Keklas Rekobah
SOC-14 1K
Stabrinde (stah-BRIN-day): Bipedal, mobile, heterotropic, societal, bilaterally symmetrical, serially hermaphroditic, viviparous humanoids native to Brin-IV.
Taxonomic Classification:
- System: Brin
- Domain: Stabrindia
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Hermaphroditia
- Order: Omnivora
- Family: Primata
- Genus: Homo
- Species: Brinidae
Primary Species: "Stabrinde" ("People of Brin")
Appearance: Humanoid, with golden-yellow skin at birth that fades to pale yellow with age. ~1.5 metres tall as adults. Head is disproportionately large, and the eyes even moreso. Little or no body hair, except for a Mohawk-like stand on the top and back of the head. Eyes are uniformly dark brown. Three digits with four joints and an opposable thumb with three joints on hands. Four digits with three joints each on feet. Low BMI. Exceptional hearing and night vision. (Note: Imagine a well-fed Smeagal/Gollum from LotR. -KR-)
Gender Differences: Children are born neuter with male genitalia. Puberty onset in 10 standard years. Male for 10 to 15 years, followed by non-fertile transition to female gender over 1 to 3 years, followed 10 to 15 years as female, followed by transition to neuter gender for remainder of life. Normal life span is ~90 standard years.
Government: Society is run by a gerontocracy (Rulership by the Aged) of neuters. Households are managed by the females. Males perform tasks of labor. Children are taught at an accelerated rate.
Conflict: War is practically unknown, although violent crime among the males is not uncommon. Female crimes tend towards more white-collar varieties. Neuters rarely commit any crimes.
Factions: One notable group, with significant support, well known. Males wishing to have a larger voice in government engaging in civil disobedience. Fortunately, the male stage does not last long enough for a stable coalition to form. Females tend to be more accepting of the status quo, knowing that they'll become leaders soon enough.
- (11) Sexist - One gender (neuters) consider the others to be subservient; children, males and females can not own real-estate, neuters can.
- (15) Conservative - Resistance to change and outside influence.
- (43) Peaceful - Physical conflict is almost unheard-of (except among the males). The culture produces few soldiers, and diplomacy is the rule (except among the males). Aggressive or forceful citizens are ostracized. Aggressive, forceful or merely assertive off-worlders will be restricted to the extrality zone.
Behavior: The Brin are known for their understanding of life sciences, from genetics to sociology, and for their passionate regard for all life. Children are energetic, with short attention spans, but easily educated; males are aggressive and self-centered; females are merely assertive and family oriented; and the elders are patient and generally disposed towards peaceful resolution of differences.
Sciences: Primary science is biology, with medicine, organic chemistry and genetics following in close order. Astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and sociology also feature greatly.
Trade Goods: World is Agricultural, Garden, Non-Industrial, Rich World.
- Illegal exports include anagathics and psionic-related drugs.
- Illegal imports include 'Foreign' entertainment and information, Psionic-related devices, easily-concealed personal firearms (i.e., Body Pistols) and other forbidden weapons.
- Unusual imports include mercenary law-enforcement personnel.
Environmental Data (Brin-IV):
Mineral Resources: Brin has a largely non-metallic crust. Metals heavier than copper lie near the core, with lighter elements closer to the surface. Abundant petroleum reserves.
Geology: No moon, minimal tides. No plate tectonics. Little volcanism. Few quakes.
Climate: Global weather consistent with spring or autumn, with temperature gradient relative to latitude. Small ice caps. A few small arid regions of no great importance.
Biology: Abundant air, land, and oceanic life. Many analogues to Terrestrial life-forms; most follow the serial hermaphroditic age progression of the Homo Brinidae. Brin biology is not incompatible -- Brin and Terrestrials may consume the same foods -- but genetic differences prevent interbreeding with Terrestrial stock.
