Kel-Tec KSG 14 + 1 Pump Bull-Pup Tactical Shotgun
This bullpup pump-action shotgun has dual tube magazines that can hold a total of 14+1 rounds of ammunition. The KSG can only set to feed from the right or the left. Once the magazine is empty, the operator must use a manual switch to select the other magazine. This may appear at first glance to be disadvantage but for many people who live in areas where shotgun magazine capacity is limited by law, this feature, or lack of feature as the case may be, could allow them to legally possess the KSG.
Dave Chase
Kel-Tec KSG 14 + 1 Pump Bull-Pup Tactical Shotgun
This bullpup pump-action shotgun has dual tube magazines that can hold a total of 14+1 rounds of ammunition. The KSG can only set to feed from the right or the left. Once the magazine is empty, the operator must use a manual switch to select the other magazine. This may appear at first glance to be disadvantage but for many people who live in areas where shotgun magazine capacity is limited by law, this feature, or lack of feature as the case may be, could allow them to legally possess the KSG.
Dave Chase