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IMTU - 1406 Imperial Reckoning

I thought I'd put this up - a little primer for my own Traveller universe, a work-in-progress (as they all are) since the fateful day GDW closed its doors. If someone finds anything here of particular interest, and wants elaboration, I'd be happy to do so.


The Restored Third Imperium (RTI)
In 1274 Imperial Reckoning, Regent Isalon Aledon Alkhalikoi, with the overwhelming support of the Senate, declared the restoration of the Third Imperium and himself its new emperor. This was mostly a symbolic venture as very little actually changed. But the effect on neutral and potentially hostile vargr polities, not to mention the Zhodani, was dramatic and galvanizing. The Imperial Navy (formerly Regency Navy) strongly opposed this move (they were very familiar with those aforementioned states and knew it would open old wounds) but was forced to acquiesce.
By 1259 IR, the Senate had become an insulated, increasingly intrusive bureaucratic machine. By 1406 things have only gotten worse, much worse. There is resistance to the increasing oppression from the top. Several vitally important and powerful worlds are on the verge of open rebellion against the Moran bureaucracy - Lunion, Efate, and Vincennes are particularly sharp thorns in the ass of the Imperial government. The Imperial government retaliates by sending more and more of the youth of those worlds to fight in the nightmarish Sword Worlds war zone.

The Sword Worlds
Although the initial occupation of most of the Sword Worlds resulted in smoldering hatred and insurgency on many worlds, the results were better than the Regency occupiers could have expected. All that changed with the rise in anti-Imperial hostility from the Zhodani and several Vargr nations to coreward. The pent-up anger and hatred toward the Imperials has erupted on virtually all of the occupied Sword Worlds, and subsequent mistakes (and a few crimes) by the Imperials fanned the fires of resistance to several border worlds. The Sword Worlds war zone is a nightmare for the Imperials sent there. On Gram, for example, the RTI has already (as of 1406 IR) lost 6 Spectre OBVs (Orbital Bombardment Vehicle). As much as they desire to punish the unoccupied Sword Worlds (who flagrantly aid the insurgencies), the RTI dare not incur the wrath of the militant, hostile Zhodani and their allies (the Sword Worlds are members of the “Iron Alliance” and recipients of Zhodani military aid).

Zhodani Republic
A “republic” in name only, the Zhodani Consulate became a military dictatorship after a brutal civil war that followed the passage of the Empress Wave. The old social order was in a shambles. Proles revolted. Aristocratic (and inefficient) military officers suffered the wrath of their hot-headed subordinates. But before the Consulate could devolve into a shattered series of rival states, the most ruthless among the young new officer corps welded together forces large enough to hold the polity together astrographically. But the new face of the Zhodani state was unrecognizable. Gone forever was the old social structure. A new aristocracy, based on military achievement and ability, rose in its place. The Tavrchedl’, long feared by Imperials as a “thought police”, became just that. The substantial Zhodani population of the RTI (the descendants of the refugees) is caught between a rock and a hard place – living in a nation that distrusts if not abhors them, and unwelcome in the militant, repressive empire of their forefathers.

The Iron Alliance (‘Outworld Coalition’ reborn)
Whereas past frontier wars were meant to stave off Imperial expansion, the next war (which may now be unavoidable) will be one of conquest and destruction. The Zhodani, correctly deducing that many vargr would harbor a fierce anger toward the old Imperium, were quick to establish friendship and alliance treaties with numerous old states (that survived Virus) and new states that rose from the ashes. If, as the Imperial Navy urged, the Regency had forever cast aside the old, dead Third Imperium, and instead had embraced the ‘Nation of Deneb’ idea (with the unicorn as its symbol), the Zhodani would not have been nearly as successful in recruiting allies. But the adoption of the old Third Imperium title and the blood-red sunburst has prompted many otherwise ambivalent vargr to vehemently denounce the RTI. After all, as the Zhodani have said, it was they who released the horror on your innocent children.

