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Law Levels, Contraband, and your campaign


My campaign is getting to the point where the group is visiting worlds where the law levels deem certain things that they usually like to carry around with them as restricted/illegal items and I was wondering how others handle this. I know that some answers may depend on the specific law level and government type as well as the items we are talking about, but any guidance you can provide would be helpful.

1. Do you tell the group what is and isn't allowed specifically or just tell them what they would know from the UWP and let them figure it out? And if a patron gives them a mission that could entail combat, would they be allowed to take weapons (assuming the patron is part of the government)?

2. At what point are they "breaking the law": If they leave their ship with an illegal item, when they leave the berthing area, or when they leave the starport? And would they typically get a warning first and given an opportunity to return to the ship with the item? (Though that would probably depend on the item...)

3. How diligent would local authorities be on searching/checking people? Is it like airport security where they scan and frisk you or more like "he doesn't seem to be carrying an autocannon" type once over?

4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?
My campaign is getting to the point where the group is visiting worlds where the law levels deem certain things that they usually like to carry around with them as restricted/illegal items and I was wondering how others handle this. I know that some answers may depend on the specific law level and government type as well as the items we are talking about, but any guidance you can provide would be helpful.

1. Do you tell the group what is and isn't allowed specifically or just tell them what they would know from the UWP and let them figure it out? And if a patron gives them a mission that could entail combat, would they be allowed to take weapons (assuming the patron is part of the government)?

MY personal answer (what I'd do if I was the referee):

In general, I'd tell them the Law Level and they would know what it means. For specifics, I'd answer any question I think they could easily find in their librery data, if they care to ask.

As for allowing them to carry weapons, if their patron is afro mgovernment, and a overnment sactioned operation, I'd say they will probably be given weapon permits (unless doulble rossing them, of course).

2. At what point are they "breaking the law": If they leave their ship with an illegal item, when they leave the berthing area, or when they leave the starport?

I'd say that in high traffic starports, where many trade is conducted (let's say Starport clases A and B), when leaving the extrality zone, in lesser controled starports, where it's likely local authorities also double as starport authority, when taking the ilegal ítem out of the ship whle usable (so is, not to transship it to a buyer, to give you an example)

And would they typically get a warning first and given an opportunity to return to the ship with the item? (Though that would probably depend on the item...)

It would depend on the ítem and how do they try to take it out of extrality zone. If they ask if it's legal to take it out, of course, they would be answered that no and given the opportunity to return it to the ship, if they try to hide it, they'd be assumed smugglers.

3. How diligent would local authorities be on searching/checking people? Is it like airport security where they scan and frisk you or more like "he doesn't seem to be carrying an autocannon" type once over?

That would depend on many factors, as law level, readiness state (if they are acing a seccurity problema, as now it's felt in airports, searching would be thougher than in a quiet zone), population, government class, etc...

4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?

That would depend more or less on the same factors as above plus others as "bad guys'" buget, contacts, etc...
My campaign is getting to the point where the group is visiting worlds where the law levels deem certain things that they usually like to carry around with them as restricted/illegal items and I was wondering how others handle this. I know that some answers may depend on the specific law level and government type as well as the items we are talking about, but any guidance you can provide would be helpful.

1. Do you tell the group what is and isn't allowed specifically or just tell them what they would know from the UWP and let them figure it out? And if a patron gives them a mission that could entail combat, would they be allowed to take weapons (assuming the patron is part of the government)?
I would let it depend on whether or not they choose to have their characters do the research when they are approaching or arrive on world. I would guess that most starports have an info-net that apprises travellers (and ship's captains) of local regulations.

Whether or not a government patron would allow weapons outside local law levels will largely depend on the local government and the authority of the patron in question. Law Levels are largely the regulations for private ownership and/or carrying in public by private citizens and/or travellers (and actually, the law could be different for each of those two groups - remember, the UWP Law Level is largely as an indicator as to what travellers are likely to encounter).

2. At what point are they "breaking the law": If they leave their ship with an illegal item, when they leave the berthing area, or when they leave the starport? And would they typically get a warning first and given an opportunity to return to the ship with the item? (Though that would probably depend on the item...)
The starport is extraterritorial - meaning that it is not under the local law level of the world (people and property are under Imperial Law and regulations as long as they are within the confines of the starport. Since ports exist to foster trade (both to/from the world as well as trade "passing thru" to the next world), Starports are not typically in the habit of enforcing high law levels. Various publications concerning starports have suggested an average law level of 3 for Imperial ports regarding weapons (mostly to make sure that local starport security forces will not be "outgunned" by travellers).

If they try to leave the starport and cross the extrality line onto the world with forbidden items, however, they are in trouble.

3. How diligent would local authorities be on searching/checking people? Is it like airport security where they scan and frisk you or more like "he doesn't seem to be carrying an autocannon" type once over?
That would probably depend on the local law level. Law Level is also a measure of the enforcement level, not just a definition of what is contraband. Personally, I like the general idea found in the DGP supplements for MT (and potentially in MgT as well based on their Law Level Table) of having different law levels for different categories, and creating an "extended Law Level string" for a world. I then make the Law Level in the UWP the enforcement level exclusively.

