What are the stats for the fully loaded version (with full sensors and comps) and the fully armed Scout version?
There aren't specific stats, but in CT Supp 7 it mentions that Detached Duty Scouts have a sort of additional crew lounge as a result of the removal of either extra commo equipment -- in the case of Scouts that previously served in the Communications Branch -- or else in place of additional sensors removed when a Scout is detached from the Exploration Branch.
S7 also mentions that Seekers try to retain the original Scout sensor suite to assist in prospecting.
In neither case are any particular specs or game rules provided, so I always assumed it was covered under the "military" grade sensor ranges Scouts typically enjoy compared to "commercial" sensors.
Also note that IMTU, the Type S comes with a Model/2 as standard equipment, in lieu of the nearly-useless Model/1bis specified in canon...
Also note that in active service, as evidenced from a variety of sources, the CT Type S traditionally mounts only a dual turret, not a triple one; this is probably a nod to HG2, since under B5, a Type S only has 2 EP to power weapons. Or else it may just be a vestigial tradition, like Marines' Cutlass training and all that. Or perhaps the IISS are a bunch of cheapskates. Go figure. A triple would certainly
fit on that hardpoint with no problem.
It is also noted in S7 that Scouts on Dispatch Duty typically mount one beam laser and one missile rack (an absurd weapons fit for the Model/1bis to try and operate, but there you go), while Scouts on Exploration Duty typically mount twin missile racks; Detached Duty Scouts are provided unarmed, of course (no explicit mention of whether they retain their now-empty dual turrets or not -- but IMTU I'm a big fan of Solomani-style fixed mounts, myself).
Lastly, in the early days of the dead-tree JTAS, and prior to the full write-up of the Xboat system, there was a mention of a "Courier variant" of the Type S: it gutted the 3 dton cargo hold, two of the staterooms, and the air/raft in order to cram in about 15 dtons more fuel and thus extend the ship's unrefuelled Jump range (2 consecutive Jump-2s, with 3 weeks on the powerplant, for example). No specific mention of computer or weaponry; you'd have to lose the fire control if you wanted to upgrade the computer, as near as I can figure. This variant was later dropped from the canon with the design of the whole (somewhat problematic in its own way) Xboat system, and may have been the prototype of what later emerged in canon as the Type J conversion.