We had a total of 4 entries for the contest this time around - many
thanks to the entrants! The seeds will be posted anonymously until the
judging period is complete, since some preferred it this way and nobody
explicitly said not to.
Two of the entries are based on JTAS Campaign Settings, two on Classic
Traveller books from GDW. Anyone may vote who believes they can make a
fair comparison based on the material to which they have access. Votes
should be sent to me (john at elvwood dot org) by 23:59 BST, Tuesday
18th July.
For discussion of individual entries, reply to the individual entry
posts. For overviews and general comments, reply to this post.
Have at it!
thanks to the entrants! The seeds will be posted anonymously until the
judging period is complete, since some preferred it this way and nobody
explicitly said not to.
Two of the entries are based on JTAS Campaign Settings, two on Classic
Traveller books from GDW. Anyone may vote who believes they can make a
fair comparison based on the material to which they have access. Votes
should be sent to me (john at elvwood dot org) by 23:59 BST, Tuesday
18th July.
For discussion of individual entries, reply to the individual entry
posts. For overviews and general comments, reply to this post.
Have at it!