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CT Only: Imperial Ship Prefixes

What are the prefix designations for the various Imperium contracted vessels (i.e. navy and scout service ships)?

Re: something to the effect of INV (Imperial Naval Vessel) InsertShipNameHere and ISS (Imperial Scout Ship) InsertShipNameHere...or more to the point, if Star Trek's 'USS Enterprise' was in the scout service or Imperial navy, what would each branch replace the 'USS' part with?

If there is no CT reference, please let me know what another system employs.
What are the prefix designations for the various Imperium contracted vessels (i.e. navy and scout service ships)?

Re: something to the effect of INV (Imperial Naval Vessel) InsertShipNameHere and ISS (Imperial Scout Ship) InsertShipNameHere...or more to the point, if Star Trek's 'USS Enterprise' was in the scout service or Imperial navy, what would each branch replace the 'USS' part with?

If there is no CT reference, please let me know what another system employs.

INS - Imperial Navy Ship
ISS - Imperial Scout ship
TGS - Trade Guild Ship

GURPS Traveller: Starports (Front Cover - Flight Jackets):
IMV (= Imperial/Interstellar Merchant Vessel ??)

GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars (p.4 Terran Battlecruiser):
TCS - Terran Confederation Ship

ISCV - Interstellar Commercial Vessel
ISPMV - Interstellar Para-Military Vessel
ZISMV - Zhodani Interstellar Military Vessel
Where does "TGS" show up? (Other than 30 Rock.) I'm pretty interested in the Trader's Guild.

Martin J. Dougherty's Shadow of the Storm uses the prefix CSS, presumably "Confederation Star Ship" for Solomani Confederation Navy ships.

GURPS Far Trader uses the prefix SS for merchant ships, but the "Important Terms and Concepts" chapter of Agent of the Imperium specifically notes that "Civilian Shipping in the Third Imperium is generally not given a prefix." Personally I like IMV too much not to use it for merchant ships engaged in cross-border trade with the Solomani Confederation.
FUlly not canon,

IMTU there are two more:

ITS: Independent Trade Ship (free traders)
SMS: StarMerc Ship (licenced starmercs)