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HG2e Ship Design Spreadsheet


I've just finished getting all the basics in to my ship design spreadsheet.

You'll need to make a copy to use it as the above link is read-only.

Don't yet have options to harden systems, or use alternative TLs for cost/size/etc improvements, and there are a few other things (such as hiding systems the ship is too small for) that I want to get to, but the sheet does already hide quite a few sub-options that aren't valid (such as incorrect bridge sizes or backup computer specs).

Please let me know if you spot any errors!
Good show!

I'm going to add a few things off a sheet I was working on (potential profit, maintenance/fuel costs) and this thing will be a solid way to develop new spacecraft and modify existing with little tweaks to get things just right.
Good show!

I'm going to add a few things off a sheet I was working on (potential profit, maintenance/fuel costs) and this thing will be a solid way to develop new spacecraft and modify existing with little tweaks to get things just right.

Sounds good! If you'd like to share the result with me, I'll merge the changes in. There's quite a bit I could/should add but I have become diverted by the game Stellaris for the moment!
Sheet with modifications

You'll find my changes sort of on the right. Hopefully it all makes sense/can be integrated with your work. Good luck on Stellaris, that one is a tough habit to break :)

Ah, just spotted this... I think we both got caught in moderation for a bit. Will merge that in when I next take a look at it, but can't just grab it wholesale now I've put the High Technology stuff in on top of the old! Looks good, though!
It's looking good, really starting to come together. Ever consider making a sheet for the vehicle design rules as well? I have a rough one of those as well, but I like your method for separating the sheer amount of options.
It's looking good, really starting to come together. Ever consider making a sheet for the vehicle design rules as well? I have a rough one of those as well, but I like your method for separating the sheer amount of options.

I haven't picked up the Vehicle book yet; also, I haven't finished the High Guard spreadsheet! I'm still trying to decide the least ugly way of working in the primitive/advanced options, not to mention get a working script that hides all the stuff that's not relevant.
v1.5 - Hardening and Primitive/Advanced now in.

Up at http://bit.ly/2naoqqI

It wasn't until I was doing Primitive/Advanced stuff that I realised what a mistake I was making mixing values and formulas earlier in an attempt to make the whole thing a bit more compact... have learned a lot about spreadsheets doing this!

I've also altered the crew formulas so they round down rather than up, and fixed a couple of other errors.
This is really good stuff. It's so easy to sneak in and quickly play with options to see what kinds of things will hold a lot but still be able to affordable. It's a bummer the default game has such cheap "passage" for the cost to maintain it and precious space it takes up.
Thanks for putting this together. I had no intentions of getting HG2E but I like the options I see... so:

1. What is the definition of Peak Power?
-It seems like it is the surplus power available.

2. I can't figure out if Peak Power includes Ship System/Mdrive/Jdrive. It must include two of those but I can't see it in the function/equation. The numbers I have, if it is Peak=surplus, don't add up.

3. Can't download from Sheets without a number of .xml errors. Any ideas?
Thanks for putting this together. I had no intentions of getting HG2E but I like the options I see... so:

1. What is the definition of Peak Power?
-It seems like it is the surplus power available.

2. I can't figure out if Peak Power includes Ship System/Mdrive/Jdrive. It must include two of those but I can't see it in the function/equation. The numbers I have, if it is Peak=surplus, don't add up.

3. Can't download from Sheets without a number of .xml errors. Any ideas?

1. Yup. It will be negative if you can't power everything at once.

2. It does. I think I changed it back and forth between surplus and peak based on trying to make the column narrower as much as anything!

3. Yeah, I've apparently used a few sheets-specific things in formulas that don't play well with Excel or others; I can probably swap them out, but of late have mostly moved on to looking at Javascript so I can do the next one as a web site with pretty output!