Hydrogen will not explode. If thoughly mixed with any oxiding agent, it will burn, but will not generate a blast wave as an explosive. The burn rate is too slow to generate the shock wave associated with explosions. To be considered an explosive, the velocity of the burn must exceed 3,200 feet per second.
On the other hand, If you are standing in a closed compartment containing 1 part Hydrogen to 2 parts Oxygen and strike a match, The next thing you will have to learn is how to breath pure water vapor if you survive the few seconds of intense fire.
Hydrogen will combust with several other oxiding agents. Oxygen is the most comon oxidizer encountered in a ship. IF your crew likes to visit planets with strange atmospheres, you may find another oxidizer to worry about.
As a visual, consider the Hindenburg. It was filled with Hydrogen. It was not premixed with Oxygen, but mixed rapidly after the fire was initiated. It did take s couple of minutes for the fire to reach the rear of the airship.
The large explosions you may have seen are almost always petrolium based FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) events. These compunds use compunds like gasoline mixed with oxygen to make a much more energetic firewith a burn rate of 3,200 feet per second or higher.