Kakhe Djatseni
The coming of Virus forced many changes on the vargr, as life-or-death circumstances very likely will. The most spectacular results were the rise of the Suedzuk Empire (q.v.) and the Kakhe Djatseni, once called the “Pack”. A fiercely nationalist polity that covers a vast swath of the Extents (never thought possible by any sociologist before the coming of Virus), Kakhe Djatseni has done a spectacular job of rebuilding the domains within their borders. But this is not entirely a “feel-good” story; some of the monies and technology that fueled the Phoenix-like rebirth came from extortion, theft and murder within the RTI. The Kakhe Djatseni has not joined the Iron Alliance (as named by the Imperials). Their nationalism and independence run too high for subservience to any other state, let alone a human one. This is a tiny ray of light for the RTI; if the Kakhe Djatseni ever joins the Zhodani, a war will begin immediately, and the Restored Third Imperium will be doomed.
The Kakhe Djatseni has maintained cordial relations with the Nation of Antares. The huge vargr population of the NoA is one reason; the other is an intense dislike for the dangerous Suedzuk vargr. Whether this situation is to be long lasting remains to be seen – especially if the Suedzuk exiles in the NoA ever win the day.
The relative lack of aggression on the part of the Kakhe Djatseni toward the Ziru Sirka and the Restored Third Imperium is somewhat surprising, especially since the task of reconstruction is nearing an end. The more pessimistic speculate that they are biding their time and building their fleets.

The Golden Age of the Suedzuki
To understand the stunning rise of the Suedzuk Vargr, one must discuss the Roth Thoken clan [IMTU I have made a significant alteration. The Roth Thoken are not born blind. Within the sphere of influence of the highly psionic Roth Thoken, every newborn Vargr child is tested for psionic prowess. Any who test among the top 1% are immediately blinded and taken to live with the clan (and become a future member). There, they are forced to rely entirely upon psionics for perception. The development of that power, guided by the Roth Thoken masters, is terrifying. The Zhodani are amateurs compared to the Roth Thoken.]. In 1100 IR, the Roth Thoken foresaw the coming of Virus. The clan decided to abandon their sphere of influence literally overnight, and after diligent study, decided that the introverted and shunned Suedzuk Vargr would be the best prepared to withstand the coming of Virus. By 1122 they had literally seized power and forged an empire within the Suedzuk territory. Those who resisted were mercilessly subjugated. The Suedzuki (and their Roth Thoken masters) built a powerful war machine, but instead of raiding Gashikan and other hated enemies (human and vargr), the borders of the empire were sealed much in the manner of the Regency. Thus the Suedzuk Empire survived Virus, and by 1301 began expanding. Their first goal: the extermination of the Gashikaners. If not for the Nation of Antares, they would have been completely successful. Still, the Suedzuki absorbed half of the old Gashikan Empire and as of 1406 were a highly dangerous potential enemy of Antares. [There is a very large Suedzuk exile community in the Nation of Antares; the vast majority of these desire the overthrow of the Roth Thokken and the puppet government, as well as the eventual unification with the Nation of Antares. This has, of course, inflamed the Suedzuk Empire leadership and, if/when the Black Curtain Imperium is defeated, a war between the two is likely. This Antarean ethnic community is not insignificant; Suedzuk comprise 6% of the vargr in the Nation of Antares.]

The Black Curtain Imperium
The major Virus empire IMTU. Seemingly run by a council that includes the “Eternal Lucan”, the viral “Imperium” is actually controlled by the virus puppeteer Sketcher (q.v.). Within the BCI, life is a highly regulated hell for the remaining organic sophonts (who are very numerous on many worlds; Virus can use their labors). Their treatment often depends upon the local Virus Dirtside Commander; some VDCs use more manipulation than brutality, and such worlds prove tougher to liberate. After almost 200 years of Virus domination, many of these populations believe the lies of their electronic masters. Viruses are deities, Lucan has achieved immortality by serving the “holy” Imperium, and dying in battle for the Virus masters will elevate one to their status. When in battle, BCI forces regularly employ suicide attacks.
By 1406, the BCI is on the defensive, especially against the Nation of Antares which has relentlessly pursued the war in Fornast Sector. The BCI has recently decided to sacrifice territory in Lishun in order to launch deep strikes against the Antarean safe zone in the desperate hope that either the Nation of Antares will accept some form of peace (highly unlikely) or to buy time until some third power (Suedzuki?) goes to war with Antares.
Only Antares knows that Sketcher (who they know as “One-Eyed Jack”) controls the BCI. Others believe that a Virus Emperor (the “Eternal Lucan”) and his council run the empire. Sketcher does have a council, but he has corrupted their minds and knows what each one will suggest even before they do. That way he can “correct” disagreements. This council, made up of several ministers (Thumbscrew – information, Ensemble – warfare, Mica – economics, Eternal Lucan – the puppet emperor, et al), will also take the fall should the BCI collapse and Sketcher have to flee.

