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Magyar Sector in the Rim War


Peer of the Realm
Thanks to the help of a lot of people on this board, I've developed a sort of wargame to simulate the Imperial invasion of Magyar sector during the Solomani Rim War. I undertook this as a thought experiment: could one string together the limited bits of canon and construct a coherent, believable narrative of this campaign?

For the curious, I've been documenting my progress over on my blog:

At this point I'm probably about a third of the way through the campaign; I'll be posting new installments every Wednesday until I'm done.
Wargaming the Battles of Anerin and Aequus

With the Anise system in hand, Admiral Kemper formed two Imperial task forces from heavy elements of the 4th Fleet. While she remained in Anise with a large reserve force to await reinforcements from Ultima subsector, one task force jumped into the Anerin (2706) system while the second jumped into the Hyalin (2602), then known as Aequus, system. Both were exactly the sort of targets her plan called for: high population mainworlds with good starports.

Wargaming the Battles of Anerin and Aequus (https://greatdungeonnorth.blogspot.com/2017/06/wargaming-battles-of-anerin-and-aequus.html)
The Dootchen Estates, supremely confident in its own military prowess and long isolated from the fighting of the Rim War, did not feel particularly threatened by the Imperial invasion of Anise subsector. After all, in over 3,000 years of recorded history no foreign army had ever set foot on the capital world of Tralp (Magyar 1913). The government of the Estates had even sent two divisions of armored infantry and two regiments of the elite Aazlantrope into the Solomani Rim to assist the Confederation. They would soon regret that decision.

Wargaming the Raid on Tralp (https://greatdungeonnorth.blogspot.com/2017/07/wargaming-raid-on-tralp.html)
Wargaming the Battle of Austa

The Austa system (Magyar 2503) represented the last high population world in Anise subsector that had been untouched by Admiral Kemper's Magyar offensive. In 1000 the mainworld was the highest population world in the entire sector, with 90 billion inhabitants. A second major world, Geaamshuu, had over 2 billion inhabitants. . . . Austa's enormous population supported formidable defenses, including 24 separate wings of system defense boats and a squadron of large planetoid monitors. The great dilemma that faced the Austan commanders, though, was how best to defend settlements dispersed so widely across the system.
