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How to Write a Three-Act Traveller Adventure

Player can derail a game too or a module if you prefer. They can lead the GM down side quests or drop out of the module and move on, only to come back and finish it later.
I generally do a fairly broad 3 act plan (see this post from my blog) but it is really broad planning due to the aforementioned contact with the players. Most of my games I run, knowing we'll play for several sessions before switching to another game, I try to have all three parts so that we can accomplish something. I do like to leave things open though so we can continue. And while I have the broad outlines, I try to read the room and update that dynamically in reaction to the players - in the end, I want them to have a good time, not necessarily tell the story I started with but to tell their stories and have fun. Hoping I can continue my Big Wreck game at some point.

Tried to find the ancient Greek theory of plays - I know there is one of them who defined the elements of good theatre. Which is still relevant today.
I plan the introductory situation or encounter to set the scene, there is little point in further planning unless you like railroading the players.
I ask the players what they want, because there is little point prepping an arbitrage game, if they want to be space pirates, then cut to the chase, and jump in with the good parts like a juicy space battle.