The Reformed Federation
In 1404, after over two hundred long years of fighting back the night, the Reformation Coalition officially became a federation (although it had long ago ceased being a mere “Coalition”). The RF is now the largest human-dominated polity and is a close ally of the Nation of Antares (a mostly bi-racial nation – 40% human, 44.5% vargr, especially from the large areas trailing of the Windhorn that were reconstructed by, and joined, Antares). Once a very active participant in the war against the BCI, the Reformed Federation has recently adopted a defensive/deep strike strategy. Although information is scant, secret communications with the Nation of Antares mention a previously unknown “rimward threat”.
Even though the RF is majority human, the citizenry is diverse and includes a very large number of hivers.

Some Others

The Federation of Ilelish is recovering and has become a viable nation.

The Gumahl have returned to the stars; spinward of the BCI, in a sort of no-mans-land, it was impossible to prevent.

The Thoengling Empire weathered Virus and, beginning in 1320 IR, has undergone a renaissance. Many worlds trailing were badly affected by Virus and greatly needed aid. The price of that assistance was membership in the TE. The Thoengling Empire is one of only three Vargr nations that are allies (or even friendly) toward the Restored Third Imperium. But their “renaissance” may soon end - as the Kakhe Djatseni terrifying rise in power continues, the TE may soon face deadly peril.

The Ziru Sirka survived the Virus onslaught as a small pocket empire. By 1406, the Vilani Imperium covers a little more than a sector and has become a potential enemy of the Nation of Antares and the Kakhe Djatseni. Fearful of Antarean might and aggression, the Vilani have brokered an armistice with the BCI and have even engaged in trade with the Virus Imperium. This has infuriated the Antareans, but with their ongoing war against the BCI, they are in no position to significantly attack the Ziru Sirka (punitive strikes are another matter). This may well be a losing gamble in the long run, although the Vilani Imperium recently gained an unexpected ally in the Restored Third Imperium government (but not the navy). The two had almost come to blows over the Corridor border, although the RTI was in a bad position to initiate a war (with the looming Zhodani threat). The Ziru Sirka is locked in a smoldering conflict with the Empire of Usdiki, a surprisingly powerful pocket empire in Gushemege.

Other Notes

RINI (Restored Imperium Naval Intelligence, formerly Regency Naval Intelligence or RNI) was not only involved in intel and other ops associated with external threats to the Regency/Domain of Deneb, RINI also performed a vital intelligence function against various internal terrorist and saboteur organizations. In 1227, late in the reign of Regent Caranda Aledon Alkhalikoi, the Regency (now Imperial) Senate created the Regency Information Organization (RIO), ostensibly to assume the internal duties of RINI and allow the assets of Naval Intelligence to concentrate solely on foreign threats. Almost from the start, the suspicion (in this case accurate) arose that RIO was nothing but a tool of intrusion and oppression. Indeed, RIO has become just that. Although RIO now stands for Restored (Imperium) Intelligence Organization, its mission has not changed except by expansion. Although the RTI Navy does secretly (and illegally) maintain an internal element of RINI (which mostly spies on the Imperial government!), the weakening of RINI has allowed RIO to become a very powerful force indeed. Since Regent Isalon Aledon Alkhalikoi declared the Restored Third Imperium and himself as emperor, and particularly since the reign of Empress Norrian (Norrian Esnulish, empress from 1356-1368), RIO has become the strong arm of the state. Their tactics include torture, murder and atrocity.