Planetary Data (Brin-IV):
UWP: "Brin" ???? C7667C8-8 G Ag Ga Ni Ri
- Starport: Downport only. Routine quality facilities for cargo and passengers. Unrefined fuel available at normal price. Refined fuel at double price only. Some repair facilities (civilian only).
- Diameter: 7,000 miles (ll,200 km)
- Atmosphere: Standard Nitrogen-Oxygen (78:21) mix, with traces of noble gases.
- Hydrographics: Water covers 60% of surface, with ice caps at poles.
- Population: 21 million, and stable.
- Government: Charismatic Oligarchy (Gerontocracy) maintaining a socialist state.
- Law Level: Explosives, Poison Gas, and Firearms are prohibited. Long-Bladed weapons are controlled (limited to SOC-A+). Daggers are permitted, if not carried openly.
- Native Technology: 9 (This is an average value, reflecting TL-B for organic "life" sciences, and TL-7 for inorganic sciences).
- Agricultural, Garden, Non-Industrial, Rich. Most industry is related to the cultivation of foodstuffs, and to the production of organic pharmaceuticals. Distribution is efficient and equitable.
- One gas giant.
- No Naval or Scout bases present.
System Details
Primary: F5-IV, Solitary.
Orbit I: "Sut" X-100-000-0 Ba Va -- Small, mineral-laden rockball, bathed in stellar radiation. Extreme life hazard.
Orbit II: "Brel" X-300-000-0 Ba Va -- Small, mineral-laden rockball. Two asteroidal siliceous satellites, 100 km (irregular shard) and 300 km (spherical).
Orbit III: "Kest" X-530-000-0 Ba De Po -- Small, siliceous rockball.
Orbit IV: "Brin" C-766-7C8-8 G Ag Ga Ni Ri -- Carbo-Siliceous rockball with metallic core. Inhabited.
Orbit V: Empty.
Orbit VI: (Various) X-000-000-0 As Ba Va -- Asteroid belt. Mostly siliceous. Irregular shapes, most less than 1000 km diameter, various compositions.
Orbit VII: "Otra" Large Gas Giant -- Slow rotation, unbanded. Dozens of satellites with irregular shapes, most less than 1000 km diameter, various compositions.
Taxonomic Classification:
- System: Brin
- Domain: Stabrindia
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Hermaphroditia
- Order: Omnivora
- Family: Primata
- Genus: Homo
- Species: Brinidae
Primary Species: "Stabrinde" ("People of Brin")
Appearance: Humanoid, with golden-yellow skin at birth that fades to pale yellow with age. ~1.5 metres tall as adults. Head is disproportionately large, and the eyes even moreso. Little or no body hair, except for a Mohawk-like stand on the top and back of the head. Eyes are uniformly dark brown. Three digits with four joints and an opposable thumb with three joints on hands. Four digits with three joints each on feet. Low BMI. Exceptional hearing and night vision. (Note: Imagine a well-fed Smeagal/Gollum from LotR. -KR-)
Gender Differences: Children are born neuter with male genitalia. Puberty onset in 10 standard years. Male for 10 to 15 years, followed by non-fertile transition to female gender over 1 to 3 years, followed 10 to 15 years as female, followed by transition to neuter gender for remainder of life. Normal life span is ~90 standard years.
Government: Society is run by a gerontocracy (Rulership by the Aged) of neuters. Households are managed by the females. Males perform tasks of labor. Children are taught at an accelerated rate.
Conflict: War is practically unknown, although violent crime among the males is not uncommon. Female crimes tend towards more white-collar varieties. Neuters rarely commit any crimes.
Factions: One notable group, with significant support, well known. Males wishing to have a larger voice in government engaging in civil disobedience. Fortunately, the male stage does not last long enough for a stable coalition to form. Females tend to be more accepting of the status quo, knowing that they'll become leaders soon enough.
- (11) Sexist - One gender (neuters) consider the others to be subservient; children, males and females can not own real-estate, neuters can.
- (15) Conservative - Resistance to change and outside influence.
