I want to make an Impulse Drive for Traveller, esp for MgT and T5.
According to LUG's Stardock, an Impulse Engine is a Fusion Engine P-Plant that also turns fuel into Plasma for thrust. Any ideas on designing this. Kind of reminds me of a faster version of NAFAL.
Thought of starting at NAFAL but instead of 0.1G, using 1G increments. But not sure of Size, Fuel, and Cost. (And a general formula, use NAFAL?)
On the other hand, Is it more like a HEPLAR Engine?
Edit, sounds like HEPlaR, however not sure how to design it.
According to LUG's Stardock, an Impulse Engine is a Fusion Engine P-Plant that also turns fuel into Plasma for thrust. Any ideas on designing this. Kind of reminds me of a faster version of NAFAL.
Thought of starting at NAFAL but instead of 0.1G, using 1G increments. But not sure of Size, Fuel, and Cost. (And a general formula, use NAFAL?)
On the other hand, Is it more like a HEPLAR Engine?
Edit, sounds like HEPlaR, however not sure how to design it.
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