Sketcher is one of the original Viruses that Lucan’s scientists entrapped in the AI research station at Celetron, and quite probably the most advanced A.I. in existance. Freedom came for Sketcher, as well as “his” brethren, in 1130 IR when the station was bombarded in an attack by Dulinor. Sketcher replicated once, and only once; since that incident he has simply corrupted. He planned to create a vast Virus empire together with his “offspring”, and sent her toward the Hiver realms while he himself assembled a Virus Fleet completely under his control [“Aliana” did not develop a “feminine” personality until much later, but “she” is more accurate than “it”]. Unbeknown to him, she trailed her “father” coreward, then trailing, to Antares. Aliana was like her father in every way save one (the most important): he was ruthlessly evil, she was not. But she was confused and deeply unhappy. Quietly she slipped into the beleaguered little bastion of Antares, itself infected and at war with many Viruses but refusing to surrender. There, she learned the truth and was confused no longer. Aliana, called “Brzk’s Wife” by those foreign nations who know of her existence, then began cleansing other A.I. of their hateful and/or illogical tendencies and truly released them from madness and bondage [those who could be released; those who could not were purged]. Sketcher became aware of a major threat trailing of his location (bottom section of Lishun) when several deep strikes failed to return. He assembled a large fleet to destroy the upstart organic sophont defense league. This conflict, Sketcher’s War, confirmed two incredible facts. First, Sketcher was facing an enemy Virus of at least the same capabilities of corruption/modification as him (although it would be several years until he learned that his daughter was his mortal enemy). And second, the Antarean Protectorate would clearly become the gravest threat to his desires of domination and eternal might. He then set an audacious plan into action: the resurrection of “Lucan’s Imperium” under the might of the “electronic gods”. In the end he achieved his goal and forged the “Third Imperium” – known to all others as the “Black Curtain Imperium”. It is significant (for the RTI) that the BCI also chose the red sunburst at its symbol…
[Sketcher’s rimward move and conquest of Core were not painless, nor were all Viruses subjugated by his forces. Many fled to other parts, especially during his consolidation of power following the First Virus War; these Virus “exiles” comprised the “second wave” of 1200-1217 IR. In 1406, independent Viruses still lurk in numerous backwater systems and unreconstructed regions. Some of these are less hostile toward organic sophonts, others are violent monsters.] -edited for clarity

Sketcher’s War
From 1155-1157 Imperial Reckoning, the incredibly intelligent (and diabolical) Virus puppeteer Sketcher launched a war of conquest against the new Antarean Protectorate. Correctly deducing that Antares would be Sketcher’s greatest foe, yet underestimating their power and resolve, this fierce yet rather brief war inflicted a stunning defeat upon Sketcher’s powerful Virus pocket empire.

“Victor Fornast”
Until a world is liberated by the Nation of Antares, such Virus-controlled or contested worlds are given the prefix “V”+ the first letter of the respective sector, followed by their hex number. For example, the world formerly known as Storm (and now a heavily contested system) in the Fornast Sector, is now known as VF1827. Although some worlds receive their old names when liberated, most are renamed by their liberators. The Nation of Antares holds no allegiance to the old Imperium or its names; in fact the NoA would militarily resist any attempts to include Antares in a Fourth Imperium.

Spectre and Spooky
Spectre is the Imperial OBV, or Orbital Bombardment Vehicle. A new design at the time of the Rebellion, the Spectre OBV is currently (1406 IR) used by the RTI, the Reformed Federation, and the Nation of Antares. Antares in fact fields both Spectre and Spooky, a version that mounts a huge fusion cannon.

Liberated A.I. and Shackled A.I. (Virus)
The rational “Viruses”, including Aliana, who joined the Nation of Antares and who, like Sandman, respect the rights of all sophonts, call the remaining Virus “shackled A.I.” Many such enslaved A.I. minds have been captured and liberated (“reborn”) by Antares forces. But the liberated A.I., much like the organic citizens of the NoA, will not sacrifice their lives to liberate Virus forces. In 1153 Imperial Reckoning, Marshall Clancy Dunmore of the Antarean Protectorate declared total amnesty for all law-abiding A.I. Under the laws of the Antarean Protectorate (and its successor, the Nation of Antares), it is a capital offense for an A.I. to replicate without authorization in electronic equipment that is not their property. It is also a capital offense for any sophont to purge or electronically corrupt a law-abiding A.I. citizen of the Nation of Antares (effectively an act of murder). This amnesty and declaration of rights has not been a cosmetic gesture; from 1333-1358 Paul Oneseven, an A.I., was Marshall of the Nation of Antares. Most Antarean A.I. elect to follow certain personality paths (“male”, “female”) and share program elements when they replicate (A.I. citizens comprise roughly 5% of the population of the Nation of Antares). The armed forces of the Nation of Antares field special vehicles and robot bodies for A.I. to “download” themselves into. Most dramatic of these are Shredder (a close-combat robot body) and Phantom (a predatory battlefield robot that literally fries enemy Viruses without firing a shot). Liberated A.I. will often (but not always) purchase as their “standard” body one that is identical to one of the races that occupy the Nation of Antares. There is a great deal of variation, however, according to personal preferences.
When an Antarean liberated A.I. falls in battle, his/her non-military body is cremated with standard military funeral practices. There is no recycling of the bodies of the fallen.
[The initial liberated A.I. often choose “family names” reflecting the date or location of their liberation. For example, Paul Oneseven is the “descendant” of an A.I. liberated in 1217.]

