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Welcome to JDB, custom builders and restorationists of classic ship designs. So you're interested in a pleasure ship? Well we have a few to choose from and each can be customized to suit the individual's needs. Let me show you around in our virtual simulations...
Part of the collected notes I've been typing up are some designs and rules from the way I had worked out Yachts back in CT ages ago for my mostly OTU TU. The designs are Book 2 with some borrows from Book 5 and house rules.
The standard type Y Yacht in Book 2 is the model most often purchased by the wealthy citizen who has modest interstellar travel needs. This civilian Yacht requires the standard payment and purchase plan but it is often available used which will reduce the re-payment period and avoid the heavy down payment, or allow refinancing the mortgage in whole.
What follows are the Yachts purchased by or for Imperial Nobility, the type YN series, in 5 models. Debate about the code N meaning continues in some circles. The most obvious definition is Noble but there are some who think it may mean Naval. This is from the fact that the ships all have Naval quality Drives and Electronics and some may have other IN gear installed.
The Noble (or Naval) Yachts are a special case as far as acquisition is concerned. They are available only to a Noble of sufficient rank, as noted by the class name, but operate more like the Detached Duty Scout/Courier or Subsidized Ship.
The Noble Yacht is provided free of charge to the recipient. It is given free docking at all Imperial starports and at it's homeport it has a reserved dock and full support without cost. This home port service includes refined fuel, life support recharge, repairs, weaponry service, and routine and annual maintenance as well as drop-tank tenders for those models using them.
The Noble is required to pay the cost for any away expenses (beyond docking at Imperial ports), crew salaries, and repairs. Some or all of these expenses may be reimbursed upon returning home depending on the nature of the trip. Most Noble ports of call will cover, in addition to the docking fees, refined fuel and life support recharge when visited, and be reimbursed through the same courtesy when the local Noble returns the visit.
The Noble may not sell such a ship, or portions of, without incurring a debt of equal value before the mortgage period is completed. They do not own the ship, it is a part of their privilege of rank and duty and they are responsible for it.
After 40 years of service these Yachts are fully paid off by the estate and retired from active use, becoming the property of the estate or Noble, but subject to military mobilization by the Imperium, typically as diplomatic couriers.
I'd apprecitate any feedback on the designs, they never really saw play use. It was in anticipation of Noble PCs that the rules and ships were made up, but I never did referee a game with Nobles. So in fact you are the first to see these ideas. Let loose with the comments and suggestions. Or even better take one (or more) and flesh it out and post it here for the board as a ready resource. Detail the Noble who acquires it and how they outfit the custom portion of the ship(s). Or if your skills are more to the artistic I'd love to see some doodles, sketches, renders or deckplans. Let your imagination go wild on that account, just make them streamlined (sleek?) and cool. They should stand out and look fast even when docked. Easy no?
Descriptives follow, broken down by model. I could also use some suggestions on the class names for a couple. I always had them named simply but when typing I started with adjective forms but was lost for a couple. How does one say as Knightly is to Knight for Counts and Marquis? Anybody know?
Part of the collected notes I've been typing up are some designs and rules from the way I had worked out Yachts back in CT ages ago for my mostly OTU TU. The designs are Book 2 with some borrows from Book 5 and house rules.
The standard type Y Yacht in Book 2 is the model most often purchased by the wealthy citizen who has modest interstellar travel needs. This civilian Yacht requires the standard payment and purchase plan but it is often available used which will reduce the re-payment period and avoid the heavy down payment, or allow refinancing the mortgage in whole.
What follows are the Yachts purchased by or for Imperial Nobility, the type YN series, in 5 models. Debate about the code N meaning continues in some circles. The most obvious definition is Noble but there are some who think it may mean Naval. This is from the fact that the ships all have Naval quality Drives and Electronics and some may have other IN gear installed.
The Noble (or Naval) Yachts are a special case as far as acquisition is concerned. They are available only to a Noble of sufficient rank, as noted by the class name, but operate more like the Detached Duty Scout/Courier or Subsidized Ship.
The Noble Yacht is provided free of charge to the recipient. It is given free docking at all Imperial starports and at it's homeport it has a reserved dock and full support without cost. This home port service includes refined fuel, life support recharge, repairs, weaponry service, and routine and annual maintenance as well as drop-tank tenders for those models using them.
The Noble is required to pay the cost for any away expenses (beyond docking at Imperial ports), crew salaries, and repairs. Some or all of these expenses may be reimbursed upon returning home depending on the nature of the trip. Most Noble ports of call will cover, in addition to the docking fees, refined fuel and life support recharge when visited, and be reimbursed through the same courtesy when the local Noble returns the visit.
The Noble may not sell such a ship, or portions of, without incurring a debt of equal value before the mortgage period is completed. They do not own the ship, it is a part of their privilege of rank and duty and they are responsible for it.
After 40 years of service these Yachts are fully paid off by the estate and retired from active use, becoming the property of the estate or Noble, but subject to military mobilization by the Imperium, typically as diplomatic couriers.
I'd apprecitate any feedback on the designs, they never really saw play use. It was in anticipation of Noble PCs that the rules and ships were made up, but I never did referee a game with Nobles. So in fact you are the first to see these ideas. Let loose with the comments and suggestions. Or even better take one (or more) and flesh it out and post it here for the board as a ready resource. Detail the Noble who acquires it and how they outfit the custom portion of the ship(s). Or if your skills are more to the artistic I'd love to see some doodles, sketches, renders or deckplans. Let your imagination go wild on that account, just make them streamlined (sleek?) and cool. They should stand out and look fast even when docked. Easy no?

Descriptives follow, broken down by model. I could also use some suggestions on the class names for a couple. I always had them named simply but when typing I started with adjective forms but was lost for a couple. How does one say as Knightly is to Knight for Counts and Marquis? Anybody know?