SOC-14 1K
Hello everyone,
First, my apologies for being a little late with posting the requirements for JTAS Design Contest 27.
Next is a summary of the contest specifications
followed by the emails posted on the JTAS
design board.
Summary: [Clarification added 9/10/04]
Design a small craft with a preferred
displacement of no more than 100-dtons. Contact
the host for a larger vessel. The vessel cannot
be capable of being upgraded to a starship by
adding a jump drive. However, a Sulieman Type S
Scout/Courier can be downgraded. No min or max
TL, No Budget restrictions, and No specified purpose, other than that imposed by the
The supporting text should be designed to support
adventure hooks restricted to a single star
Enteries are due to the host by local midnight of
the desinger on September 25, 2004.
Posting of the entries for voting and discussion
sometime on September 26, 2004. Entries received
prior to the host before he stops for the night
on Sept. 26 will be included in the contest.
The host will acknowledge receipt of entries
received. If the designer has not received a
confirmation within 24 hours contact the host.
From: Daniel Burns
Date: Sunday, September 05, 2004
Subject: JTAS Design Contest 27:
OK folks, here we go...
"Think Small"
I propose for this go around that we keep it simple
and small, and try to encourage a little more
participation and all. So your challenge is to create
a small craft. Anything space-worthy but smaller than
a type S Scout/Courier, and no Jump drive.
That's the easy part
The tougher part? The descriptive and such for fitting
it into a game. It might be the customized subcraft
of a standard Starship. Or it could be the main
transport for the PC's of a single star system game.
Travelling shouldn't always mean Jumping, there's
lots of fun to be had running around a detailed
system too.
So anything goes as long as it's small. No budget, no
TL limit, no specified purpose.
As always any (or all) design rules are acceptable and
anyone with access to this list (
may enter, as often as you want.
Entries should be emailed to
far_trader_mail AT (note the .ca NOT .com)
by Midnight (your local time) Saturday September 25th
so I can work on the posting of them Sunday
September 26th. Not to encourage late entries but as
long as it is delivered to my inbox on Sunday before
I call it a night you'll be in. I'll acknowledge each
entry as I get it so if you don't hear back within
24hrs of sending it post a notice to this thread.
Entries should be basic text (very basic, a mono font
is probably best), NO HTML, for posting here. I won't
do a lot of editing or proofing so at least run it
through a spell check and/or give it a final read
before sending. Make the subject line "JTAS Design
Contest 27 Entry" and include a title and your name
in the first line of the body text. Seperate your
entry and anything you don't want posted by a
string of dashes ( ------- ). I'll accept revisions
(resend the whole entry as corrected and note in
the subject line by adding "revision") up till the
deadline if you send early and then need to add to
or edit your entry.
Entries will be posted anonymously and voting and
discussion will begin after the close of contest is
announced (when I finish posting the entries). The
only votes that will count will be those posted to
the thread with a reason for your choice. So yes,
voting is public and limited to those with access to
this list this time. You don't have to enter to vote
and you can vote for any entry, even your own if you
have entered, as long as you tell us why.
Voting and discussion will close Midnight (local time)
Saturday October 2nd and the winner will be announced
Sunday October 3rd.
In the event of a tie I'll pick the winner myself.
That's 3 weeks to build it and 1 week to destroy it
so get cracking
Dan "far-trader" Burns
Notice to those who usually post this to other groups.
There is no problem posting the contest announcement
as you have in the past and I think I made it clear
that it is exclusively a JTAS Design Contest. Feel
free (actually I encourage you) to make that point
clear when posting the notice.
Dan "far-trader" Burns
Clarification 1
A member posted that MT has the Small Craft Hull
range as being 20 to 100-dtons. Dan "far-trader"
Burns, our contest host, has modified the "Anything
space-worthy but smaller than a type S Scout/Courier,
which is a 100-dton hull, and no Jump drive." to
:Very well you may build 100tons, but no jump drives.
For every jump drive I find I shall KILL you.
paraphrasing Stewie of "Family Guy"
I've always thought the rationale of 20tons as the low
limit in MT was a good one, but I never understood the
upper being 100tons (90tons would have been better, or
even 95tons).
My idea was nothing that could be converted to a
starship by just slapping in a J-drive and nothing
that was a once starship that has had the J-drive
But I won't stand in the way of a good design and
presentation that's in the spirit of "Think Small"
which applies as much to the application as the size.
So if you want to go with 100tons (or a little bigger
even) that's no problem with me, but no starships.
Dan "far-trader" Burns"
Clarification 2:
On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 21:51:57 -0700, "Tom Rux"
> Evening Dan,
> You'd kill an entry if it were transporting a Jump
> Drive? Well, there goes one of my adventure hooks.
> Ah, well.
Hmm, now you've intrigued me. I think I see one idea,
wonder if it's the same. Go for it, I wouldn't kill it
under those circumstances (besides being very tongue
in cheek when I said it). Or just taunt us with hints <eg>
> If you haven't already done so I'll post on the T20
> GURPS board.
Go for it if you haven't already, just mind the p.s.
Dan "far-trader" Burns
Clarification 3:
Just to clarify, the main thing is the design should
be limited to ops (at least without some work) in a
single system. No working Jump drives, preferably not
even capable of converting to starship class. But if
the story needs it go for it. Tom has intrigued me,
and Les I like the idea of decommissioned Scouts.
First, my apologies for being a little late with posting the requirements for JTAS Design Contest 27.
Next is a summary of the contest specifications
followed by the emails posted on the JTAS
design board.
Summary: [Clarification added 9/10/04]
Design a small craft with a preferred
displacement of no more than 100-dtons. Contact
the host for a larger vessel. The vessel cannot
be capable of being upgraded to a starship by
adding a jump drive. However, a Sulieman Type S
Scout/Courier can be downgraded. No min or max
TL, No Budget restrictions, and No specified purpose, other than that imposed by the
The supporting text should be designed to support
adventure hooks restricted to a single star
Enteries are due to the host by local midnight of
the desinger on September 25, 2004.
Posting of the entries for voting and discussion
sometime on September 26, 2004. Entries received
prior to the host before he stops for the night
on Sept. 26 will be included in the contest.
The host will acknowledge receipt of entries
received. If the designer has not received a
confirmation within 24 hours contact the host.
From: Daniel Burns
Date: Sunday, September 05, 2004
Subject: JTAS Design Contest 27:
OK folks, here we go...
"Think Small"
I propose for this go around that we keep it simple
and small, and try to encourage a little more
participation and all. So your challenge is to create
a small craft. Anything space-worthy but smaller than
a type S Scout/Courier, and no Jump drive.
That's the easy part