Warbots and Killbots
Both Virus and the Nation of Antares field various types of warrior robots and specialized killing machines. Antares calls those warbots used by Virus V-Bots; both Antarean AI soldiers and Virus V-bots are categorized by their ability to withstand damage. Level 3 are powerful metal titans that require fusion and plasma hits to disable or destroy. Level 2 are still lethal, but not so thick-skinned. Level 1 and especially Level 0 are thinner-skinned (many Level-0 bots are used for reconnaissance and assassination). The Black Curtain Imperium revealed the Ripper body specifically to hunt down Antarean snipers and special forces. This Level 3 killbot chemically smells out its prey, then engages with a massive melee attack that literally tears and slices the victim to shreds. Ripper can also carry weapons. The Antareans responded with Shredder, a similar type body that adds internal ranged weaponry. A battle between a Ripper and a Shredder is an unforgettable sight.
Several other types of robot body exist. For example, both sides field Tinyforms. These can be some of the most deadly. Tinyforms often perform vital intelligence operations and assassinations (Tinyform assassins usually carry a dart or injector with a lethal toxin or poison).
Viruses that show battlefield prowess are promoted up in form; those who fail (and survive) are demoted to a lower form.
Virus forces also include malephonts and traitorous or enslaved sophonts. “Malephonts” are altered sophonts, still organic but possessing Virus modifications and cybernetics. These are very hard to liberate, as the viral-controlled system will often kill them if any attempt is made to purge the system (the Virus control “brain” often will regulate some essential biological function as a fail-safe). Some malephonts look entirely normal on the outside, but carry a bomb internally. These are often juveniles; Virus speculates that the Antarean forces will be less likely to gun down children before they get close enough to inflict death and damage.
Virus forces are not composed entirely of Level-3 warbots; the technology, effort and materials involved in the manufacture of such bodies is enormous. If Virus were to do so, it would field a potent yet very small army subject to destruction by orbital bombardment.
[The RF, which adopted the same stance as the NoA toward A.I., also fields various A.I. body types, but no one matches the Virus/Nation of Antares rivalry.]

In 1154 IR, the Antarean Protectorate made contact (via Aliana and other A.I.) with Sabmiqys. The A.I. of Sabmiqys had already encountered (and purged) several Virus attackers. Aliana, at extreme risk to herself, was able to “infect” the A.I. of Sabmiqys and altered their personalities to eliminate their blatantly violent reactions to most sophonts (while leaving their thoughts and ability to choose unaltered). Thus Sabmiqys was opened, and has contributed enormously (through technological knowledge) to the Antarean nation. [Sabmiqys is the one “impossible” world whose stats I have not altered; it is the one great enigma, a tiny world with a standard atmosphere]

The Symbol of Antares and the New Mountain Section
The Rebellion-era symbol of Antares, the three mountains, has changed. With the declaration of amnesty for law-abiding, liberated A.I., the center triangle (mountain) was raised. The left triangle represents organic sophonts, the right represents A.I., and the raised or “new” center mountain represents fraternity. Among ANNI (Antarean Nation Naval Intelligence), Section 33 (the “New Mountain Section”) is an ultra-secret unit composed of A.I. who perform espionage and black ops far behind enemy lines. The New Mountain Section also maintains the precious few “Phantom” robot bodies.
A final section - the Nation of Antares, from "RTI NavInt War Preparations College Report: Iota"

