80,000 tons Hull Armor 3, 48,000 Mcr

8x 100 t Missile Bays, USP:8, EP0, Mcr 80, (4 bearing)
8x 100 t Particle Accelerators, USP:8, EP:480, Mcr 280, (4 bearing)

120t, 4x 30 Missile Turret batteries, USP:6, EP0, Mcr 90, (2 bearing)
120t, 4x 30 Beam Laser batteries USP:8, Ep:120, Mcr 120 (2 bearing)

Ship's Vehicles
650t, 50x 10 ton fighter, 901.3 Mcr, (2 attack Squadrons of 25 each) 6g Acceleration, 1 ton fuel, computer model 1, Dual Beam Laser attack
650t, 50x 10 ton missile fighter, 901.3 Mcr, (2 attack Squadrons of 25 each), 6g Acceleration, 1 ton fuel, computer model 1, 4x triple missile rack.

1,235 tons, 10x Shuttles 95 ton hull, 3g Acceleration, 2.85 tons of fuel, Crew 2, 2x dual pulse laser, 1x3 missile rack, 71 tons of cargo space, 330 Mcr.

780 tons, 20x Slow Boats 30 ton hull, 3g acceleration, 1 ton fuel, crew:2, 2x beam laser 13.7 tons of cargo, 300 Mcr.

1.040 tons, 20x Slow Pinnace 40 ton hull, 2g accelerqation, 1 ton of fuel, crew: 2, 1 Dual Pulse laser, 31.6 Tons of cargo space, 360 Mcr.

260 Tons, 5x Pinnace 40 ton hull, 5g acceleration, 1 ton of fuel, crew: 2, 1 Dual Pulse laser, 22.4 Tons of cargo space, 100 Mcr


Executive Officer
VP Marketing
VP Hospitality
VP Merchant Relations
VP Alien/Xeno Relations
VP Infotech
VP Security
VP Starport Traffic Control
VP Customs
VP Communications
Starport Chief Doctor
Starport Chief Medical Examiner
Starport Police Chief
Pilots x100
Co-pilots x300
Fighter Pilots x250
Police x100
Security x400
Starport Firefighters x100
Starport Staff x200 (includes flight & docking control, customs & shipping inspectors)
Engineering Staff x1,400
Service & Maintenance Crew x1,900

Chief Gunnery Officer
Gunnery Executive Officer
Gunnery General Staff x10
Missile Bay Crews x20
Particle Accelerator Crews x20
Laser Turret Gunners x120
Missile Turret Gunners x120

Medical Doctors x10
Medics x50

22,800 Tons Crew Quarters (includes):
Staterooms x5,000 4 tons each, 2,500 Mcr
Suites x100, 8 tons each, 100 Mcr
Executive Quarters x100, 20 tons each 1,000 Mcr

1,000 Tons Emergency Low Berths (4,000)

