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Jaynes Intelligence Review


Ad Astra has put out a series of new books highlighting The various Star Nations in the Honor Harrington universe.

I snagged a copy of the Havenite Republican Navy book which includes a history of the Havenites, various conflicts they've been involved in, The Peoples Navy, Order of Battle, Uniforms, reviews of various ships of the line and technology for it's ground forces

It's a very nicely done book in colour where needed, and I'd recommend it to any HH fan

Royal Manticoran Navy Book

Havenite Republican Navy

I've got the RMN book and it's very cool. There are a few gaps I wished they would have covered, starship weapons technology, and explanation of Honorverse drive systems, more personalities of the RMN, Marine heavy weapons, the TOE of assault squads.

Otherwise, a really comprehensive book. I'd love to see someone make Marine figs.