So a world could have a UWP Law Level of 1, but (for example) have a Weapon Law Level of 9 (i.e. - most weapons are illegal to own, and are not permitted outside the home at any rate - they just don't enforce it much unless there is a problem). Or, it could have a UWP Law Level of 9, but have a Weapon Law Level of 1 (i.e. - they have very liberal weapon carry / ownership laws on the planet - but don't you DARE get caught with the few categories that they do restrict, or you are in BIG trouble).

4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?
That would really depend on the individual world in question.
'pends on where they are. on pagaton if someone walks out of the starport with a slung rifle no-one will even notice. in the glisten starport if someone steps out of their ship with any weapon at all they're arrested by the bots and the ship is locked down until a full investigation is completed.

most systems are used to incoming visitors and 1) are very up-front with what they expect and 2) will be experienced at dealing with those who "just don't get it".

What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?

if the system population is a corporate colony with controlled jump ingress then very low. if the system population is an organic self-supporting self-developed multi-faction entity with uncontrolled jump ingress then very high. and everything in between. consider the yakuza in japan, a collection of well-armed crazy 88's in the midst of one of the more tightly controlled cultures on this planet.
4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?

I forgot before: depending also on who the "bad guys" are. If they are a terrorist group, a crime syndicate or corrupt police/army (just to give some examples), they are quite likely to have good weapons (and probably some armor), regardless the Law level. If they are a young thugs band, they are quite less likely to have them. And you have all the in betweens...
1. Do you tell the group what is and isn't allowed specifically or just tell them what they would know from the UWP and let them figure it out? And if a patron gives them a mission that could entail combat, would they be allowed to take weapons (assuming the patron is part of the government)?

This depends on how much you have been doing before. Traveller PCs are kinda assumed to have been out travelling the universe since at least 18. They are going to be used to varying laws and rules depending on which planet they set down on. In my mind, the Characters are not going to be cavalier about such things. If the Players are cavalier about such things, it is because it hasn't been enforced up 'til now. Thus I'd give them a heads up before they made such a mistake (mistake of going out with a banned item, not retroactively change where they've gone or what job they've taken because they didn't know they would have to do it without their favorite _____).

If their patron specifically expects them to use violence in the fixing of whatever "problem" they are being hired to solve, they would be stupid not to think about what kind of weapons could be used. If the PCs get caught with illegal weapons, it could come back on the patron. Of course, if the Patron trusts the PCs to think of these things...

2. At what point are they "breaking the law": If they leave their ship with an illegal item, when they leave the berthing area, or when they leave the starport? And would they typically get a warning first and given an opportunity to return to the ship with the item? (Though that would probably depend on the item...)

It depends on both the planet and how you like to run your game universe, and I would think that any planet which normally experiences interstellar trade would think of these things, and the rules would be broadcast as a attachment with any landing vector.

3. How diligent would local authorities be on searching/checking people? Is it like airport security where they scan and frisk you or more like "he doesn't seem to be carrying an autocannon" type once over?

Depends on whether they've recently had a 9-11, are in a War On Drugs, or otherwise have a reason to be extra deligent.

4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?

Probably the same likelihood as criminals would in the real world. Lots of people would have pistols, a lot less would have armor, or weapons to circumvent armor.
First, I am joining generally in McPerth and more specifically with whulorigan in their answers. I would reiterate that customs, as such, will be at the XT line, as long as they are headed through the starport. If they try to bypass the starport, then they are in local jurisdiction inside 100 diameters, exclusively-so inside 10 diameters.
4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?

To the already put out answers I would add that its not just whether (almost any criminal is likely to have an "illegal weapon,") but also a mater of what illegal weapons and armor they are likely to have. This will also be a faction of LL. The higher the LL, the less likely lasers, grenades, etc. will show up, but at the same time lesser weapons (which are illegal at that LL) may. A low LL world, like 3, where full auto weapons are illegal is much more likely, as I read it, to have such weapons as a LL 12 world would be.

Factor into this the likelihood of making or smuggling the item in question. A few illegal rounds for an otherwise legal weapon, vs. an autocannon. In the LL 12 world, there may be locally-manufactured guns (e.g. zipguns) with some of the local criminals, where a LL 5 world would more likely have contraband pistols than zipguns.

My Cr .02
If they get a visit from the customs patrol in orbit they get advised as to the legality of what they are carrying.

At the XT line of the Starport there is a gate with starport security on one side and local security on the other with a big sign with simple icons and several languages detailing prohibited items. (Think a realworld border crossing point).

Also within the starport carrying weapons outside the immediate vicinity of your ship is frowned upon.

Likewise library data and guidebooks on the local internet will advise whats legal to carry or use, what not to wear and where to eat. But only if someone thinks to consult them.
I think the RAW basically suggests that you use the Law Level itself as a target number to beat to avoid investigation/scrutiny/entanglements - the higher the law level, the harder it is to avoid getting investigated, even if you aren't doing anything wrong.