180,000 Tons, 3 Level Shopping Mall, 90,000 Mcr
15,000 Tons, Forix Orbital Casino, Mall Anchor (2 levels), 300 staff.
15,000 Tons, Shipbuilding Six Enterprises, Mal Anchor, (3 level Shipyard), 120 staff.
15,000 Tons, Gen Base Retail Store, Mall Anchor (3 levels), 160 staff
15,000 Tons, Pewter Tau Weaponry, Mall Anchor (2 levels), 300 staff.
8,000 Tons, Southern Navigation Tours, 2 levels, 125 staff.
8,000 Tons, Space Embassy (Hotel & Bar), 2 levels, 220 staff.
8,000 Tons, Suborbital League (Merchants Guild), 2 Levels, 140 staff.
8,000 Tons, Xenobiology Surveying (Adventurers Guild), 2 Levels, 204 staff.
8,000 Tons, Bluestar Merchant Two Bank, 2 Levels, 87 staff.
8,000 Tons, Tranquility Design Endeavors (Architect), 2 Levels, 168 staff.
8,000 Tons, Fusion Nanotech Tools (repairs) 64 staff.
8,000 Tons, Eta Radiation Insurance, 115 staff.
8,000 Tons, Travellers Aid Society (Club), 212 staff.
8,000 Tons, Barnev Shipbuilding Accomodations, 181 staff.
2,000 Tons, Mines Analysis, (mining) 44 staff.
2,000 Tons, Tau Investments, 42 staff.
2,000 Tons, Richmoender Medical Center, 27 staff.
2,000 Tons, Psionics Emergency, 41 staff.
2,000 Tons, Phi Station Mechanics, 78 staff.
2,000 Tons, Huffel Adaptive Power, 56 staff.
2,000 Tons, Equipment Five Pawn, 38 staff.
2,000 Tons, Khoosov Nanotechnology Bank, 46 employees.
2,000 Tons, Fusion Armor, 28 staff.
2,000 Tons, Robot Travel Fund, 41 staff.
2,000 Tons, Trade Air (charters), 56 staff.
2,000 Tons, Tau Traders (merchants guild) 41 staff.
2,000 Tons, Astro Kings (salvage specialists) 54 staff.
2,000 Tons, Archaic Zero Gravity 653 (vacc suits & equi[pment) 49 staff.
2,000 Tons, Psi Metallurgy (Metals Traders) 50 staff.
2,000 Tons, Veldair Chemistry (Gas Trader) 52 staff.
500 Tons, Gregno College of Drilling (Petroleum & Water Extraction) 17 staff.
500 Tons, Cryonics Anti-matter (exotic materials and supplies) 9 staff.
500 Tons, Amave Prefabrication Salvaging (Salvagers) 13 staff.
500 Tons, Space Clone Enterrpises (Clones) 9 staff.
500 Tons, Travelers Insurance, 10 staff.
500 Tons, Cinnabar Xenobiology, 14 staff.
500 Tons, Synergy Vacations (travel agent), 7 staff
500 Tons, Nu Tools, 12 staff.
500 Tons, Spice Research & Development (speculators) 9 staff.
500 Tons, Misakazume Fission Chemistry (chemists) 12 staff.
500 Tons, Veldaire Vacations (Travel Agents) 7 staff.
500 Tons, Psi Three Robotics Repair (Mechanics), 14 staff.
500 Tons, Deep Grav Vehicles, 8 staff.
500 Tons, Pilots Station Institute (Pilots Guild) 11 staff.
500 Tons, Spin Repairs (Mechanics) 11 staff.
500 Tons, Spindrift Liquors, 7 staff.

Starship Docking Bays
52,000 Tons, Dreadnaught/Carrier 10,000t Class Docking Bays x4
32,300 Tons Heavy Battleship 6,000t Class Docking Bays x4
39,000 Tons Battleship 3,000t Class Docking Bays x10
65,000 Tons, Heavy Cruiser 1,000t Class Docking Bays x50
20,800 Tons, Cruiser 800t Class Docking Bays x20
26,000 Tons, Destroyer 400t Class Docking Bays x50

60,000 Tons, Freshwater Tanks 20,000t x3

10,000 Tons, Waste Recycling Plant, 5,000 Mcr

Starport Guest Quarters
30,000 Tons, 7,500x Guest Staterooms, 4 Tons each. Rates: 200 cr/night Cost: 3,750 Mcr
3,200 Tons, 400x Guest Suites, 8 Tons each. Rates: 1,000 cr/night Cost: 400 Mcr
1,600 Tons, 100x Regal Suites, 16 Tons each. Rates: 3,000 cr/night Cost: 200 Mcr
4,000 Tons, 100x Grand Suites, 40 Tons each. Rates: 8,000 cr/night Cost: 500 Mcr
1,000 Tons, 10x Presidential Suites, 100 Tons each. Rates: 25,000 cr/night Cost: 125 Mcr
2,000 Tons, 2x Royal Suites, 1,000 Tons each. Rates: 50,000 cr/night Cost: 250 Mcr

1,000 Tons, Recreation Lounge & Bar, 125 Mcr
645 Tons, Swimming Pool. 32.25 Mcr
Nice job.

