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CT Only: Idea For Jaunters

I just thought of this scene (because I looked at the first pages of Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination) that might be neat for a Ref to use in his game.

You've got players interested in psionics. They search out a Society. But, this Society isn't run by other psi's. It's run by scientists trying to figure out how teleportation works.

This might be a good scene to add to Research Station Gamma.

The researchers posit that most people who can teleport don't know that they can do it. But, when faced with death, the survival instinct goes into overdrive, and the person teleports, if he can.

The PCs will not know this, of course. And, they don't know that they've become prisoners. The PCs sought out RSG in order to be PSI tested, and that they will be. Except the test will go like this...

They'll be escorted, by themselves for their test, into a room that features a tall, empty tube. They are placed inside the tube. It is sealed. Then water is piped in.

Their only way they won't drown is to teleport themselves out of the tube.

Most people drown.

I think that awesome!

Maybe test number two is to set them on fire!
Their only way they won't drown is to teleport themselves out of the tube.

Most people drown.

There are a lot of interesting and unexpected directions that this can go, too.

Imagine everyone's surprise if the scientists neglected to adequately screen for latent telekinesis or (special) pyrokinesis/hydrokinesis... or awareness... or (again, special) mind control. Then the joke might be on them once the deathtrap hijinks ensue.

Also, for "successful" candidates, an escalating series of "trigger events" could also be brought into play as "training" scenarios. Then bear in mind exactly how difficult it can be to keep teleporters under lock and key against their will. Or to keep the truly vengeful ones out.

All of which suggests a ProTip to PC Psi-Institute-freshman: if any of your classmates bear an uncanny resemblance to a) Milla Jovovich, b) Summer Glau, or c) Scarlett Johansson, you might be enrolled at a fake psi school.

Isn't something like this Deadpool's origin story? That didn't work out to well for Francis.:rofl:
They'll be escorted, by themselves for their test, into a room that features a tall, empty tube. They are placed inside the tube. It is sealed. Then water is piped in.

Their only way they won't drown is to teleport themselves out of the tube.

Most people drown.

So... if they drown, they're not a witch? :)