- (43) Peaceful - Physical conflict is almost unheard-of (except among the males). The culture produces few soldiers, and diplomacy is the rule (except among the males). Aggressive or forceful citizens are ostracized. Aggressive, forceful or merely assertive off-worlders will be restricted to the extrality zone.
Behavior: The Brin are known for their understanding of life sciences, from genetics to sociology, and for their passionate regard for all life. Children are energetic, with short attention spans, but easily educated; males are aggressive and self-centered; females are merely assertive and family oriented; and the elders are patient and generally disposed towards peaceful resolution of differences.
Sciences: Primary science is biology, with medicine, organic chemistry and genetics following in close order. Astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and sociology also feature greatly.
Trade Goods: World is Agricultural, Garden, Non-Industrial, Rich World.
- Illegal exports include anagathics and psionic-related drugs.
- Illegal imports include 'Foreign' entertainment and information, Psionic-related devices, easily-concealed personal firearms (i.e., Body Pistols) and other forbidden weapons.
- Unusual imports include mercenary law-enforcement personnel.
Environmental Data (Brin-IV):
Mineral Resources: Brin has a largely non-metallic crust. Metals heavier than copper lie near the core, with lighter elements closer to the surface. Abundant petroleum reserves.
Geology: No moon, minimal tides. No plate tectonics. Little volcanism. Few quakes.
Climate: Global weather consistent with spring or autumn, with temperature gradient relative to latitude. Small ice caps. A few small arid regions of no great importance.
Biology: Abundant air, land, and oceanic life. Many analogues to Terrestrial life-forms; most follow the serial hermaphroditic age progression of the Homo Brinidae. Brin biology is not incompatible -- Brin and Terrestrials may consume the same foods -- but genetic differences prevent interbreeding with Terrestrial stock.
Planetary Data (Brin-IV):
UWP: "Brin" ???? C7667C8-8 G Ag Ga Ni Ri
- Starport: Downport only. Routine quality facilities for cargo and passengers. Unrefined fuel available at normal price. Refined fuel at double price only. Some repair facilities (civilian only).
- Diameter: 7,000 miles (ll,200 km)
- Atmosphere: Standard Nitrogen-Oxygen (78:21) mix, with traces of noble gases.
- Hydrographics: Water covers 60% of surface, with ice caps at poles.
- Population: 21 million, and stable.
- Government: Charismatic Oligarchy (Gerontocracy) maintaining a socialist state.
- Law Level: Explosives, Poison Gas, and Firearms are prohibited. Long-Bladed weapons are controlled (limited to SOC-A+). Daggers are permitted, if not carried openly.
- Native Technology: 9 (This is an average value, reflecting TL-B for organic "life" sciences, and TL-7 for inorganic sciences).
- Agricultural, Garden, Non-Industrial, Rich. Most industry is related to the cultivation of foodstuffs, and to the production of organic pharmaceuticals. Distribution is efficient and equitable.
- One gas giant.
- No Naval or Scout bases present.
System Details
Primary: F5-IV, Solitary.
Orbit I: "Sut" X-100-000-0 Ba Va -- Small, mineral-laden rockball, bathed in stellar radiation. Extreme life hazard.
Orbit II: "Brel" X-300-000-0 Ba Va -- Small, mineral-laden rockball. Two asteroidal siliceous satellites, 100 km (irregular shard) and 300 km (spherical).
Orbit III: "Kest" X-530-000-0 Ba De Po -- Small, siliceous rockball.
Orbit IV: "Brin" C-766-7C8-8 G Ag Ga Ni Ri -- Carbo-Siliceous rockball with metallic core. Inhabited.
Orbit V: Empty.
Orbit VI: (Various) X-000-000-0 As Ba Va -- Asteroid belt. Mostly siliceous. Irregular shapes, most less than 1000 km diameter, various compositions.
Orbit VII: "Otra" Large Gas Giant -- Slow rotation, unbanded. Dozens of satellites with irregular shapes, most less than 1000 km diameter, various compositions.