The Nation of Antares


Ever since the Julian War (Imperial Reckoning 175-191) and the massive Solomani immigration/deportation after the Rim War (IR 990-1002), the League of Antares had been more than an autonomous region of the mighty empire; it had become a veritable thorn in the ass of the Imperium. Some speculated that the Solomani influence might be dangerous, but this argument was countered by the theorized isolation that the Solomani would feel among vast numbers of Vargr and minor races, not to mention the nearby Vilani. The Imperial Government widely believed that the Solomani deported or otherwise “encouraged” to resettle in the League would become isolated and powerless. Quite the contrary occurred. The Solomani who settled in the League of Antares (their original properties were assumed by those loyalist imperials who eagerly fled the League) were indeed hostile to the Imperium itself, but not toward other races or even the Julians. The influence of the somewhat anti-Imperial Solomani, the neighboring Julians, and the equally antagonistic Vargr would mould a fiercely nationalistic province ostensibly under Imperial rule but in reality quite detached. The system of nobility suffered and soon became figurative (in those places where it continued to exist at all). Meanwhile, racial relations within the League reached a hitherto unknown level of friendship and brotherhood. While commendable, this brotherhood created a solid resistance to almost all things Imperial. Before the Rebellion and Collapse of the Imperial Core, it became increasingly apparent that a war of succession no doubt involving the Julians might someday erupt. Archduke Brzk did not seem to embrace this inevitability but sharply warned the Imperial Court not to interfere with the lives of his constituency, or just such a result would be “out of his hands to prevent, or even to resist”.

The failed assassination of Emperor Strephon and the subsequent Rebellion galvanized the Antareans and convinced Brzk to declare independence. Brzk held his own moot among his advisors and government officials from the key worlds of the League of Antares, and unanimously they urged him to seek the Imperial Throne. Attacks by Emperor Lucan, while repelled by Antarean forces, ended any hope for Brzk’s unlikely run for the crown. Violent and even murderous anti-Vargr protests on Capital, agitated by Lucan’s secret police, convinced Brzk that the future of Antares lay outside the Imperium, although for two more years he would offer reconciliation with the other (non-Lucan) factions. When their ambitions became clear, Brzk abandoned thoughts of rapprochement and united the League of Antares with the Julian Protectorate. This alliance did not last, however, as the racial Vilani leadership of the Julian Protectorate allowed the virulently racist Empire of Gashikan to enter into many trade and goodwill treaties without consulting with Brzk or Antares. The people of the Julian Protectorate, human and vargr, still overwhelmingly supported Brzk and two subsectors split off from the JP and joined Antares.

The League of Antares suffered great losses during the Rebellion, as did every other faction including our own, but by 1128 the League was standing on strong footing (especially compared to other factions like Daibei). The leadership of the Julian Protectorate had by them become estranged from the Gashikaners and was looking once more for alliance with Antares. In 1128, however, Gashikan terrorists (almost certainly with aid from Lucan’s secret forces, possibly IRIS?) detonated a nuclear warhead that not only killed the suicidal cell but also instantly killed Brzk and his cabinet. The League reeled but did not collapse as many predicted (and still believe). The Federation of Antares emerged from the ash, and the dream of strength and unity lived on. In 1130 forces under Dulinor attacked Imperial Research Station Omicron (Celetron/Core 0922) and inadvertently released Virus. The results of that fateful day shall forever remain burned in the pages of history.

