OK I read somewhere in the forums in the last couple of days about military ships being able to control the duration of the jump they take. Which makes it possiable for a fleet to leave and arrive at basically the same time. That is all well and good, as having your fleet arrive 1 at a time seems pretty much tantamount to suicide as the potential for a waiting fleet to blow each ship up as they arrive is very real in a conflict. Now for my question does a ship entering Jump have to be facing the target arrival area. meaning if you jump and I will just use 1 solor system jumping as an example for clarity sakes. Jumping from Earth to Mars does the ship have to face Mars or could Mars be to the ships side or rear. I ask this as I was thinking that if you had to face the direction you were gonna jump, it would be a major disaster for an entire fleet to jump and all of them arrive with a Defending fleet waiting for them from behind. All ready to fire everything up the bum so to speak. I feel that jump should not matter a ship's facing, as a fleet jumping into a possiable combat zone would want all guns facing out in all directions then not all guns would need to be brought into bearing for the conflict only a percentage which would be based on fleet make up. Another question I just thought of what about mining potential arrival points ships jump in and hit mines and bang 1 less ship. I mean the idea of being able to mine an entire solor system could not be done but mining key arrival points could work for some systems based on positions.