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Lab ship alternatives


Fired up a new game of MgT with some old friends last night and one of the characters managed to roll up both a lab ship (as a Scholar/Field Researcher) and a scout ship (after four terms in the Scouts, various branches). While it's not a direction I'd thought to prepare for, I'm rolling with it conceptually.

(The noble-level SS field scholar, Edu D, has levels archaeology, languages, and various other sciences. In MTU, which is a cluster that humans came to several centuries ago as refugees, went through a dark age, and not all of the original refugee colonies have been found. Alien race native to the cluster but only starfaring after human contact next door to the area I'd planned to start the game. Long time Travellers have probably already guessed where I'm going to go with this. :) )

What I've been pondering is the idea that this is an older or perhaps surplus Scout vessel that's been refitted as a flying lab, rather than a purpose-built research ship. I'm up in the air about it being one capable of landing; likewise about armed vs. unarmed. I do like the performance of the lab ship (J2/2G), but thinking that 400 tons might be on the large size for them. (Small polities = mostly small ship TU; max TL is 13, btw.)

Options I'm mulling are a modified version of the Donosev; a converted far trader; a converted fat trader (I have a "long trader" variant upgraded to J2 floating around somewhere); or designing something from scratch in the 200-400 ton range. Perhaps a one-off prototype vessel that didn't pan out and was sold off, perhaps originally to be scrapped. Or a previous generation survey vessel that's been retired and then acquired by a scientific research foundation.

I have looked at the 300-ton heavy exploration scout on one of the deckplan sites, but that doesn't really fit the "lab ship" motif I'm looking for.

Suggestions, recommendations, ideas, please!

There's a Type-R lab ship conversion in the Chamax double adventure.

Walt Smith's website has a 600 dTon lab ship too.

A character rolling up a Lab Ship and a Scout Ship just screams Scout Survey Ship to me. From memory, 400tons, jump 3?, a modular cutter and two modules (fuel? and survey), 3 air/rafts and a survey G-carrier, lots of long range sensors. Ugly to some but certainly with character. The class name escapes me at the moment. No idea if Mongoose has statted it up yet.
A character rolling up a Lab Ship and a Scout Ship just screams Scout Survey Ship to me. From memory, 400tons, jump 3?, a modular cutter and two modules (fuel? and survey), 3 air/rafts and a survey G-carrier, lots of long range sensors. Ugly to some but certainly with character. The class name escapes me at the moment. No idea if Mongoose has statted it up yet.
Donosev class scout survey (may be mispelled )
Bill - I'd forgotten about that in Chamax. To my CT CD!

Far-trader and morfydd - yes, the fact that he did two terms in Exploration followed by two terms in Survey before mustering out made me think of the Donosev right away. And the closest thing to a gun-bunny in the group is an ex-Army cavalryman/Agent(corporate) with Sensors-3 as his highest skill - yeah, a survey ship sounds a lot better fit than the usual Type L.

(And can we talk about just how chock-full of goodness the World Builder's Handbook was? Yes, I know it was in Grand Survey first, but still..)

Lensman - will take a look at your design tomorrow as well, thanks for offering it up!
(And can we talk about just how chock-full of goodness the World Builder's Handbook was? Yes, I know it was in Grand Survey first, but still..)

Only half was... the other half is from Grand Census.
A character rolling up a Lab Ship and a Scout Ship just screams Scout Survey Ship to me. From memory, 400tons, jump 3?, a modular cutter and two modules (fuel? and survey), 3 air/rafts and a survey G-carrier, lots of long range sensors. Ugly to some but certainly with character. The class name escapes me at the moment. No idea if Mongoose has statted it up yet.

Mongoose has a couple of different ships that might fit the bill in Book: 3 Scout. The Type FS Survey Scout "Far Reach" and Thehe "Fat" Surveyor just to name a couple.
Mongoose has a couple of different ships that might fit the bill in Book: 3 Scout. The Type FS Survey Scout "Far Reach" and Thehe "Fat" Surveyor just to name a couple.

Ooo, we may have found a winner. Well, actually neither of the two you mentioned really struck me as a good match for what I had in mind, but the very first ship mentioned in that book does: the SX "Frontiersman" with a lab module looks just about perfect. 150 tons, with 50 of that meant to carry 50-ton modules, good computer, upgraded sensors. It's basically a slightly inflated Sulieman built to carry the modules (of which there are many, many variants). The lab module can also be separated from the main ship, either in space or planetside. I'll see what it looks like after tweaking a bit - may cut the J-drive down a bit as the TL cap IMTU is 13, so J4 is pretty heady stuff - but this looks like a really really nice ship for a science team.
Whoops. Duh. The type SX is J2x2, not J4. Much more reasonable for MTU as-is.

The SX and many of it's variants just looks like a really cool ship for smallish PC group, period.

This dosn't answer the question you asked. It was just something I happened to be musing on this afternoon. Maybe I should start a thread about this somewhere else.

There are radio signal floating all over the galaxy, carrying messages from 1000's of years ago. There are scientific teams chasing these loose threads of past civilizations, trying to put together a fuller picture. Of course in the process they may well come accross something more recent ... something they can not ignore...

You don't have to use this, but it seemed right for your group as you described them.
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