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Honor Harrington tv series?

Have to wait and see. Don't be counting chickens yet.....

There's no link on IMDb for such a series. ATM it's just vapour.... :D
IMDb is open to as much abuse as Wikipaedia. There is tonnes of vapour and hoaxes on there.

I was severely taken in by the possibility of a DrWho/Life on Mars crossover and was well peeved to find it was just a joke. And I'm still not sure about Aldous Huxley writing the screenplay for Disney's Alice in Wonderland. :confused:
Originally posted by Border Reiver:
I was severely taken in by the possibility of a DrWho/Life on Mars crossover and was well peeved to find it was just a joke.
You, too, eh? I mean, come on it was April 1st, who'd be fooled by that?