For what it is worth, I also don't treat the XT zone as a LL0, running off the old "average Imperial planet" model I generally view Starports as being LL7 - even on planets where the planetary LL is lower. The SPA really doesn't want people running around with PGMP's or Autocannons on the docks, even if the planet lets them do it elsewhere.

Here's what A Festive Occasion says about weapons laws inside and outside the extrality fence on Mora:

• Mora’s law level requires all PCs to leave behind personal firearms if they leave the extrality area. Inside, personal firearms may be carried, provided a license has been acquired, but no assault weapons, submachine guns, or heavier weapons. Acquiring a license upon arrival on Mora requires a skill check:
• Check: Admin + Social Standing, Routine (+2); if the character was a member of the Imperial Army, Marines, Navy or Scouts, the check becomes Easy (+4).​
A check takes 1D6 working days (Wonday, Tuday, Triday, Forday and Fiday are working days, Sixday and Senday are not), half that (rounded up) for former members of the Imperial Army, Marines, Navy or Scouts.

The only weaponry allowed outside the extrality fence (regardless of licenses) are: stunners; small blades (larger blades if of appropriate social status or career background); and clubs or similar.​

My campaign is getting to the point where the group is visiting worlds where the law levels deem certain things that they usually like to carry around with them as restricted/illegal items and I was wondering how others handle this. I know that some answers may depend on the specific law level and government type as well as the items we are talking about, but any guidance you can provide would be helpful.

1. Do you tell the group what is and isn't allowed specifically or just tell them what they would know from the UWP and let them figure it out? And if a patron gives them a mission that could entail combat, would they be allowed to take weapons (assuming the patron is part of the government)?

2. At what point are they "breaking the law": If they leave their ship with an illegal item, when they leave the berthing area, or when they leave the starport? And would they typically get a warning first and given an opportunity to return to the ship with the item? (Though that would probably depend on the item...)

3. How diligent would local authorities be on searching/checking people? Is it like airport security where they scan and frisk you or more like "he doesn't seem to be carrying an autocannon" type once over?

4. What is the likelihood that "bad guys" on the planet would have illegal weapons or armor?

Are you looking for responses strictly within the official Universe, or including responses based on individual's views of their own Traveller Universe?
Are you looking for responses strictly within the official Universe, or including responses based on individual's views of their own Traveller Universe?

Both, but I guess more on the "official" side.

Thank you for all the feedback. So far they have only taken their weapons/armor with them while roaming around on Theev so it hasn't been an issue yet. Other planets they visited they had only cloth armor, blades, and at most some slug pistols. But they are about to embark on a journey that will take them to a variety of worlds and I want to make sure I handle it in an appropriate manner.
This is one of the reasons I like to have characters with at least one level of Shotgun (and you really don't need any more): it's the last firearm to be forbidden. After that, it gets Iron Age....
We (games I play in) don't role play every minute of the characters daily life. Some things are assumed. Sometimes if there is nothing specific happening during that time, we will even skip right over the week in jump space. So even if they don't specifically ask, I'd expect a traveller to check the warnings in their travel brochure and know the things that a typical traveller to a location should know. Depending on the world, it is possible they don't know much or the information they have is incomplete or even inaccurate.

The person who wants to carry weapons would likely check what restrictions there are before arrival or at the star port. As GM, I'd point this out if I thought the player was overlooking something. I wouldn't penalize the player/character any more than I would a player not properly describing their skilled stewards preparation of the meal. "Everyone gets food poisoning because you did not cook the meat properly."

Speaking of the star port, IMTU some helpful star port official or even a passing traveler will likely point out an obvious faux pas like carrying a weapon that is illegal locally. On many worlds you will likely have a customs check run by the locals as you leave the star port.

As with most things, for me it is situational and varies.

Just because something is "legal" doesn't mean a 5 year old can get one as a prize in the claw machine.

In many places in the real world it is 100% legal to own a hunting rifle but you may need to register it and/or have a permit. It's rare to see someone with a rifle outside of hunting season in many places although it's legal.

Check your gun at the door.

"What do you think you are doing bringing your gun into the day care!"

My point is that while something is legal, there may be restrictions such as age, permits, location, or local customs.

The mongoose central supply catalogue has a section on law level, permits, and prohibited items.
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Just because something is "legal" doesn't mean a 5 year old can get one as a prize in the claw machine.

In many places in the real world it is 100% legal to own a hunting rifle but you may need to register it and/or have a permit. It's rare to see someone with a rifle outside of hunting season in many places although it's legal.

Check your gun at the door.

"What do you think you are doing bringing your gun into the day care!"

My point is that while something is legal, there may be restrictions such as age, permits, location, or local customs.

Perhaps a simple solution (with variations from world to world) would be to say that "locals" (i.e. citizens) may own a weapon with a corresponding permit for weapons restricted at LL 'minus 2', but may only have them in their place of residence or on their own property, and may "carry" (open or concealed) weapons with an appropriate permit at LL 'minus 1'.
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