• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Imperium Shipyard - a GUI Shipbuilder for Core MgT1


Hello all! Here to introduce Imperium Shipyard, a GUI-based shipbuilder program we built to help streamline ship building in Core Mongoose Traveler, 1st Ed.

After running a campaign where new ships were a constant feature (due to the group stealing, destroying, or losing many ships...), we decided to draft up a calculator to speed up the process.
Thus, Imperium Shipyard was born.

  • Fast UI which tracks all the stats of a ship
  • Follows all of the rules and table values from the core rule-book
  • Provides a file format (.srd) to save and share ships
  • Comes ready with pre-made formats for all of the sample ships in the book
  • Custom parts can be easily added (an example is in the repo)

We'd love to have you try it out and see how you like it. We're open to any feedback and contributions you may have to offer! Feel free to ask any questions, as well.

Link to our repo: https://github.com/Imperium-Tech/imperium-shipyard
Link to our release page: https://github.com/Imperium-Tech/imperium-shipyard/releases

At a larger scale of Traveler software, we have created a Github Organization called Imperium-Tech in the hopes of housing different projects related to augmenting the Traveler experience.
If you have project ideas/software and would like to join the organization, let us know!

Thank you!
Quagg & Milkshak3s
Imperial Shipyard

Hi, I don't know if this is still active.

I was not able to get the app to work in Win 7. Each time I entered Jump/Manv/PP values they would zero out. Staterooms, low berth, Air/Raft seemed to enter correctly. Turrets seemed to add correctly.
