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Harley Grav-Bike MT version



Gannon Mackenzie’s Personal Grav Vehicle

CraftlD: Grav-Bike, Type QV, TL 12, Cr$105,875

Hull: 1/2, Disp = 0.25, Config = 4SL, Armor = 1F, Unloaded = 1.151 tons, Loaded = 1.23 tons

Power: 1/2, Fuel Cell (TL13) = .105Mw, Duration =7/23, Storage Batteries (TL-12) = .003Mw

Locomotion: 1/2, (TL10) Low Pwr H-Grav, Thrust = 2 tons, w/Rider: NOE= 160kph, Cruise=630kph, Top=840kph w/Passenger: NOE= 160kph, Cruise=540kph, Top=720kph

Max Accel: 0.74G (w/Rider); .063 (w/Passenger)

Commo: (TL 12) Regional Radio Comm (500km)

Sensors: (TL 12) Active EMS Distant (5km), Headlights x 2, Active Object Scan = Formidable

Offense/Defense: Hardpoints = 1 (nothing installed)

Control: Computer = bis0 x 2, Dynamic Link

Accommodations: Crew = 1 (Operator), Seats = Cramped x 2, Open-topped

Other: Fuel = 0.150kl, Cargo = 0.05kl

Object Size = Small, Emlevel = Faint


A grav "bike" is a popular alternative to a grav belt. It costs very little more than a grav belt and has cargo space besides. In addition, it can carry a second rider, who can work (or shoot) undistracted while the pilot flies the craft.

The vehicle also includes complete computer control (with backup) allowing the operator to work, undistracted, while the craft flies itself to the desired destination. Manual control is recommended during hazardous or combat situation, however.

The craft's parabolic nose and windshield are designed both for streamlined flight and to protect its riders. Carrying 150 liters of fuel, the craft can mount a powerful 2, 000kg of thrust for up to 47.5 continuous hours. In 8 hour shifts, the fuel supply will last for almost 6 full days. There is hydrogen and oxygen combined fuel tank allowing for operation in almost all atmospheres, including a vacuum. A hatch in the rear opens to a cargo space of 50 liters.

The bike has been customized to allow a Vacc-Suit’s umbilical cord to be attached to the oxygen portion of the fuel tank. This reduces the amount of operations hours, but allows for the rider and a passenger the ability survey a low hazardous environment without use of a full Portable Life Support System (PLSS), though one is recommended. There are two such umbilical cord connectors.

The grav bike has built-in avionics, giving it good nap-of-earth abilities, which the belt does not have. Since, however, the bike has no inertial compensators, certain precautions are necessary for NOE flights.

This particular grav-bike is custom made including the Fuel Cell. The cell is made essentially of TL12 parts but yielding the comparable TL13 output. This allows for good availability of spare/replacement parts.
Nice bike!
Being nitpicky, there are obvious signs of an internal combustion engine there (though with a bit more photoshopping the fins could be part of a cooling system for the fuel cells, I suppose) and I'd question why it needs shock-absorbers at the front.

Personally, I'd have removed the shockers just below the front indicators and either had the bike finish at the crash bars, or bend the shockers into a forward facing crash bar / bumper, removing the front 'wheel' altogether.
But that's just being nitpicky - I like it, good work. :)
Nice bike!
Being nitpicky, there are obvious signs of an internal combustion engine there (though with a bit more photoshopping the fins could be part of a cooling system for the fuel cells, I suppose) and I'd question why it needs shock-absorbers at the front.

Personally, I'd have removed the shockers just below the front indicators and either had the bike finish at the crash bars, or bend the shockers into a forward facing crash bar / bumper, removing the front 'wheel' altogether.
But that's just being nitpicky - I like it, good work. :)

Those are chrome baby, chrome. Take it way and it will not be the classic Harley image, but just look like every other grav bike in the universe. ;)

Dave Chase
Carrying 150 liters of fuel, the craft can mount a powerful 2, 000kg of thrust for up to 47.5 continuous hours. In 8 hour shifts, the fuel supply will last for almost 6 full days. There is hydrogen and oxygen combined fuel tank allowing for operation in almost all atmospheres, including a vacuum. A hatch in the rear opens to a cargo space of 50 liters.