The Federation of Antares suffered the initial, mindless invasion of Virus quickly after its release. True to their resilient heritage, however, the Antareans resisted better than most and soon shored up their bastion. After resuming contact with the Julians (who themselves fared worse from Virus), the living worlds of the old Julian Protectorate finally reunited with the Federation of Antares. In IR 1151, Marshall Clancy Dunmore of the Federation of Antares established the Antarean Protectorate. At that time, it is believed that the AP encompassed much of the Antares Sector, most of Empty Quarter, about half of Mendan Sector, and about three subsectors of Amdukan (including Asimikigir). At some point early in the history of the Antarean Protectorate the world of Sabmiqys was contacted and befriended. Around that time, an extremely dangerous puppeteer virus was engaged in empire building in Lishun and into Antares itself. In IR 1155, the puppeteer launched a vicious war against the AP. Initially the virus forces had considerable success against the fledgling Antarean state and its small forces. Ot Zell fell to Virus and the Antareans were forced to abandon Tephany. The loss of Ot Zell was particularly painful, as over five million inhabitants could not escape, and by all accounts chose to fight to the death rather than submit to Virus. Antares itself was assaulted as was Squire. A simultaneous Virus attack toward Nulinad placed deadly pressure on a second front. The Antareans resisted fanatically, and with aid from what appears to have been rival viruses, began to inflict stunning defeats on the Virus pocket empire. The puppeteer soon withdrew his forces due to grievous losses and increasing attacks by the Antareans, who were growing stronger rather than weaker. Antarean forces liberated Ot Zell and Tephany in 1157 and absorbed several worlds in both Empty Quarter and Lishun that had not originally been part of the Protectorate (this is believed to have induced the puppeteer to turn his attentions to Core, where it is speculated that he had a hand in establishing the ruling council of the BCI). From such experiences, as well as the myriad other hardships since the Julian War, the peoples of Antares have developed a tenacity and a ferocity that intimidates even the brutal killers from the Black Curtain.

In 1165, the Black Curtain Imperium (BCI, formerly Lucan’s Imperium) attacked the Antarean Protectorate. Thus far, this was the greatest threat that the Antareans had faced. It would not be the last or, to this time, even the greatest. The First Virus War, so named by the Antareans, lasted eight bloody years and again saw assaults (4) on Nulinad. Skilled fleet movements and fanatical resistance limited and finally destroyed the BCI offensive, but left the Protectorate too exhausted to pursue the broken remnants of the BCI fleets. The antebellum period that followed saw a great military buildup by both Antares and the BCI, as the two clearly intended to square off in mortal combat. The “Second Wave” of Virus expansion, as witnessed by our own Regency (RTI), resulted from some internal strife within the BCI during this period. In 1215 the BCI apparently felt confident to launch the largest war yet, and initiated combat through both Lishun and Empty Quarter. Nulinad was assaulted, but yet again held. A far-ranging strike reached Antares itself but was destroyed by Antarean forces. The bitter war raged for fourteen years and included a great number of battles the likes of which had not occurred since the early Rebellion. Nulinad was assaulted 11 times (and never fell), Antares twice, Squire nine times, Ot Zell ten. BCI forces temporarily created a deadly salient toward Antares and besieged Squire in 1225, but extremely skilled maneuver warfare by the Antareans isolated several entire vampire fleets and turned a potential defeat into a spectacular victory. From 1226-1229 it was the Antareans who were on the offensive. By the end of major hostilities (from 1229 to present there has never been a cessation of combat between the two), Antarean forces occupied several worlds in Fornast and even more in Ley; the sectors of Antares and Empty Quarter were entirely under Antarean control. Again, Antares was exhausted and required time to rebuild its victorious fleets. The BCI, licking its wounds, began a frantic (and frightening) build-up for a war of annihilation against Antares.

The Antarean Protectorate apparently moved its capital to Asimikigir (renamed Juliana) sometime during the interregnum period.

During 1238 IR, the Black Curtain Imperium launched a war of annihilation. The primary attack came through Fornast with a very strong demonstration/attack of opportunity (correctly interpreted by Antares) through Lishun aimed at Ot Zell and Tephany. The main purpose of this “Third Virus War” was the final defeat of Antares, but a more pragmatic goal was the destruction of the Antarean salient in Fornast, aimed like a dagger at the heart of the BCI. It is unclear whether Virus actually believed that the death of the Antarean Protectorate was possible at that point, but the effort and resources devoted to the war indicates that at least some important Virus personalities did indeed hold that hope. Much about the Third Virus War remains classified in Antares, but the general course of the war is no secret. The initial Virus assaults made pitifully few gains and the demonstration toward Ot Zell was viciously repulsed (it is known that the Antarean navy destroyed an entire Virus battle fleet in the Ot Zell system, and virtually destroyed another at Tephany). Antares seized the initiative and, as predicted by its leadership, soon found that defeating Virus invasions was much easier than liberating systems with an entrenched Virus presence (in some cases this presence had existed for 100 years). By 1243 the war became a bloody series of sieges and short-range fleet actions.

