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Humanitie of French Descent


Hello Travellers,

To your knowledge, are there any interstellar polities that hail from and glorify their french origins on terra?

Thank you for your thoughts.
On the top of my mind, I can think of those two :
Aquitaine (Solomani Rim / Capella 1439)
Strend (Trojan Reach / Menorial 0505).
Isn't the premise of Traveller 2300 that France is the country that gets into interstellar space?

Edit Note: From the Traveller Wiki for 2300 AD.

The dominant power, both on Earth and in space, is the Third French Empire, which escaped the nuclear war relatively unscathed by abandoning its NATO allies at the start of the war, and thus had a head start in the technology race.
Also Jardin (Solomani Rim 0233). I thought there are some francophone worlds in Alpha Crucis, but I'm not finding the references.
Thank you Travellers!

I am narrating a collaborative role play. A solo game wherein my player does the experiential and I do the context. My player happened upon a world in Reaver's Deep that featured an accurate reproduction of Versailles.

My job it to supply the why and how for. Currently I am thinking it is a "safari lodge" run by and for Humanitie of the proud, Francophone adventurer stock and marketed to the elite of the worlds and interstellar polities you all were so kind to provide references for.
In Reaver's Deep you've got Vichy (Riftrim 2005), but it's Pop 0.

If you use Paranoia Press Beyond, there's Aubusson in the Old Colonies subsector, and Issoudun in the Issoudun subsector. Both are named after French towns.

And of course Besancon (and others which aren't named after French towns) in the Islands Cluster, as Barrel said.
Dulinor, Vichy may be a perfect rock upon which to plant my story seed.

I try to explain why I love the Traveller setting so much. This is why. You guys make all story telling in this milieu rich with your insight and willingness to share.

Thank you all for your help.
I'd probably go with Francophone worlds of various and mixed backgrounds, along with a couple that were indeed settled principally by Frenchmen.

Lots of Africans.

It would vary by world/multisystem alliance--not the same mix everywhere, by any means.