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Ideas for polities, worlds, and organisations


SOC-14 1K
Thought we could use this as a place where we can throw all our 'entity' ideas into the pot. This can be a parellel approach that helps inform the history and UWP threads.

Was wondering how a bounty hunter would collect his prize in the OTU. If he had to go back to the source of the price it might take months to get paid. So a credit union is formed that has branches on various likely worlds where BH can bring back their quarry, D or A, and fill their pockets. Probably it would work like a loan, where the CU would pay the BH 50% then and there, and then pay the rest when the cheque's cleared from the bounty putter, less a fee. They would also be the place to post and check for bounties, and maybe even 'unofficial' ones for some under the counter cash.


There's no TAS in the Sol Sphere, or at least probably not Spica Sector. A spacer's guild would be both trade union and social club for the space workers out there; traders, dockers, deckhands, belters, pilots, engineers etc. Maybe have albour disputes with corporations, brawls with non-guild crew.


A big corp from another sector or more likely a group of rich financiers and investors form a syndicate and seek some relativley undeveloped space. They find one or possibly two settled worlds that are close to full development (say TL8-9 with class C ports) and pour money into them; buying media, bribing officialls, building factories, upgrading the starport, eventually controlling the government. They form merchant lines, old starships at first, then ones built on their pet planets, setting up mining camps, new colonies, investing in existing ones, until they could set up their Free Trade Zone (FTZ) around a few systems in a cluster.
This would be a place where only profit mattered. The workers would be paid in a corporate scrip that's worthless outside the FTZ (and no ship crew would accept anyway), so the corps would effectively control the distribution of labour. If they didn't have enough population in the FTZ for developement, they could ship more colonists in (maybe there's a settlers futures market?). Ports and trade would have high levies unless you were part of the corporate club, squeezing out the little guy, and space policed ruthlessly. Despite this the population is mainly happy: lots of consumer goods and 1000s of holochannels, and maybe a resort planet with cheap holidays. Dissent is cracked down on firmly.
This is not normal development, its extremely rapid and unstustainable. Its essentially strip mining a whole area of space, pumping vast sums of capital into the economy, extracting all the wealth, and then abandoning the area after its been burnt out (2-300 years altogether). The syndicate doesn't care as its based offworld; just looking for profit.
I was thinking it could be a bunch of Terran bankers, old Earth patricians, with huge amounts of accumulated wealth, looking to do something with it. Maybe some of them have smelt the way the wind is blowing and may alternatively setting this area up as a bolt hole in case the Rim war goes awry. Plenty of opportunity here for trading, mercenary, smuggling, espionage, crime, resistance cells, corp contracts.

I've no idea whether any of the above coincides/conflicts with canon material, so please let me know if it does.

An entirely separate entity from the established institutes, and not affiliated with the Zhodani Consulate.
Provides safe houses and passage between worlds for psionically-endowed sophonts, regardless of species. Also organizes rescues of those imprisoned for being psionic.
Run by volunteers, psionic and otherwise, who ask for no compensation and risk their own lives for the sake of others, much like the Underground Railroad of old-Terran America's antebellum era.


A 'Trade Union & Social Club' for technical sophonts with Computer, Electronic, or Mechanical skills. Even a Jack of All Trades may join.


Hey, it's our business, know what I mean? We give the people what they ask for, if the price is right. And even if the customer can't afford the cost right away, we have a convenient payment plan that won't cost you an arm and a leg! Well, maybe a kneecap and a few toes...
Me and my boys, we deal in pharmaceuticals. The kind that the Impies don't want you to have, know what I mean? They're preemo quality, every time! Can't afford it? Well, how about you become a local dealer? Just do square business with us, and we don't make no trouble for you...
What about a criminal, militant, or terrorist Psionic Organization? Isn't "Lynching" a penalty for Psionics in some Parts of the Third Imperium? That could generate enough ill will to fuel several revenge plots...
Originally posted by M. Chester:
What about a criminal, militant, or terrorist Psionic Organization? Isn't "Lynching" a penalty for Psionics in some Parts of the Third Imperium? That could generate enough ill will to fuel several revenge plots...
True, but the Third Imperium doesn't have a lot of influence in the Spica sector.