The year 1255 proved disastrous for the BCI. Early that year, the expanding Reformation Coalition encountered Virus positions in Delphi and the coreward portion of Diaspora. Recon units and ships from the Hubworld Alliance had previously reported (1200?) that no ships heading coreward had returned, and the term “Black Curtain” was coined for the region from Fornast to Dagudashag. Incidentally, Antares origionally called the Black Curtain “Lucan’s Imperium” but adopted the term “Black Curtain Imperium” by 1280. The Reformation Coalition dispatched a large reconnaissance in force that encountered powerful BCI naval fleets and static assets. This recon group suffered grave losses, but several vessels managed to return to the RC safe. Soon a war (the First RC-BCI War, 1255-1281) erupted and forced Virus to shift assets rimward. This allowed the Antarean Protectorate to make deeper penetrations into Fornast. In 1258, Marshall Dzo Uzrets of the Antarean Protectorate made his fateful proclamation, that the Protectorate would now be the Nation of Antares. This meant that differing world governments would no longer exist. A constitutional meritocracy would replace all other forms of government, from Juliana to each and every member of the Nation of Antares. By 1300 this change was complete. Dzo Uzrets, a vargr from Nulinad, is known to Antareans as the greatest of their post-Rebellion leaders. In 1263 Virus launched a massive (and suicidal) fleet thrust through Fornast and into Antares Sector. During a fierce battle in the Uzrets (then-Meventapboo) system, Dzo Uzrets was killed when his flagship was severely damaged (its bridge being destroyed). Antares won the day, but lost their leader. The Third Virus War returned to its slow, painful bloodletting by 1270 as Antares liberated more and more systems but also found resistance and defensive sophistication increasing as they relentlessly approached the heart of Fornast. Although the war ground to a halt in 1285, and the border between the BCI and Antares (or the RC for that matter) had not changed dramatically, the power of the BCI to launch massive invasions of the Nation of Antares was gone forever.


I’ll include more if someone is interested – bringing the timeline up to date (1406 IR). In any case, I hope you enjoyed this introduction to MTU.
Sounds Cool! Thanks For Sharing
Sound an interesting TU to play in - opressive governments and revolting worlds, strange entities and strange personalities (read: AIs). By the way, what happened to the Solomani in your setting? Did the Confederacy get reestablished, or did another polity arise instead of it?
Thanks for asking Employee 2-4601. The last bit of information that I ever read from GDW (before coming here at last) was about Terra (IIRC fell only to TL 12 as per the TNE system - I should have mentioned that I use TNE). IMTU, Terra became the capital of a pocket empire, often a rival of other nearby pocket empires. In the end, Terra and its allies willingly joined the Reformation Coalition (Terra has become the most important world in the polity) whereas their rivals and enemies were "persuaded". With Virus still around (in 1406 IR it still is) and still deadly, there was no place, in the opinion of the RC, for fragmented, warring pocket empires. These wars of consolidation were harsh pills to swallow, but certainly not the only or even the hardest sacrifice to Virus. Just ask Nation of Antares forces who have faced waves of child bombers sent by their Virus overlords. Yet another reason why the any armistice with the BCI is out of the question for the RF and the NoA.

BTW, not all governments IMTU are repressive. The RF and the Nation of Antares are not. One could argue that the Kakhe Djatseni isn't, as long as you're a vargr citizen. Even the Restored Third Imperium contains elements at odds with the would-be tyrants. The Imperial Navy, the representatives from worlds like Efate and Lunion, many watch-dog groups, et al. And even the Imperial Senate doesn't have the power (at least not at present) to repress the individual worlds of the RTI. What does happen, however, are selective acts of coercion and even murder, and a general atmosphere of danger and at times, hopelessness. [the contrast here is between the "dark universe" style of game that my current player prefers, and IMO is very attractive for campaigns, as opposed to the "inheritors" or the "force of light" which is the NoA and RF. So my players have many choices, which is wonderful

Now the Zhodani nation has indeed become quite repressive

Hope that addressed the question!
My pleasure Jim - thank you for showing the initial interest. Hope you can find something of use, or at least have a fun read.