An emergency low berth explanation would be interesting. Certainly all those businesses have interesting stories, as well.
One question, it's described as a class A, but I don't see any construction or repair facilities?

Also, is fuel available? Refined or unrefined?
I Wonder what the Downport associated with this Highport would look like?

More curious about:

At the core is the question of the design's growth potential. Would this be built with much free space at the start or with nearly 100% rental occupancy before opening? When 100% is reached, what is next?

Is it a "modular" system subject to expansion by grafting or is it expected to expand through "satellite" stations?

Would the genesis of your station being the fruit of Station Alpha, Beta, Starbase Cleon, and Terminal Epsilon been declared obsolete and phased out as soon as their leasees moved to their new berths (designed just for that purpose)? or Is it a shell that was filled during the "last century"?

have fun

1,000,000 ton => 240 weeks per TCS p33

Hmm, nice fairy tale. One million tons, in orbit, with that much material onboard to be connected. Staterooms are in excess of 12,500, all of which will have to be connected to ventilation, power, and plumbing. Then you have all of the places in that mall.

With respect to staterooms, Traveller rules call for one person per stateroom. I assume, based on that, that a family of 4 takes either 4 staterooms, or gets a suite.

Looks like that are no surge dividers in the water tanks, as they show no cost at all. How about some pumps for that 60,000 tons of water?

Also, correction on cost.
342,216.425 Mcr

If I read that correctly, the total cost is over 342 Trillion Credits.

How many planetary systems are putting up the money for this? No planetary government is going to do this.
Hmm, nice fairy tale. One million tons, in orbit, with that much material onboard to be connected.

Meh. I take the view that TL12 to us on many levels is like expecting Civil War era citizens (~TL3) to understand mobile phones (~TL8). I'll take the TCS view as a sufficient ballpark figure until proven otherwise. Of course by then, its no longer science fiction...

Regards cost, given a pop A TL12 world, that is ~35 credits per citizen, spread over 5 years or 7 credits per year. Not too bad for a major piece of infrastructure.
Meh. I take the view that TL12 to us on many levels is like expecting Civil War era citizens (~TL3) to understand mobile phones (~TL8). I'll take the TCS view as a sufficient ballpark figure until proven otherwise. Of course by then, its no longer science fiction...

Regards cost, given a pop A TL12 world, that is ~35 credits per citizen, spread over 5 years or 7 credits per year. Not too bad for a major piece of infrastructure.

I stand corrected, it is over 342 Billion Credit, not Trillion. My comment still stands. It is a monstrosity that would never be built or financed. Explain to your taxpayers that you are spending that much of their money to employ about 5,000 people.

Have any of you ever served in a government position where you have to determine what to spend money on?
Megaprojects are done all the time here on Earth. The big difference is that we don't have a planetary equivalent because we are a balkanized world.

But to put things in perspective the US spent over a trillion dollars in a decade to fight the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. And this on top of the other trillions we spent on defense for wars we never fought.

You might look at Dubai as an example of what you can do if you have money burning a hole in your pocket. Or the significant percentage of GDP that china spent over just a few years to build infrastructure.

Its not impossible at all if you have the need for it. And under Traveller rules that orbital facility may be there for a hundred years or more. Even using standard capitalization payback rules its not a stretch.
as to the Could/Should have, I point back to my question about the genesis of the project.

If you aggregate a host of business previously held in TL10-11 structures built over the previous centuries into a more efficient (through desing, space aggregation, TL increase) TL-12 structure (with early TL13 and some experimental TL 14) there is no problem. The economic opportunities were there or the old stations would not have survived that long, they have been amortized, the competition may start building anew, the rental money is there if you provide more efficient facilities... Startport autorities will find the money to modernize a good business.

Build-it they will come.... genesis, is a trickier proposition and much of a challenge for a Merchant Prince scenario.

and of course add the value of the downport...

have fun
