Hi Guys,
As the subject line of this thread might suggest, I'm looking for input on the economics section of MgT.
As fate would have it, I started working on automating via VB.NET, the process for freight lots and such for use with GURPS TRAVELLER FAR TRADER. I'm running into difficulties based on the fact that the rules in that book do not seem to work with Adventure class ships (aka Beowulf, Empress Marava, etc) such that they can operate in a standard Traveller Universe without going bankrupt within the first year - hell, the first couple of MONTHS. The only way for me to fix this issue and others I've identified, is to either change the rules/numbers until the Adventure class ships can survive financially, or to start looking at other rules systems for Traveller and see if those rules might be better.
Classic Traveller's freight rate amounts leave me cold, as they are far too unrealistic for me to use in my campaign. GURPS FAR TRADER has issues that may not be resolvable. That leaves the other versions of Traveller.
T5 rules seem to boil down to a rehash of the older MERCHANT PRINCE rules with some modifications. Available passengers for any of the passenger types works out to being equal to 2d6-7+Population Rating + skill bonus of some type depending upon passenger type.
So, although I've purchased the Mongoose Traveller Main Rule Book and MERCHANT PRINCE - I've not really gone through them in other than a cursory manner. At the time - my group wasn't into Traveller, and the other reason being, my group is GURPS oriented. So, the Role playing vehicle of choice is GURPS, but it doesn't mean I can't borrow from other game systems, those mechanisms that I like
To that end, I would like to ask, has anyone actually used the merchant rules, and the rules for freight rates, etc? Any pitfalls? Any particular thing you like or don't like about the rules so I can maybe get a head start on trying to adapt things to work in case I can't get GURPS FAR TRADER to work to my satisfaction?
As the subject line of this thread might suggest, I'm looking for input on the economics section of MgT.
As fate would have it, I started working on automating via VB.NET, the process for freight lots and such for use with GURPS TRAVELLER FAR TRADER. I'm running into difficulties based on the fact that the rules in that book do not seem to work with Adventure class ships (aka Beowulf, Empress Marava, etc) such that they can operate in a standard Traveller Universe without going bankrupt within the first year - hell, the first couple of MONTHS. The only way for me to fix this issue and others I've identified, is to either change the rules/numbers until the Adventure class ships can survive financially, or to start looking at other rules systems for Traveller and see if those rules might be better.
Classic Traveller's freight rate amounts leave me cold, as they are far too unrealistic for me to use in my campaign. GURPS FAR TRADER has issues that may not be resolvable. That leaves the other versions of Traveller.
T5 rules seem to boil down to a rehash of the older MERCHANT PRINCE rules with some modifications. Available passengers for any of the passenger types works out to being equal to 2d6-7+Population Rating + skill bonus of some type depending upon passenger type.
So, although I've purchased the Mongoose Traveller Main Rule Book and MERCHANT PRINCE - I've not really gone through them in other than a cursory manner. At the time - my group wasn't into Traveller, and the other reason being, my group is GURPS oriented. So, the Role playing vehicle of choice is GURPS, but it doesn't mean I can't borrow from other game systems, those mechanisms that I like

To that end, I would like to ask, has anyone actually used the merchant rules, and the rules for freight rates, etc? Any pitfalls? Any particular thing you like or don't like about the rules so I can maybe get a head start on trying to adapt things to work in case I can't get GURPS FAR TRADER to work to my satisfaction?