I heard someone on a podcast pronounce Vargr as "Varge". Everyone I've ever met has prnounced it "Var-Ger".
Which is right, and how do you pronounce other names?
Which is right, and how do you pronounce other names?
I was stunned when MWM revealed ( over a recording of a talk he'd given at a gamer conference ) the correct pronunciation of "Zhodani." I'd been doing it differently for a long time.
He also pronounces Droyne as "Drine".
Sup-4; yeah, that's how I've been saying Zhodani.
You never did tell us how he pronounces Zhodani.
Condottiere neatly explained it with the phrase That's So Dani".
Say it quickly a few times and then drop the word that leaving only " 's So Dani".
As Ararmis says; when I describe it I use the "g" sound in the word "luge," the Olympic sport where you hurl down an iced chute on the tiniest of sleds, on your back.
I pronounce them:
Zhodani - Zo-Danny
Vargr - Var Grr
Aslan - Az Lan
Droyne - Droin
Solomani - So Low Mon Ee
K'Kree - K'Kree