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SOC-14 1K
A typically wet and windy Afternoon PDT all,

Timothy Collinson is trying to find information on the story/adventure "Cold Night on Dashgad" published in the HTML Pyramid online magazine approximately back in June of 1998 as part of his Traveller Bibliography books. The information he needs if the article's title, author, issue and number, year published, page number(s), page count, tables, illustrations/art work, and any other detail.

A representative provided the information that the article was part of the HTML Pyramid electronic magazine and is not available at this time.

My contact with Timothy is on the TML and if anyone here can provide information for his project I would be happy to pass a long the information or a way to contact you off the forum.

Thank you for any help that can be provided.
My personal archive of JTAS Online includes article #5:

A Cold Night in Dashgad

An adventure for Traveller
By M.J. Dougherty and Neil Frier
Art by Lance S. Winkel
Article publication date: June 26, 1998 Source: Pyramid
Evening PDT inexorabletash,

My personal archive of JTAS Online includes article #5:

A Cold Night in Dashgad

An adventure for Traveller
By M.J. Dougherty and Neil Frier
Art by Lance S. Winkel
Article publication date: June 26, 1998 Source: Pyramid

Thank you for the information which I will pass on to Timothy and I have sent you a PM with another request.