Big players are Sols and Hivers.

The Sols might also find psionics frightening.

We do need some criminal organisations tho. Do you reckon those Vargr smugglers that are hinted at in a few QLI products will be operating as far Rimward as this?

got an idea for a criminal kingpin.

A dark figure of rumour and myth. There is certainly one criminal cartel that claims to be run by the'Count'. He is supposed to be an Imperial noble, exiled years ago, who has set up in the Trailing end of Solomani space. His tastes and vices are said to be depraved, and just the use of his name creates terror!

I thought this figure could be a bit like Dracula without the supernatural vampire stuff. Maybe a bit Kaiser Soze (sic?). Remember all those Hammer films where the locals quake din fear at Dracula's name; the Count should create similar terror among the criminal fraternity.
Perhaps a Warlord or Crimelord in Exile?


Perhaps the aforementioned Psionic Militant Group could be comprised of Imperial Political Refugees that have fled to Spica in search of a new powerbase?
I'd like to see slavers about. What does the canon say about slavery.

I've always assumed that slave trading was an Imperial high crime (so slave trafficking doesn't happen in the Empire, even if individual worlds are allowed to keep their slaves for cultural reasons), as its never mentioned in the Empire.

However, Sollie racial policy may create slave labour pools. Why not 'lesser' humans as well as aliens. In fact, why not debtors as well?

There could be the euphemisitcally termed indentured labour, where workers are paying off debts. A more honest form of wage-slavery
I'll toss one or two slave-using worlds into ss H. That oughta liven things up a bit. They'll be at odds with the Pran (and their stange group/individualist outlook). And the Hivers will be trying to teach both of them a lesson.

Hmm, but organizations? Let's see. I was sort of thinking of a very limited scope Pran "aid" group. They'd possess a dozen or so 10-20 dTon cruisers, lightly armed, with a small troop contingent for security, plus a lot of small craft and plenty of storage and sickbay space. Their personnel would be trained in xenopsychology and xenomedicine, and they'd cuise worlds near their own two or three looking for ships in distress and natural disaster sites, which they'd swoop in on in order to grant assistance. Hmm, what to call them? Errand of Mercy, or some such.


A group of Hivers dedicated to Meming their way through the cultures on the frontier of Hiver space. They disguise themselves as merchants and simple but wealthy sight-seeing travellers. Their on-again off-again presence has profound effect toward pro-Hiver opinion in local mindsets as the centuries wear on.

SolSec has agents and operatives everywhere, or so they'd like you to believe.

SSB is actually cash-strapped as HQ drains off money to fund spyingl activity on the Imperium. Local commanders fear this is a dangerous distraction given the insidious long-term nature of Hiver plans.

One of the primary targets for observation is suspected members of the Hiver Frontier Club, and those humans and aliens that associate with them. SSB is very interested in turing the advanced and distributed Hiver meme techniques back against them, and they wish to learn all they can about Hiver implementations in the indep buffers and on Solomani worlds.

<your Imperial Intel Agency here> is also attempting to use Spica as a back door for entry/exit of spies and long-term intel information. SSB is practically frantic in their attempts to stop this.


*The SSB does it's best to keep at least one spy in such low-population communities, but is not always successful.

All values are approximate, and may vary by 50% as necessary.


Not counting the starports, SSB deploys agents based on the Pop of the world.

Pop A: 10,000
Pop 9: 5,000
Pop 8: 2,000
Pop 7: 1,000
Pop 6: 500
Pop 5: 250
Pop 4: 100
Pop 3: 25
Pop 2: 5
Pop 1: 1*

STARPORTS--Solomani Space

SSB personnel in starports assist in all apsects of starport security operations. They can, for intelligence reasons, seize command of the starport at will (justifiable only to their own superiors).

