• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

It has begun (new campaign starting)

We met for character generation tonight - Four players; only one had played Traveller before. I tried to explain the basics of the 3I, but the gaming bar we were at was the busiest I've seen it, and very loud.

One of the new players did not enjoy character generation at all; I apologized and told him the worst was over - now we just get to play.

I just hope I can have the next session be enough fun to hook him and keep him playing.

One Marine, two Scouts and an ex-Navy character. They wanted to focus on exploration.

One of the Scouts rolled an event of "discovered new world/ancient site/et cetera" as part of chargen. I took that, and ran with it. They have been hired by a patron to investigate these ancient (not Ancient; just very old) ruins on this little planet just outside the Spinward Marches - an uninhabited world in the Alenzar system.

Even though one of the Scouts has access to a ship, their patron is providing decent equipment and pay, and loan of a ship named the Shaarin Challenger (I'm adjusting it down to an A2 - the group is too small for an R)

I plan to take things my own direction, so any of my players who may stumble upon this should not count on me following any published information. But the concept just seemed to fit this group.

We meet again on May 9th; I have to provide whatever intel their patron has, and some background information on the 3I, and we'll dive right in.