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Makara's Sea Adventure in the Solis People of the Sun Universe


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award 2022


Makara's Sea is a region of space in Capricorn, centered around Psi Capricorni, approx 15 parsecs (50 light years) distant. I also made an adventure where one takes a couple of "Exploration Frigates" and starting at Delta Capricorni, on the edge of human space, and makes a round about journey through the zone until getting back at UGPMF 576. Using random tables from the Cepheus Engine SRD, generate planets for a "planet of the week" sort of adventure, with high replay or solo play-ability.

Included is a large 300 dpi accurate map of the stars, and an encounter table, to be used in conjunction with the random encounters, and world generation in the Cepheus Engine SRD by Jason Kemp. While set in the Solis People of the Sun universe, it is a stand alone adventure, however if one wishes to locate it there, it is off the right hand side of Fomalhaut.
Someone asked about what I would use with this, solo, however I think this list would work fine either way.
Depending on system, I would use the Cepheus Engine SRD by Jason Kemp:


and either Mongoose 1e Zhodani:


Broadsword from Classic Traveller:


The 800ton Exploration Frigate in Makara's Sea is a drop in replacement for a Broadsword; and the Zhodani can work as the Sidereals (call the "Science of the Mind" cultists, or something), also that the Strike Cruiser in either book, that is a random event from the table, is included in either supplement. I would probably follow the mission of jump in system with the two scout corps frigates, and roll up a planet randomly, while checking for encounters.

Here is a scout career also: https://www.travellerrpg.com/index.php?threads/scout-career.43072/

I think also one could find a map from online, and go exploring, maybe with some sort of random occurrence, though I don't know how well that would work out solo. Encountering ship though, or aliens, like in the original Star Trek, I wouldn't necessarily assume they are hostile, maybe work out a morale roll, or use the reaction table.