All within J-6 of the border.

Pop A: 1,000
Pop 9: 750
Pop 8: 500
Pop 7: 250
Pop 6: 125
Pop 5: 100
Pop 4: 25
Pop 3: 10
Pop 2: 5
Pop 1: 1*

STARPORTS--Indep Space

The SSB maintains a presence in these starports to monitor for the presence of Hivers and the possible presence of Imperials, as well as mercencaries and known criminals, spies, or troublemakers. Essentially, it is one large information tracking operations.

All within J-6 of the border.

Pop A: --- (No Pop A Indeps in SPICA!)
Pop 9: 100
Pop 8: 100
Pop 7: 75
Pop 6: 75
Pop 5: 30
Pop 4: 30
Pop 3: 10
Pop 2: 5
Pop 1: 1*


SSB deploys perhaps ten thousand operative either into Hiver space or in support of agents deployed there. It deploys another one thousand to monitor Hiver starports. All such activities are catch-as-can, as Hiver society doesn't work at all like human socities.

Although the Hivers don't like to admit it, there are actual Hiver turncoats, Hivers who have sold out the Federation for profit and personal luxurty. The SSB treat these turncoats like unoxidized lanthanum.


The SSB deploys approximately ten thousand operatives to all of Indep space. They are hard-pressed and stretched thin. Like their counterparts clustered at the starports, they are a part of a giant listening net cast into the waters in an attempt to pick up information.

An organisation that perhaps no longer has a spiritual link to its founder churches (Catholic/Orthodox) but retains their wealth and position. One of the key organisations in the Terran Mercantile Union, the Church sponsors colonies and educational endeavours as long as there is some relationship to the 'Good Book'. They will even fund post-Muslim colonies as aren't they a 'cult of the book' too?
No longer particularly theological, there are few heresies, perhaps just gnosticism, psionics, and of course the Church of the Stellar Divinity, that evil Imperial blasphemy!
The church is rich and in many ways is like a corporation. Big players in the Solomani Party, it has perhaps lost influence since the war started. When the Sol sphere was created the Pope's had as much power relative to Sol space as the Borgia's did in the Mediterranean.
400-500 years back the Pope's went on grand tours of space in their palatial 'The Baptismal Font' starcruiser, even visiting Sylea in 650's. The 7 journeys are legendary and each added a new book to church canon.
How about...

Assemblies of Gaia?
First Terran Church of Loam, Scientist?
Mother Earth, Sister Venus, Daughter Luna (a tri-theistic religion)?

... is that thunder outside...? :eek:
Ok, since I'm working on the Pran Seri in Sline(H)/Spica, I thought I should probably toss in the obvious:


This is a very small interstellar polity that will be 3-5 worlds (as the current plan goes, I'll edit this post with an update if the plan changes).

Pran itself is a High Pop and High Tech world (see the race history write up in the Races topic for the UWP), and influences activities in the rest of the subsector, but not too much beyond.
I have an idea, since your working on the Spica Sector, what if we place this ringworld here, instead of it just popping out of nowhere into the Spinward Marches. I think I might want to drop the time travel idea and come up with some other explaination as to why its here.

Radius: 149,604,905 km (92,960,000 miles)
Width: 1,609,347 km (1,000,000 miles)
Period of rotation: 8.838 days
Rotational speed: 4,431,599 km/hour (2,753,663 miles/hour); 1,231 km/sec (764.9 miles/second)
Angular speed: 40.733 degrees per day
Centrifugal Force: 0.976-g (due to Sun’s gravitational pull opposing centrifugal force)
Angular Size of the Sun: 0.53 degrees
Period of daylight: 12 hours
Period of darkness: 12 hours
Total length of day: 24 hours
Twilight: morning twilight begins at 5:49:24 am and ends at 6:10:36 am every day
Twilight: evening twilight begins at 5:49:24 pm and ends at 6:10:36 pm every day

