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JTAS Starship/Vehicle Design Contest History


SOC-14 1K
Evening everyone,

Over on the JTAS Starship/Vehicle Design discussion 38 contests were run. Joe Gill pulled together the history for contests 1 through 11. He included the host/organizer, theme, and winner for each contest. Onno Meyer picked up the histroy starting with contest 21 through 38 which included the following details: Host/Organizer, Date, Theme, Entries (Desgin Name and Designer), Non-Entries (Desgin Name and Designer), and the winner. I have been archiving all the information starting with Contest 6 to 12 and 14 through 38. I have created a document based on Onno Meyer's format bring together all the information I have. Unfortunately, there are some holes, like the designers of several entries and winner. If anyone having a subscription to the JTAS boards could drop by I would appreciate having the hles filled in. An alternate method is by dropping me an email asking for a copy of the history to edit. A third way, which I am not sure about, would be to post the document here and on the SJG forums to get some more help.

Any help will be appreciated,

Tom R