If the bike isw operated in an atmosphere with sufficient O2, couldn't all the fuel space be devoted to H2? I think because of the various molecular weights involved, this offers considerable payoffs.
Nice design, just one question:

Power: 1/2, Fuel Cell (TL13) = .105Mw, Duration =7/23, Storage Batteries (TL-12) = .003Mw

The craft's parabolic nose and windshield are designed both for streamlined flight and to protect its riders. Carrying 150 liters of fuel, the craft can mount a powerful 2, 000kg of thrust for up to 47.5 continuous hours. In 8 hour shifts, the fuel supply will last for almost 6 full days. There is hydrogen and oxygen combined fuel tank allowing for operation in almost all atmospheres, including a vacuum. A hatch in the rear opens to a cargo space of 50 liters.

(emphasis is mine)

The duration is 7/23 or 47.5 hours?
I beg your pardon in advance. I'm not criticizing. I've been trying to make sense of the MT design rules for about the past month or so, and I'm still struggling with them. I'm not understanding the numbers:

0.25 Dtons = 3.37 Kl

Hull: 0.4t, 2600Cr; with a box config, -1040Cr; streamlined, +1300Cr; TL12 F4 armor, weight x0.26. Open topped, -5% to -20%, no value given so omitted for the moment.
Tentative Hull Final: 0.104t 2860Cr
Fuel Cell 0.08Kl 0.098t 1500Cr
Batteries 0.003Kl 0.003t 26Cr
Drive 0.1Kl 0.06t 50000Cr
Avionics 0.2Kl 0.1t 14000Cr
Fuel 0.15Kl 0.011t
Radio 0.001Kl 0.001t 500Cr
EMS Active 0.002Kl 0.001t 20000Cr
Computer 1.0Kl 0.2t 260000Cr
Ctrl Panels - 1? 0.02kl 0.01t 500Cr
(12.9 CP needed?)
Crew Accom.? ?4Kl ?0.04t. ?200Cr
Cargo 0.05l 0.05t.
Totals: ?5.626Kl 0.678t 349,586Cr?

How does the "open-topped" affect the crew volume? I can't find any rule on it except how it reduces hull weight, but I recall it had a big impact in Striker. MT gives a "none" accommodation for folks riding outside the vehicle - half the "cramped" volume - but there's no explanation of how the 5%-20% open-topped bit figures into that.

Why is my weight figure low? I'm off nearly half a ton. How does one figure the weight of the actual passenger(s)? MT doesn't seem to speak to that - not a big issue when designing a battlecruiser, but a wee problem when designing a 2-person flyer where speed is so dependent on actual weight. Why is my cost figure high? What am I doing wrong?
Not bad!

My thought being to either reduce the TL, reduce the price or increase the fuel efficiency, though.
Thanks for the feedback. Sorry I don't get here much.

In short, the bike looks this way 'cause it's "cool". No other real reason.

The MT Design (which I have a hard time with) is based on an existing design and tweaked for the character who rides it. I agree with some of the design suggestions, but I am not sure how to 'fix' it either.

Point is the PC rides a grav bike that looks and feels like a Harley.

One specific note, Icosahedron questioned "why it needs shock-absorbers at the front.", well it doesn't, naturally. Somewhere in my head it is used to steer the vehicle. A Grav vehicle such as this, really doesn't have left and right thrusters (assume 'repulsor). So I figure it is used to steer the grav plate, so the bike's fork had to remain. Hope that explains it, at least a little.

Again, thank you very much for the look and the feedback. I hope you enjoyed.
In short, the bike looks this way 'cause it's "cool". No other real reason.

Point is the PC rides a grav bike that looks and feels like a Harley.

You have succeeded, very much. I approve. :D

One specific note, Icosahedron questioned "why it needs shock-absorbers at the front.", well it doesn't, naturally. Somewhere in my head it is used to steer the vehicle. A Grav vehicle such as this, really doesn't have left and right thrusters (assume 'repulsor). So I figure it is used to steer the grav plate, so the bike's fork had to remain. Hope that explains it, at least a little.

Again, thank you very much for the look and the feedback. I hope you enjoyed.

It is a shock absorber of a sort, just a gravitic one. It's also a steering aid.

(As opposed to "steering aids," which your friend's character needs to avoid getting - from other drivers he encounters!)
"An often-purchased option includes a sound module that has a loud cackling rumble that increases incrementally as the grav-bike accelerates."
