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Keltec KSG Shotgun (cool design for Traveller ?)


SOC-14 1K

Kel-Tec KSG 14 + 1 Pump Bull-Pup Tactical Shotgun
This bullpup pump-action shotgun has dual tube magazines that can hold a total of 14+1 rounds of ammunition. The KSG can only set to feed from the right or the left. Once the magazine is empty, the operator must use a manual switch to select the other magazine. This may appear at first glance to be disadvantage but for many people who live in areas where shotgun magazine capacity is limited by law, this feature, or lack of feature as the case may be, could allow them to legally possess the KSG.


Dave Chase
Oh yeah.

Yeah, that one is nice. South African as I recall. That is for sure a TL-8 Shotgun kids. Ah the future, where things made to maim and hurt look even cooler. :devil:

Florida, USA actually.

Just came out during the SHOT show last year and just now reaching the open Market.

Dave Chase

Yes, quite. However perhaps you might want to research "Neostead"
The South African Neostead shotgun is nearly identical in concept. The magazines are over the barrell however, otherwise it's a precursor design and identical in function.
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Yes, quite. However perhaps you might want to research "Neostead"
The South African Neostead shotgun is nearly identical in concept. The magazines are over the barrell however, otherwise it's a precursor design and identical in function.

Ah, I see now.

That's what I get for getting wrapped up into local (State and local) things instead of paying attention to world wide things.


Thanks for pointing it out. But since it's not allowed in the U.S., is most likely why I missed it all these years.

Dave Chase
Perhaps we'll see a 4-tube version? :)

I actually did a little cut-n-paste to that effect but wasn't thrilled with the results. Also thinking a double barrel version of same might be an option... and of course double barrel quad magazine... :)
Reminds me of a gun I used to use in the Top Secret espionage roleplaying game in the 80's. I think it was only every built as a prototype. It was called the swatriplex. Bullpup, two 9 round tube mags. I can't google R/N it because I am at the public library and they have blocked sites about weapons for my safety. (Can't wait to get my internet back.)

The most interesting thing to me is that, while the Keltec KSG (and the Truvelo NS-2000 "NeoStead", and the UTS-15) are pump-action, the SWATriplex was semi-auto... so in that aspect it is STILL ahead of its later imitators!