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Holding an Advance Copy!


Ancient - Absent Friend
After much tussle with UPS who managed to screw up the delivery, I am holding an advanced copy of Gateway in my hands! It looks great! Thick too! 256 pages and a little over 1/2 inch thick.

The bulk of the shipment should be arriving here on Wednesday at which time we will get them into the warehouse and starting shipping out on Thursday.


QLI's second big T20 book... From here on, the sky is the limit.

Time to really start nagging my FLGSs (yes, we have two in Newcastle now ;) ).

I wonder how long they'll take to get across the pond?
I've made 2 posts to TML about Gateway and had exactly one reply. Not even protests about 'spamming' TML with product details.

Are we invisible again?
Originally posted by MJD:
I've made 2 posts to TML about Gateway and had exactly one reply. Not even protests about 'spamming' TML with product details.

Are we invisible again?
/me casts Dispel Magic >.o
The TML seems to be in something of a slump at the moment. Uzbek women, Russian mail-order brides, and Stutterwarp* seem to be the current topics generating interest.
:eek: ;)

Your first post was during Mother's Day and likely folk were busy then and the next day was a Monday. David Roz mentioned Gateway now being available earlier today fwiw. It's not been 24 hours yet since your second post.
/me shrugs

There also seems to be a good bit of crossover between people posting on CotI and TML. With Gateway having been "out" in some form or another for some time the rabid fanboys have likely worn themselves out over here on CotI already. ^_^

I know this site hosts the TML but maybe including a link to the book would help?

* there's an adventure seed in that somewhere

[EDIT] Morte's review on enworld is up though no mention of Gateway's status on the main page for enworld, gamingreport, etc. yet. [/EDIT]
Perhaps because the growth area for traveller, both discussion and products is QLI. GURPS is not putting out a lot of stuff as far as I'm aware - they obviously put out most of their stuff 1998-2002 I think (I'm not a GURPS acolyte, so I don;t know). So apart from QLI, and FFE of course, which uses QLI as a conduit for its reprints anyway, who else is there in the traveller universe churning out publications apart from the excellent BITS and GRIP products? The answer - no-one, unless someone will correct me.
Let's see, during the past year SJG published:

- GT:Starships
- GT:Humaniti
- GT:Sword Worlds
- GT:Star Mercs (reprint)
- GT:Far Trader (reprint)

Plus an issue of JTAS every two weeks, and GT:Nobles is scheduled to come out next month.
From a casual glance at SJG's listing, done by a non-Gurps acolyte (whatever that means):

June - Humanati
September - Starships

February - Sword Worlds
April - Star Mercs & Far Trader reprints

June - Nobles

at some point Interstellar Wars

And you can purchase the Far Future reprints from SJG's Warehouse 23. For that matter also the BITS books.

Offhand I haven't noticed any updates to Grip or additional modules to it since around T20's release and Grip is done by the QLI/T20 folk.

And considering the rate at which QLI is producing pdf TA's and Epics let alone print products I wouldn't exactly use the term churning out products.
Three print products in total. And that's including Gateway which until I get a copy in my hands doesn't really count to me.

JTAS seems to be going as strong as ever discussion post wise from I can tell. A high signal to noise ratio which isn't the case lately on CotI. There might a slight dip in the number of articles but I've found them in general useful and I don't play GT.
/me shrugs
Choice is good. And fwiw the TML is hosted by QLI here on this site and while it has its share of Gurps players, most of the discussion is system independant / adaptable. Just like Gateway.

Casey (puts cluebat down ^_^)
Originally posted by Casey:
And considering the rate at which QLI is producing pdf TA's and Epics let alone print products I wouldn't exactly use the term churning out products.
Three print products in total. And that's including Gateway which until I get a copy in my hands doesn't really count to me.
New QLI Print Products Released in Past Year
Jun 2003 Traveller's Aide #1 (Print)
Oct 2003 T20 Referee's Screen (Print)
May 2004 Gateway to Destiny (Print)

QLI Reprinted Products Released in Past Year
Oct 2003 THB Reprint (Print)

QLI PDF Products Released in Past Year
Jul 2003 TA5 Objects of the Mind
Aug 2003 TA6 Against Gravity
Nov 2003 TA7 Fighting Ships
Jan 2004 EA1 Stoner Express
Feb 2004 EA2 Into the Glimmer Drift
Apr 2004 SS1 Sydymic Outworlds Cluster

Looks like it is even on new print material, we are one behind on reprints, and ahead on PDFs...

I agree Hunter. PDF publishing is very useful, especially for companies with (currently) more limited resources than GURPS. Being involve din the print, advertising and publishing indsutries myself, having dead tree copies lying around is not a very efficient way of running a business unless that business has considerable financial backing and track record.

When I say "churning out", there are a lot waiting in the wings to be published. And based on the relative resources available betwene GURPS and QLI, it is not surprising GURPS is leading the battle at present. But wait and see for the rest of this year...

I'm not bagging GURPS in any way - they have been around longer than QLI publishing traveller stuff so of course they are going to be slightly ahead in the dead-tree publishing stakes.
Originally posted by hunter:

Looks like it is even on new print material, we are one behind on reprints, and ahead on PDFs...
SJG doesn't do pdfs yet but has JTAS. So you're about even in number of products released and I'm not going into any further detail. This isn't a race, nor do I call either list "churning out products"*. I find both companies useful. Kudos to QLI, SJG, and the Traveller fans.

Frankly none of it has IMO anything to do with MJD not really getting much response recently on the TML in the past three days or so. ^_^ I already detailed IMO why there was little response.

* That's something like Mongoose. ;)
