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MGT Only: Judge's Handbook II - now on Drivethru


We have just posted the all new Judge's Handbook II on Drivethru. You can grab your own copy here;


This book, like its predecessor, is a tool kit, a resource for both players and referees alike, with new rules and options for Judges as they struggle to bring order to their city or travel to protect its interests in distant locations.

There are rules for the generation of Specialist Judges from the Accounts and Administration Divisions, sixteen new specialist units or posting, equipment used by Specialist Judges, new vehicles and robots, an extensive list of NPC Judges, an updated timeline to cover 2031 to 2135, and observations on how recent disasters have affected the Justice Department. Finally, there are individuals and organisations who have appeared in 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine.

Prepare yourself for a new look at the Justice Department and many new options to make your Judges truly unique!