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Help with critical hits on ships, group hits by shotgun/smg

A couple of questions for the experts here, if they don't mind.

What constitutes a "critical hit" on a ship? I'm not saying I read the rules thoroughly, but a quick skim did not reveal this to me. I'm fairly certain I understand how everything else works, I'm just not sure how to distinguish a regular hit on a ship from a critical hit.

Next, a question came up in our game about group hits from the shotgun and SMG. Are the dice "spread out" over all the targets (one guy gets 1D, another gets another 1D, etc.) or is the full damage amount applied to each target separately?

on a ship, do you mean in book 5? if so there is a critical hit table next to the other damage tables.

if book 2 I'll have to look it up.
In Bk2, you roll on the normal damage table, but one result on that table is a critical. You then refer to the critical damage table.
Next, a question came up in our game about group hits from the shotgun and SMG. Are the dice "spread out" over all the targets (one guy gets 1D, another gets another 1D, etc.) or is the full damage amount applied to each target separately?


SMG's I handle like this: per Mercenary they get 2 chances to hit one target, or that could be used as 1 chance to hit two targets for full damage on each. That's it. The gun only fires 4 rounds per burst so if you want to hit more than two targets you realistically should just panic fire and empty the whole mag in one shot at like -4DM and hope for the best just being suppression fire and scaring the heck out of the targets while winging a few.

Shotguns I allow the rule in the book and apply full damage to all the targets rolled separately of course) - after all shotguns were made to do that and blast out a lot of pellets unless using slugs.