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CT Only: Hard Gravity

Just a question...

For the most part, worlds in CT are assumed to be of standard density. For a world with an Earth like atmo, the Ref is almost encouraged to assume Earth-like temperatures, too.

If you need to find the local gravity on a world, the World Template will easily provide that.

OK, let's take all that as givens. To keep it easy, we assume standard density, that Earth like UWPs have Earth like temps, and that local gravity is provided by World Size on the World Template.

Different Worlds

The rules show us how to adjust a character's load based on world size (and local gravity).

But, my question is: Should we penalize or otherwise modify a character's STR due to gravity?

The rules already have us doing that with regards to the amount of weight a character can carry. What about STR based throws?

Drive Me Up The Wall?

Let's say that a character wants to climb a wall. The character is from a Size 6 world, and this wall climbing is taking place on a Size 7 world.

Should we use a -1 DM penalty modifier on that climb.

Or, if that same character goes to a Size 4 world and tries to climb a similar wall, does he get a +2 DM bonus on his STR check for that climb?

Maybe we should rate the modifier as +1 per two size categories, so that the character from the Size 6 world had no modifier on Size 5 or 7 worlds but has a +1 DM on Size 4 and Size 3 worlds and a -1 DM on Size 8 and Size 9 worlds?

How should be handle this?

Should be handle this at all?

It does bring up a dynamic based on world gravity.

Is A Week Enough?

I've read, somewhere, that a captain on a jump will slowly alter the deck plating gravity of his vessel so that it matches the local gravity of the destination world.

Is a week enough to do any good? Will a character from a size 6 world be ready for a Size 8 world by then?

How would be
I definitely adjust per homeworld gravity.

Zero/low grav gets -1 STR and +1 DEX, normal grav no adjustment, high grav +1 STR/-1 DEX.

Don't know about the climbing, I would tend to let the encumbrance rules inform that, especially as I am adjusting already for base strength.

As to gravitic adjustment, maybe a week is not long enough. We might assume some sort of high tech fix, the gravitic equivalent of seasick pills or effective therapy, but there IS a cost.

Actually, I think Dexterity would suffer more so than strength. Simply because your muscle memory is more or less completely whacked depending on the difference. Your hand eye coordination will take time to compensate.

Strength affects total work capable (i.e. load that you can lift), but, say, consider firing a rifle. It's not so much that the rifle is now more heavy, but your arms, hands, and everything else are as well. Swinging the rifle to engage a target is going to look like drunk men dancing.

Similarly with lower gravity.

I had a shoulder injury where I seemingly lost strength in my arm. It literally just flopped around. Weirdest thing. So I can easily see similar effects in varying G environments.