The tougher part? The descriptive and such for fitting
it into a game. It might be the customized subcraft
of a standard Starship. Or it could be the main
transport for the PC's of a single star system game.
Travelling shouldn't always mean Jumping, there's
lots of fun to be had running around a detailed
system too.
So anything goes as long as it's small. No budget, no
TL limit, no specified purpose.
As always any (or all) design rules are acceptable and
anyone with access to this list (
may enter, as often as you want.
Entries should be emailed to
far_trader_mail AT (note the .ca NOT .com)
by Midnight (your local time) Saturday September 25th
so I can work on the posting of them Sunday
September 26th. Not to encourage late entries but as
long as it is delivered to my inbox on Sunday before
I call it a night you'll be in. I'll acknowledge each
entry as I get it so if you don't hear back within
24hrs of sending it post a notice to this thread.
Entries should be basic text (very basic, a mono font
is probably best), NO HTML, for posting here. I won't
do a lot of editing or proofing so at least run it
through a spell check and/or give it a final read
before sending. Make the subject line "JTAS Design
Contest 27 Entry" and include a title and your name
in the first line of the body text. Seperate your
entry and anything you don't want posted by a
string of dashes ( ------- ). I'll accept revisions
(resend the whole entry as corrected and note in
the subject line by adding "revision") up till the
deadline if you send early and then need to add to
or edit your entry.
Entries will be posted anonymously and voting and
discussion will begin after the close of contest is
announced (when I finish posting the entries). The
only votes that will count will be those posted to
the thread with a reason for your choice. So yes,
voting is public and limited to those with access to
this list this time. You don't have to enter to vote
and you can vote for any entry, even your own if you
have entered, as long as you tell us why.
Voting and discussion will close Midnight (local time)
Saturday October 2nd and the winner will be announced
Sunday October 3rd.
In the event of a tie I'll pick the winner myself.
That's 3 weeks to build it and 1 week to destroy it

so get cracking

Dan "far-trader" Burns
Notice to those who usually post this to other groups.
There is no problem posting the contest announcement
as you have in the past and I think I made it clear
that it is exclusively a JTAS Design Contest. Feel
free (actually I encourage you) to make that point
clear when posting the notice.
Dan "far-trader" Burns
Clarification 1
A member posted that MT has the Small Craft Hull
range as being 20 to 100-dtons. Dan "far-trader"
Burns, our contest host, has modified the "Anything
space-worthy but smaller than a type S Scout/Courier,
which is a 100-dton hull, and no Jump drive." to
:Very well you may build 100tons, but no jump drives.
For every jump drive I find I shall KILL you.

I've always thought the rationale of 20tons as the low
limit in MT was a good one, but I never understood the
upper being 100tons (90tons would have been better, or
even 95tons).
My idea was nothing that could be converted to a
starship by just slapping in a J-drive and nothing
that was a once starship that has had the J-drive
But I won't stand in the way of a good design and
presentation that's in the spirit of "Think Small"
which applies as much to the application as the size.
So if you want to go with 100tons (or a little bigger
even) that's no problem with me, but no starships.
Dan "far-trader" Burns"
Clarification 2:
On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 21:51:57 -0700, "Tom Rux"
> Evening Dan,
> You'd kill an entry if it were transporting a Jump
> Drive? Well, there goes one of my adventure hooks.
> Ah, well.
Hmm, now you've intrigued me. I think I see one idea,
wonder if it's the same. Go for it, I wouldn't kill it
under those circumstances (besides being very tongue
in cheek when I said it). Or just taunt us with hints <eg>
> If you haven't already done so I'll post on the T20
> GURPS board.
Go for it if you haven't already, just mind the p.s.
Dan "far-trader" Burns
Clarification 3:
Just to clarify, the main thing is the design should
be limited to ops (at least without some work) in a
single system. No working Jump drives, preferably not
even capable of converting to starship class. But if
the story needs it go for it. Tom has intrigued me,
and Les I like the idea of decommissioned Scouts.