Shadow Squares
Number of Shadow squares: 10
Radius of Shadow Square ring: 57,904,308 km (35,980,000 miles)
Period of rotation: 76 days
Rotational Speed: 199,303 km/hour (123,841 miles/hour) 27,037 kmph above orbital velocity (16,800 mph above orbital velocity)
Rotational Speed: 55.4 km/sec (34.4 miles/sec) 7.52 kmph above orbital velocity (4.67 mph above orbital velocity)
Angular speed: 4.733 degrees per day (0.642 degrees above rate at orbital velocity)
Relative angular speed of ringworld to shadow squares: 36 degrees per day
Angular Length of each shadow square: 18 degrees.
Angular length of gap between squares: 18 degrees.

We could use the above assumptions and settle other questions.

The Star is similar to Earth's Sun in mass and spectrum.

Of the inhabitants of the ringworld their are:

Humans, Vargr, Aslan, Luriani, Sydites, Ursa, and Virushi.

Who Built the Ringworld?

Nobody knows. the ringworld has 3 million Earths worth of living space. Most of the inhabitants are fairly primitive, with a few technological civilizations rising above it all.

What is the population of the Ringworld?

Unknown, its very hard to count since there has never been a ringworld census in recorded history. The populations of advanced civilizations are unknown also, but no more than 1 billion altogther. Alot of the communities are very small, some have spaceships. Metal scarcity keeps the general tech level down to 2 although it could rise up to 15 in certain locations, but I'll keep the specifics vague.

Keep em or leave em. I don't care which

Earth life?
Yes, whoever built the ringworld has been to Earth

Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Orcs?
Perhaps we ought to leave those out to keep the science fiction atmosphere. Humans are enough, and we can add alien life as well.

So what do you think?
Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
I have an idea, since your working on the Spica Sector, what if we place this ringworld here, instead of it just popping out of nowhere into the Spinward Marches. I think I might want to drop the time travel idea and come up with some other explaination as to why its here.
That is fine by me.

But please locate its arrival and peripheral effects outside ss H.
If its there all along, there are no peripheral effects, it just sits there until someone discoveres it. The question are:

1) What happens when its discovered?

2) Who makes first contact?
- a) Imperial scouts?
- b) Merchants?
- c) The Navy?
- d) Hivers?
- e) Solomani?
- f) Perhaps all of the above

One thing you got to consider is that the advanced population numbers no more that 1 billion and they are scattered all over the ringworld in many different societies. A typical community numbers from 500,000 to 2,000,000, they live in city-states surrounded by primitive nations that they trade with or wilderness. I think maybe I'll keep the Dinosaurs, they provide interesting challenges. The city states float up in the air on magnetic fields, and are basically giant maglev vehicles. These cities can move from place to place and trade with the locals. Movement tends to be slow at around 20 kph max so as not to plow anyone off the cities. Cities produce manufactured goods and they sell them to any locals who have coppers to spare, typically these are kings of rulers who can afford a magnetic air/raft or two to impress their subjects. Being a floating city, they are out of range of most dinosaurs. Flying reptiles or giant eagles may build a nest somewhere. Giant Eagles are more intelligent that their smaller cousins, they are also the sole means of flight for low tech peoples. An outsider who makes contact usually makes it with one of these smaller outposts. The rest of the ringworld remains unaffected and probably doesn't even know about it.

The ringworld has no government, just many governments and nations. Robots maintain the systems for life support. The ringworld is like a spaceship in that it has autonomous, automatic systems and the robots are a part of that. The robots don't communicate with outsiders and ignore them unless attacked.
Kind of tough placing my ringworld someplace, if I don't know where I can place it. Hard to find a map of the Spica sector.
You could put it in orbit around an "empty hex" object - which could explain why it is a relatively new discovery.

Did you know that Traveller canon has an unfinished ringworld just over the border in the Hinterworlds sector, at Leenitakot/Kandra?