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Incorporating Accessibility in Traveller.

Meteoric Assault

Marquis de Sharkbait
Admin Award
In another thread someone mentioned growing the player base for Traveller, and that got me thinking about populations and outreach.

I have noticed that as some of us age gracefully or in my case rather ungracefully, that accessibility options in publishing (even non-commercial) is an option. Please notice I said option. My ex-wife, who lives with me ( it’s a long story), is a tech writer for a large international who specializes in accessibility documents. This morning I sat down with her and asked her about accessibility options for Gaming. After the illuminating lecture over brunch, followed by a questions and answer period I pondered the following:

1. Does any gaming publisher have an accessibility options with their products?
2. Of all the Traveller publishers, are there any of them who add accessibility options?

As a side project I am going to non-commercially publish my amberzone entry form 2017 or 2018 that was an honorable mention with the full accessibility options. Just to see how it goes. I have the expert in house, so why not.
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