Shadow Shack
What are the prefix designations for the various Imperium contracted vessels (i.e. navy and scout service ships)?
Re: something to the effect of INV (Imperial Naval Vessel) InsertShipNameHere and ISS (Imperial Scout Ship) InsertShipNameHere...or more to the point, if Star Trek's 'USS Enterprise' was in the scout service or Imperial navy, what would each branch replace the 'USS' part with?
If there is no CT reference, please let me know what another system employs.
Re: something to the effect of INV (Imperial Naval Vessel) InsertShipNameHere and ISS (Imperial Scout Ship) InsertShipNameHere...or more to the point, if Star Trek's 'USS Enterprise' was in the scout service or Imperial navy, what would each branch replace the 'USS' part with?
If there is no CT reference, please let me know what another system employs.