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Julianne E. Okeefe


SOC-14 5K
This is a character who briefly participated in Kafka's CotI LARP. She died (I think), but I'd grown fond of her and may well resurrect her for my own universe(s). Tell me what you think!

Character Description

Name: Julianne E. Okeefe Ph.D. other human female UWP=B7758C59
str dex end int edu soc
9 11 12 11 15 8 age: 34 apparent age: 34 University honors
grad NOTC Graduate School graduate honors
Homeworld: Tharver/Arconna/Gateway, Galian Federation
Home World: star port = B size = medium atmosphere = standard hydro = wet
population = moderate law = moderate government = char. oligarchy
tech level = early stellar
Career: Navy Reserve Fleet Engineering branch medic
Rank: O3 Lieutenant; MCUF & MCG
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 2, History - 3, Medical - 2, Archaeology - 1, Commo - 2, Acting - 1, Legal - 1, Handgun - 1, Vacc Suit - 2, Electronics - 1, Engineer - 1*, Liaison - 1, Robot Ops - 1, Ship Tactics - 1, Tactics - 1,

Property: Credits: 600
Traveller’s Aid Society, Cold Weather Clothing, TL 12 Continental Range Commo, Hand Computer, TL 12 Protective Mask, TL 12 Air Tanks*2, TL 10 Flashlight, TL 12 Computer Language Translator, TL-13 Gauss Pistol and 8 spare clips (2 explosive, 3 tranquilizer, 3 regular).

Julianne Enikaali Okeefe is a native of Tharver, in the Galian Federation. She served in the Galian Navy after college, having joined the NOTC as a way to pay for classes. She stayed on after finding that she liked it, and though she was selected for the Engineering branch, she has a wide range of skills and also improved her medical skills as well. One of her prime duties was on away team missions to planetary surfaces, helping with disaster relief, archaeological digs and any other tasks as might be needed, and this helped to resolve her determination to travel and see more of Charted Space than being in the Navy could bring.

At 6’2”, slim and blond, she would have cut quite the figure among the Navy Lifers – but she was more interested in her career than meeting someone and settling down. Additionally, she was as interested in her career as a documenter of the Galian Navy, and then the Imperial Navy as it related to Gateway domain. However, her duties and education were wide ranging as not only a Naval Historian and technician in the Engineering department, but also with training as a Paralegal in JAG and a Nurse in the Medical section.

Julianne managed to get sponsored into the TAS from the Galian Navy for her work as a historian, and used it to travel from Gateway to the Spinward Marches, usually working her way across the Imperium as a Registered Nurse or commo operator, in part because she always wanted to see the Zhodani Consulate, and in part because she wanted to travel the Imperium and get out of the Galian Federation before marriage (if she even does).

She is somewhat quiet in dress and manner, with her one extravagance being a pierced navel which she got while a sophomore in college. Her preference for accuracy does befit her very thorough education, however, though it belies a devilish sense of humor and a sophisticated mind.

*=The skill Engineer-1 replaces Fleet Tactics-1, to bring her skill set more in line with what I saw for her character.
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The two versions as I saw them...

Version 1


Version 2

Knowing what you and I know, we know that both would be equally applicable until she stripped down from the body cat suit and looked something like this...


or this...

censored by writ of Marc W. Miller

well, let us all say it made Mrs. Smith of the film of the same name...like plain Jane.
Why does her last name invoke memories of the late Star Wars D6 sourcebooks presented by "Platt Okeefe", the female Han Solo copy. ;)
Originally posted by Michael Brinkhues:
Why does her last name invoke memories of the late Star Wars D6 sourcebooks presented by "Platt Okeefe", the female Han Solo copy. ;)
Platt Okeefe has nothing on Julianne! ;)
I would like to mention that I've replaced the skill Fleet Tactics-1 with Engineer-1, to make her a more qualified Engineer.

If you want her the other way feel free to use her that way.

(no, no, no! not "that" way, that's not for you! She's not that kinda girl! *Starts, and then laughs, as Julianne slaps anyone who thought that*)
Here is my approximation of her in T20:

Str 12 Dex 15 Con 18 Int 18 Wis 16 Edu 18 Cha 18 Soc 12 BAB +4 BRB +2 BFB +2 BWB +6 (I'm not sure if I should add anything from her stats to these)
29000 XP Total 8th Level ex-Navy O3
Height 191 cm Weight 70 kg Light Load 19.3 kg Medium Load 38.7 kg Heavy Load 58.5 kg

Skills: Liaison +6 K/History 6 Gather Info 6 T/Comp 5 T/Engineer 4 T/Electronics 4 Sensors 4 Commo 4 Driving 4 Archaeology 4 Driving 4 Forward Observer 2

Feats: Wheeled Vehicle Ambidexterity EW Specialist Light Armor, Medium Armor, Vacsuit, Marksman, Lasers Proficiency Naval Connections Ship Tactics Fleet Tactics