How would you work out a die roll to see if the world you're on gets a visit from a free trader this week?
It seems to me that it would be a combination of the chance that a free trader has goods to deliver or sell and the captain's perception of how likely a visit is to get him some freight and passengers and speculative goods. Both would be tied to population level. But tied how?
I think maybe I'd guesstimate at what population level you're likely to get 1-2 free traders per year and make that roll 2 (and less) with 2D (i.e. once every 36 weeks on the average), then increase the number by 2 for every population level above that. Or perhaps increase the number by 3 per population level?
It seems to me that it would be a combination of the chance that a free trader has goods to deliver or sell and the captain's perception of how likely a visit is to get him some freight and passengers and speculative goods. Both would be tied to population level. But tied how?
I think maybe I'd guesstimate at what population level you're likely to get 1-2 free traders per year and make that roll 2 (and less) with 2D (i.e. once every 36 weeks on the average), then increase the number by 2 for every population level above that. Or perhaps increase the number by 3 per population level?