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Letter Frequency for Sectors?


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
As it says on the tin. Has anyone calculated the letter frequencies in the world names on a sector-by-sector basis?

So for example, more-or-less Vargr sectors, more-or-less Imperial sectors, more-or-less Vilani Imperial sectors, more-or-less Zhodani sectors?

I assume "generic Imperial" worlds are more or less English-letter-frequency. But I expect Vargr sectors and Zhodani sectors and Vilani sectors to be different.
Out of curiosity I wrote a script to calculate letter frequencies from several 'typical' sectors: Aldebaran(Solamani), Core(Sylean), Gushemege, Gvurrdon(Vargr), Iwahfuah(Aslan), Vland(Vilani) and Zhdat(Zhodani).

   Alde Core Gush Gvur Iwah Spin Vlan Zhda
A   274  511  458  360  590  293  582  543
B    35   36   49    2    1   50   48  104
C    56   29   72    8    0   80    8   97
D    64  149  104   99    1   93  131  236
E   202  203  301  398  395  305  181  419
F    14   14   39   49   32   31   19   81
G    48  128   92  309    1   65  139    1
H    60  200  214  218  298   80  194  280
I   180  429  279   72  352  209  362  526
J     7    3   19    5    1   18    5   71
K    30  202  128  216  137   34  247   68
L   111  150  199  164  187  138  152  366
M    71  175  121    2    2   76  144   31
N   150  221  234  208    6  245  264  244
O   123   86  183  280  224  198  134  114
P    31   43   53    8    0   52   43  116
Q     3    3    4    4    0   14    1   45
R   171  273  240  266  156  247  270  321
S   102  250  238  142  100  123  218  215
T    94   72  170  109  125  148  108  244
U    79  324  230  282  130   94  227    3
V    34   27   32   65    1   26   30  142
W    16    9   33    0   90   34    9    0
X     6   11    7    0    0   15    2    0
Y    28   18   74    2  201   50   12   22
Z    18   30   23  149    0   27   77  191